Package: abrowser
Description-md5: b20b31628c843d4d2c719a6c5ab9a83d
Description-ro: metapackage for the unbranded abrowser
 ABrowser is an unbranded version of the popular Firefox webbrowser; it is
 written in the XUL language and designed to be lightweight and cross-
 Acesta este un meta-pachet, care va urmări cea mai recentă versiune de
 abrowser disponibilă pentru distribuția dumneavoastră. Nu îl eliminați,
 dacă doriți să primiți în mod automat actualizări importante de versiune
 pentru acest pachet.

Package: aisleriot
Description-md5: 6648ddf4a02b6fc839ef819d1867cb82
Description-ro: Joc de cărți Solitaire
 Colecție de peste 80 jocuri de cărți de tip Solitaire. O gamă variată, de
 la favorite ca Freecell și Klondike până la Clock Patience.

Package: akonadi-server
Description-md5: f0d154359680b8a18ab5b1cecf8e428c
Description-ro: Serviciul de stocare a informațiilor personale Akonadi
 Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
 (PIM) storage service.  It provides a common framework for applications to
 store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
 This package contains the Akonadi PIM storage server and associated

Package: amarok
Description-md5: 16d6eca6cf2e7d44bed77a08b5b594f6
Description-ro: easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform
 Amarok este un program de redare a muzicii cu o interfață intuitivă. Va
 reda și descoperi muzica preferată intr-un mod mult mai ușor decât până
 acum! Amarok se bazează pe platforma Qt4 / KDE4 și se integrează bine în
 desktopul KDE.
 Much work has been invested into integrating Amarok 2 with various Web services:
   - Ampache
   - Jamendo Service
   - Librivox
   - MP3tunes
   - Magnatune
   - OPML Podcast Directory
 Amarok comes with a lot of features including but not limited to:
   - Scripts - enhance your Amarok experience with community developed scripts.
   - Dynamic Playlists - create playlists that automatically update.
   - Context View - customize interface with the Plasma powered Context View.
   - PopUp Dropper - simplify drag&drop actions with revolutionary menu system.
   - Multiple Language Translations
   - Collection Management - organizing your music collection has never been
     easier with Amarok's powerful tagging, renaming, and sorting abilities.
   - Database Importing - import collections from Amarok 1.4 or iTunes.
   - Scriptable Services - integrate other web services into Amarok.

Package: amarok-utils
Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9
Description-ro: Utilitare pentru media player Amarok
 This package contains command line utilities that are typically used by
 Amarok media player but might also be useful on systems without Amarok
 installed. They are designed to be lightweight as they do not depend on
 KDE libraries.
 Currently the package contains the following utilities:
   - amarokcollectionscanner - scans audio files, collects information from
     file tags and prints it in the structured XML format.
   - amarok_afttagger - a helper program which writes/removes custom tags
     to/from media files required for embedded "Amarok File Tracking".

Package: amor
Description-md5: 1f144b021cd42ac0c3b18a4e0eaa1309
Description-ro: Utilitar pentru mediul desktop KDE 4
 AMOR, or Amusing Misuse Of Resources, displays an animated character who
 wanders about the screen, doing tricks and giving the occasional hint.
 This package is part of the KDE 4 toys module.

Package: apache2-mpm-event
Description-md5: a80d3fe69689b28f8aea325690e6e8f5
Description-ro: Apache HTTP Server - event driven model
 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web
 server binary, compiled with a different processing model.
 MPM-ul „event” (bazat pe evenimente) este proiectat pentru a permite
 tratarea simultană a mai multor cereri, prin procesarea unor sarcini în
 fire de execuție secundare, eliberând firele principale și permițându-le
 să se ocupe de cereri noi. Este în mod special potrivit site-urilor cu o
 pondere mare a traficului KeepAlive.
 This MPM is experimental and less tested than the worker and prefork MPMs.

Package: apache2-mpm-prefork
Description-md5: 176c61a82dfd04a8e0bdb0bf3825ab27
Description-ro: Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model
 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web
 server binary, compiled with a different processing model.
 MPM-ul „prefork” pune la dispoziție o implementare fără fire de execuție,
 cu pre-fork, care tratează cererile într-o manieră similară cu Apache 1.3.
 Nu este atât de rapid ca modelele multi-fir, dar este considerat a fi mai
 stabil. Este potrivit pentru site-urile care trebuie să mențină
 compatibilitatea cu biblioteci care nu sunt stabile în contextul firelor
 de execuție și este cel mai bun MPM în privința izolării fiecărei cereri
 în parte, astfel încât o problemă cu o singură cerere nu le va afecta pe

Package: apache2-mpm-worker
Description-md5: 5c9df5383d0a2631ae15ced2ca0389d7
Description-ro: Apache HTTP Server - high speed threaded model
 Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of web
 server binary, compiled with a different processing model.
 MPM-ul „worker” pune la dispoziție implementarea implicită bazată pe fire
 de execuție. Este recomandat în special pentru situri cu trafic ridicat,
 deoarece este mai rapid și are o utilizare a memoriei mai redusă decât
 MPM-ul „prefork” tradiţional.

Package: apache2.2-bin
Description-md5: a99a5e28b18db91922ca15fab5acb2b3
Description-ro: Fișiere comune în sistem binar pentru server Apache HTTP
 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and
 extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The
 result has long been the number one web server on the Internet.
 Acest pachet conține toate datele binare, dar niciun script de configurare
 sau suport. Pentru a obține un server independent, trebuie să instalați
 unul dintre pachetele apache2-mpm-*, cum ar fi worker sau prefork. Alte
 pachete, precum gnome-user-share, pot fi deja preconfigurate pentru server

Package: apache2.2-common
Description-md5: 214ca4adfc4cb3d8083d736c7fe47647
Description-ro: Apache HTTP Server common files
 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and
 extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The
 result has long been the number one web server on the Internet.
 Acest pachet conține scripturile de configurare și suport. Totuși, el *nu*
 conține și serverul în sine; pentru acesta, trebuie să instalați unul
 dintre pachetele apache2-mpm-*, precum worker sau prefork.

Package: app-install-data-partner
Description-md5: 61a3a984760f64a77423188997d5601e
Description-ro: Instalator aplicații (fișier de date pentru aplicații terțe/depozite)
 A pretty application installer.
 Acest pachet conține fișiere de date pentru aplicații terțe și depozite
 disponibile în gnomme-app-install.

Package: aptdaemon
Description-md5: 7641c8690f3bfd480a1b5637fcfb1353
Description-ro: transaction based package management service
 Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g.
 refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing
 software packages.
 În această versiune sunt implementate următoarele facilități principale:
  - Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows to
    write clients in several languages
  - Runs only if required (D-Bus activation)
  - Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all
    desktop user to query for updates without entering a password
  - Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM
  - Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system)
  - Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call
 This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to
 run the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a
 command line client for aptdaemon.

Package: ark
Description-md5: 6c99427873739455288cf45017d282e6
Description-ro: archive utility for KDE 4
 Ark administrează diferite tipuri de arhive precum tar, gzip, bzip2, rar
 și zip. Poate fi utlizat pentru navigare, extragere, creare și modificare
 de arhive.
 This package is part of the KDE 4 utilities module.

Package: arora
Description-md5: d4bb160d3b16ade0fc86695bd216445d
Description-ro: Navigator web simplu ce poate fi folosit pe platforme de calcul diferite
 simple webkit based webbrowser using Qt toolkit. Originally based on the
 Qt demo browser to show the possibilities of Qt Webkit. Arora is a very
 basic browser that supports history and bookmarks.

Package: autopkgtest
Description-md5: 9421ba0f749164954a5204809c1b610c
Description-ro: program pentru testarea pachetelor Debian instalate pe sisteme de încercare
 autopkgtest testează pachete executabile. Aceste teste sunt efectuate pe
 sisteme de încercare (care pot fi obținute prin virtualizare sau printr-un
 sistem „container”. Testele sunt de regulă incluse în pachetele
 corespondente cu surse Debian.
 Consultați adt-run(1) și /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest. Pentru utilizare
 aveți nevoie, de regulă, de apt-ftparchive din pachetul apt-utils.
 Utilizarea adt-virt-xenlvm necesită, de asemenea, pachetul autopkgtest-
 xenlvm; Utilizarea scriptului brut adt-testreport-onepackage necesită

Package: bash
Description-md5: 82836500b5a514df81f56f5dc639231c
Description-ro: GNU Bourne Again SHell
 Bash este un intepretor pentru limbaje de comenzi compatibil cu sh ce
 execută comenzi introduse direct sau citite dintr-un fișier. Bash,
 deasemenea, include facilități din interpretoarele Korn și C (ksh și csh).
 Bash intenționează să fie o implementare conform specificației IEEE POSIX
 Shell and Tools (IEEE Working Group 1003.2).
 Codul pentru completare programabilă de Ian Macdonald se găsește în
 pachetul bash-completion.

Package: bash-doc
Description-md5: 87bcd31a74f29447890330d831edb1f7
Description-ro: Documentation and examples for the The GNU Bourne Again SHell
 Bash este un intepretor pentru limbaje de comenzi compatibil cu sh ce
 execută comenzi introduse direct sau citite dintr-un fișier. Bash,
 deasemenea, include facilități din interpretoarele Korn și C (ksh și csh).
 This package contains the distributable documentation, all the examples
 and the main changelog.

Package: bin86
Description-md5: ab9b02e844161c194a3566d31fb8a4ab
Description-ro: program de asamblare și încărcare pentru arhitectura x86 pe 16 biți
 Distribuția pentru as86 și ld86 este scrisă de Bruce Evans. Este vorba
 despre un program de asamblare și încărcare pentru arhitectura 8086 care
 poate produce cod pe 32 de biți pentru procesoarele 386+.

Package: bind9
Description-md5: 02c6552ed56784f8066b79a37515c398
Description-ro: Sistemul DNS (Domain Name Server) pentru Internet
 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain
  name server.  BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the
  Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium,
  This package provides the server and related configuration files.

Package: bison
Description-md5: fdce43cb486932baeb6693a308fd3310
Description-ro: Un generator de analize compatibil cu YACC
 Bison este un generator de analize în scopuri generale care convertește o
 sintaxă pentru un context liber LALR(1) într-un program C pentru
 analizarea acelei sintaxe. Odată ce stăpâniți Bison, îl puteți folosi la
 dezvoltarea unei game largi de limbaje pentru analiză, de la cele
 utilizate în calculatoarele pentru calcule aritmetice simple până la
 limbajele complexe de programare.
 Bison este compatibil cu Yacc: toate sintaxele Yacc scrise bine trebuie să
 lucreze cu Bison fără probleme. Oricine cunoaște Yacc ar trebui să poată
 folosi Bison fără multe bătăi de cap. Documentația programului este
 conținută în pachetul bison-doc.

Package: blt
Description-md5: 1ecc8755bc8209188958ac6de1823a13
Description-ro: the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - run-time package
 BLT este o bibliotecă care conține extensii utile ale limbajului Tcl și
 ale trusei de unelte grafice, foarte populare, Tk. Ea aduce date de tip
 vectorial și structură arborescentă, execuție în fundal și câteva
 utilitare pentru depanarea Tcl, precum și câteva controale pentru Tk,
 printre care grafice, diagrame, ierarhii, categorii, caneluri și hiper-
 legături, un administrator geometric nou, suport „trage și plasează” (drag
 & drop), și altele.
 This package contains everything you need to use BLT with your Tcl/Tk
 scripts and Tcl/Tk-enabled apps.

Package: blt-dev
Description-md5: 453c95bcb4ba4a84fcab957ccaad07a8
Description-ro: the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - development files
 BLT este o bibliotecă care conține extensii utile ale limbajului Tcl și
 ale trusei de unelte grafice, foarte populare, Tk. Ea aduce date de tip
 vectorial și structură arborescentă, execuție în fundal și câteva
 utilitare pentru depanarea Tcl, precum și câteva controale pentru Tk,
 printre care grafice, diagrame, ierarhii, categorii, caneluri și hiper-
 legături, un administrator geometric nou, suport „trage și plasează” (drag
 & drop), și altele.
 This package contains the headers and libraries needed to extend or embed

Package: bluez-gstreamer
Description-md5: 175293486171f8d3d5bfe3c0c38d356a
Description-ro: Suport Bluetooth GStreamer
 Acest pachet conține un modul ce lucrează cu aplicațiile GStreamer.
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bogl-bterm
Description-md5: fe97701510fdc5e5e434e93cc1a3672c
Description-ro: Ben's Own Graphics Library - terminal grafic
 Ben's Own Graphics Library is a small framebuffer library, including basic
 widgets, support for text in multiple languages, and mouse handling.
 Acest pachet conține bterm, un editor de platforme cu suport UTF.

Package: bogofilter
Description-md5: 83a573d0f450bb9662a7ec5b6b23ccdd
Description-ro: a fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
 This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines
 suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam".
 Această versiune îmbunătățește substanțial propunerea lui Paul prin
 efectuarea unor analize lexicale inteligente. În particular, sunt reținute
 ca repere pentru recunoaștere numele gazdelor și adresele de IP. Pentru a
 nu încărca inutil lista de cuvinte, sunt înlăturate mai multe categorii de
 reziduuri MTA, cum ar fi datele calendaristice și ID-urile mesajelor.

Package: bogofilter-bdb
Description-md5: 7e10c564288c301c725bc2d036df0dfe
Description-ro: a fast Bayesian spam filter (Berkeley DB)
 This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines
 suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam".
 Această versiune îmbunătățește substanțial propunerea lui Paul prin
 efectuarea unor analize lexicale inteligente. În particular, sunt reținute
 ca repere pentru recunoaștere numele gazdelor și adresele de IP. Pentru a
 nu încărca inutil lista de cuvinte, sunt înlăturate mai multe categorii de
 reziduuri MTA, cum ar fi datele calendaristice și ID-urile mesajelor.
 This package provides the bdb database backend.

Package: bogofilter-common
Description-md5: 1e8deb083b306da19288250a2465b804
Description-ro: a fast Bayesian spam filter (common files)
 This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines
 suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam".
 Această versiune îmbunătățește substanțial propunerea lui Paul prin
 efectuarea unor analize lexicale inteligente. În particular, sunt reținute
 ca repere pentru recunoaștere numele gazdelor și adresele de IP. Pentru a
 nu încărca inutil lista de cuvinte, sunt înlăturate mai multe categorii de
 reziduuri MTA, cum ar fi datele calendaristice și ID-urile mesajelor.
 This package provides files that are common for all database backends.

Package: bomber
Description-md5: c2a1311432066f0cda32a6bb7ed3ae07
Description-ro: Joc nave stelare arcade pentru KDE
 Bomber is a game where you fly a spaceship and attempt to bomb the
 buildings below you. Each pass the spaceship makes, it gets lower and
 lower. If you've not destroyed a building in your path, you will crash
 into it.
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: bootchart
Description-md5: 11a29fdbf49a2e95dc09dd3531b75021
Description-ro: audit pentru secvența de pornire
 bootchart allows you to audit the boot sequence of your computer and
 generate a pretty chart of the processes run, including how long they took
 and how much CPU and I/O they used.
 Auditul este realizat de un utilitar care rulează în initframs sau chiar
 mai devreme, în secvența de pornire, și care înregistrează statistici de
 sistem în timpul pornirii calculatorului.
 Arhivele cu date sunt scrise în /var/log/bootchart; dacă aveți instalat
 programul pybootchartgui, arhivele vor fi folosite la generarea de fișiere
 PNG sau SVG.

Package: bovo
Description-md5: e5e196d11979b92358637a052d70f332
Description-ro: Joc de masă gomoku pentru KDE
 Bovo is a game where two players take turns placing markers on the board,
 the winner being the first to complete a line of five markers.
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: bsh
Description-md5: 7344effde5b85638644be4f2f28d5c66
Description-ro: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2
 BeanShell este un interpretor simplu, dedicat, sursă deschisă, pentru
 surse Java, care dispune de facilități pentru scripting obiect, scris în
 Java. În afară de comenzile conținute în scripturile și sintaxele propriu-
 zise, BeanShell execută sintaxe și expresii Java standard. BeanShell
 suportă scriptingul orientat obiect ca o metodă simplă de a asocia un scop
 unei funcții, precum în Perl și JavaScript(tm).
 Puteți utiliza BeanShell în mod interactiv pentru a experimenta cu mediul
 Java sau pentru depanare, ori ca un motor simplu pentru scriptingul
 necesar aplicațiilor dumneavoastră. Pe scurt: BeanShell este un
 interpretor Java dinamic, plus câteva utilitare folositoare.

Package: bsh-gcj
Description-md5: 12192d825be1197819e620cc469bac8f
Description-ro: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (native code)
 BeanShell este un interpretor simplu, dedicat, sursă deschisă, pentru
 surse Java, care dispune de facilități pentru scripting obiect, scris în
 Java. În afară de comenzile conținute în scripturile și sintaxele propriu-
 zise, BeanShell execută sintaxe și expresii Java standard. BeanShell
 suportă scriptingul orientat obiect ca o metodă simplă de a asocia un scop
 unei funcții, precum în Perl și JavaScript(tm).
 Puteți utiliza BeanShell în mod interactiv pentru a experimenta cu mediul
 Java sau pentru depanare, ori ca un motor simplu pentru scriptingul
 necesar aplicațiilor dumneavoastră. Pe scurt: BeanShell este un
 interpretor Java dinamic, plus câteva utilitare folositoare.
 This package contains the natively compiled code for use by gij.

Package: build-essential
Description-md5: 90ef0ef86cafda0bd16f746eb621d9da
Description-ro: Informational list of build-essential packages
 If you do not plan to build Debian packages, you don't need this package.
 Starting with dpkg (>= 1.14.18) this package is required for building
 Debian packages.
 This package contains an informational list of packages which are
 considered essential for building Debian packages.  This package also
 depends on the packages on that list, to make it easy to have the build-
 essential packages installed.
 Dacă ați instalat acest pachet, trebuie doar să instalați doar
 dependențele specificate de un anumit pachet în timpul construirii
 dependențelor. Pe cale de consecință, dacă identificați pachetele necesare
 ca dependențe pentru instalarea unui anumit pachet, puteți ignora
 pachetele de care depinde build-essential.
 This package is NOT the definition of what packages are build-essential;
 the real definition is in the Debian Policy Manual. This package contains
 merely an informational list, which is all most people need.   However, if
 this package and the manual disagree, the manual is correct.

Package: busybox-initramfs
Description-md5: 094502bbe824d039d9076393a5ce9673
Description-ro: Consolă independentă pentru configurarea initframs
 BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single
 small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for the most common
 utilities you would usually find on your desktop system (i.e., ls, cp, mv,
 mount, tar, etc.). The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options
 than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are
 included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like
 their GNU counterparts.
 busybox-initramfs furnizează o consolă simplă, independentă, legată
 static, care conține doar utilitarele de bază necesare pentru initframs.

Package: byacc
Description-md5: 94bbb158e9e82e9efe062f345f2e95e3
Description-ro: generator de analize din domeniul public Berkeley LALR Yacc
 Acest pachet furnizează un utilitar pentru generarea de analize care
 citește specificațiile sintactice dintr-un fișier și generează o analiză
 LR(1). Analiza constă într-un set de tabele LALR(1) și un driver pentru
 cod, scris în limbajul de programare C. Are o licență de domeniu public,
 care include și codul C generat.

Package: byobu
Description-md5: 5785bf551b643971ac95eceb800f9d66
Description-ro: Un set de profile utile și un comutator de profile pentru programul GNU screen
 byobu includes a set of profiles for the GNU screen window manager. These
 profiles are quite useful on server machines which are not running a
 graphical desktop.  The 'screen' command provides a number of advanced
 features are not necessarily exposed in the default profile.  These
 profiles provide features such as status bars, clocks, notifiers (reboot
 required, updates available), etc.  The profile-switcher allows users to
 quickly switch their .screenrc to any of the available profiles.

Package: bzip2
Description-md5: 26e9d96b611ed3cf741ba7007fd4f233
Description-ro: arhivator de fișiere, de calitate foarte bună, pe algoritmul de sortare de blocuri - utilitare
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. It
 typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available
 techniques, whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times
 faster at decompression.
 bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text
 compression algorithm, and Huffman coding.  Compression is generally
 considerably better than that achieved by more conventional
 LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM
 family of statistical compressors.
 The archive file format of bzip2 (.bz2) is incompatible with that of its
 predecessor, bzip (.bz).

Package: bzip2-doc
Description-md5: 0a6a95149555ae52f2f3730b1a531c1b
Description-ro: arhivator de fișiere, de calitate foarte bună, pe algoritmul de sortare de blocuri - documentație
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. It
 typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available
 techniques, whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times
 faster at decompression.
 This package contains the bzip2 user manual.

Package: bzr
Description-md5: f872d0d7fb45f7bc5d84dda1adec5e3a
Description-ro: sistem ușor de folosit, pentru controlul versiunii de distribuție
 Bazaar este un sistem de control al versiunilor, proiectat pentru a fi
 ușor de utilizat și intuitiv, pentru a fi capabil de a se adapta unui
 volum mare de lucrări, fiabil și extensibil cu ușurință.
 Publicarea ramurilor poate fi realizată prin HTTP simplu, nefiind nevoie
 de programe speciale pe serverul care găzduiește ramurile Bazaar. Ramurile
 pot fi încărcate pe server prin sftp (care este conținut de cele mai multe
 instalări SSH), FTP sau, în situația în care este instalat bzr pe gazda de
 la distanță, prin protocolul propriu.
 Combinarea ramurilor în Bazaar este simplă, întrucât implementarea permite
 evitarea conflictelor existente, se descurcă cu combinările repetate de
 ramuri și poate gestiona modificările denumirilor fișierelor într-o
 manieră corectă.
 Bazaar este scris în Python și dispune de o interfață modulară flexibilă
 care poate fi utilizată pentru extinderea funcționalităților. Există deja
 mai multe module care pun la dispoziție comenzi utile (bzrtools),
 interfață grafică (bzr-gtk) sau interacțiune nativă cu ramurile Subversion
 Dacă plănuiți să încărcați ramuri pe gazdele de la distanță prin sftp,
 instalați python-paramiko, iar în cazul în care doriți verificarea
 permanentă a certificatelor SSL, instalați python-pycurl.

Package: bzr-doc
Description-md5: 48beabe950852569338ce56575a08dfd
Description-ro: easy to use distributed version control system (documentation)
 Bazaar este un sistem de control al versiunilor, proiectat pentru a fi
 ușor de utilizat și intuitiv, pentru a fi capabil de a se adapta unui
 volum mare de lucrări, fiabil și extensibil cu ușurință.
 Publicarea ramurilor poate fi realizată prin HTTP simplu, nefiind nevoie
 de programe speciale pe serverul care găzduiește ramurile Bazaar. Ramurile
 pot fi încărcate pe server prin sftp (care este conținut de cele mai multe
 instalări SSH), FTP sau, în situația în care este instalat bzr pe gazda de
 la distanță, prin protocolul propriu.
 Combinarea ramurilor în Bazaar este simplă, întrucât implementarea permite
 evitarea conflictelor existente, se descurcă cu combinările repetate de
 ramuri și poate gestiona modificările denumirilor fișierelor într-o
 manieră corectă.
 Bazaar este scris în Python și dispune de o interfață modulară flexibilă
 care poate fi utilizată pentru extinderea funcționalităților. Există deja
 mai multe module care pun la dispoziție comenzi utile (bzrtools),
 interfață grafică (bzr-gtk) sau interacțiune nativă cu ramurile Subversion
 Dacă plănuiți să încărcați ramuri pe gazdele de la distanță prin sftp,
 instalați python-paramiko, iar în cazul în care doriți verificarea
 permanentă a certificatelor SSL, instalați python-pycurl.
 This package provides the documentation.

Package: bzrtools
Description-md5: 6c07f8b9822c3077213cf19f6c40285b
Description-ro: Collection of tools for bzr
 Acest pachet conține o colecție de module pentru bzr - un sistem pentru
 controlul versiunii de distribuție. Câteva dintre acestea pot ajunge într-
 un anumit moment în pachetul proriu-zis bzr, altele fiind doar module ce
 s-au dovedit necesare în utilizarea de zi cu zi.
 bzrtools include următoarele:
  * rspush: încarcă modificările locale pe un server la distanță utilizând rsync în loc de
  * graph-ancestry: utilizează graphviz pentru a produce reprezentări grafice ale genealogiei ramurii.
  * shell: pornește un interpretor de comenzi care rulează nativ bzr,
    cu facilitatea de autocompletare.
  * patch: aplică un petic pentru ramura specificată, care poate fi un fișier
    sau un URL.
  * heads (antete): arată toate revizuirile din arhivă care nu au descendenți.

Package: ca-certificates
Description-md5: f0ef3c602573bc22e62a4feb50cd899d
Description-ro: Certificate CA comune
 Acest pachet include fișierele PEM ale certificatelor CA pentru a permite
 aplicațiilor bazate pe SSL verificarea autenticității conexiunilor SSL.
 Include, printre altele, autoritățile certificate utilizate de
 infrastructura Debian și pe cele furnizate împreună cu navigatoarele
 Luați aminte că autoritățile ale căror certificate sunt incluse în acest
 pachet nu sunt sub nici o formă auditate din punct de vedere al
 autenticității și al îndeplinirii standardelor RFC 3647, iar toată
 responsabilitatea implementării acestora revine administratorilor
 sistemelor locale.

Package: ca-certificates-java
Description-md5: 304cd3554728e5d076f8ecbb3b5057d8
Description-ro: Certificate CA comune (fișiere stocare chei JKS)
 Acest pachet utilizează legăturile certificatelor CA din pachet pentru
 actualizarea fișierelor JKS cacert folosite în multe executări java.

Package: cacao-source
Description-md5: 84eeb6033fcfdebc1ea9287bc417b1a7
Description-ro: Sursă pentru CACAO, o mașină virtuală Java
 This package provides the source for CACAO so that other packages can
 utilise it easily.
 It is used by packages like OpenJDK and classpath to build a VM based on

Package: camlp4
Description-md5: d3db06397da6a350ee47d34809fee848
Description-ro: Preprocesor Pretty Printer pentru OCaml
 Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on
 the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system
 and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML.
 CamIP4 este un preprocesor Pretty Printer pentru Objective Caml. Oferă
 utilitare pentru sintaxă (analizatori de flux și topică) și posibilitatea
 de modificare a sintaxei concrete a limbajului (citate, extensii de
 Acest pachet conține executabilele CamlP4 de bază și bibliotecile pentru
 preprocesarea și tipărirea din surse OCaml, atât în mod interactiv, cât și
 automat (batch).

Package: camlp5
Description-md5: 1113a8e1433440e62f5174bc5b44ee5c
Description-ro: Preprocesor Pretty Printer pentru OCaml - versiunea clasică
 Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on
 the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system
 and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML.
 CamIP4 este un preprocesor Pretty Printer pentru Objective Caml. Oferă
 utilitare pentru sintaxă (analizatori de flux și topică) și posibilitatea
 de modificare a sintaxei concrete a limbajului (citate, extensii de
 Acest pachet conține versiunea „clasică” a executabilelor și bibliotecilor
 CamIP4 pentru preprocesarea și tipărirea din surse OCaml, atât în mod
 interactiv, cât și automat (batch). Versiunea „clasică” este implementarea
 CamIP4 care se distribuia cu OCaml înainte de lansarea versiunii 3.10.

Package: cdbs
Description-md5: 768cdfbd23e3175721c7e05aeca1d09c
Description-ro: sistemul de build pentru pachete Debian
 This package contains the Common Debian Build System, an abstract build
 system based on Makefile inheritance which is completely extensible and
 overridable.  In other words, CDBS provides a sane set of default rules
 upon which packages can build; any or all rules may be overridden as

Package: debconf
Description-md5: 85b82bf406dfc9a635114f44ab7fb66d
Description-ro: Sistemul de management al configuratiei
 Debconf este un sistem de management al configuratiei pentru pachetele din
 Debian. Pachetele folosesc Debconf pentru a pune intrebari atunci cand
 sunt instalate.

Package: diffutils
Description-md5: 5cf0bc18e36aa2957e62b309d6aa34f9
Description-ro: Utilitare pentru compararea fișierelor
 The diffutils package provides the diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp programs.
 „diff” arată diferențele dintre două fișiere, sau dintre fișierele
 corespondente din două directoare. „cmp” indică numărul liniei și
 deplasamentul locului unde apar diferențe între două fișiere. „cmp” poate,
 de asemenea, indica toate caracterele care diferă în cele două fișiere,
 unele lângă altele. „diff3” arată diferențele a trei fișiere. „sdiff”
 combină două fișiere interactiv.
 Setul de diferențe produs de „diff” poate fi folosit pentru a distribui
 îmbunătățiri ale fișierelor text (cum ar fi codul sursă al programelor)
 altor persoane. Această metodă este foarte utilă când diferențele sunt
 mici, în comparație cu fișierele întregi. Cu rezultatele lui „diff”,
 programul „patch” poate actualiza sau „peteci” o copie a fișierului.

Package: doc-linux-html
Description-md5: 569dd4f78fe777252355b490dcb842ab
Description-ro: Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in HTML format
 The doc-linux-html package provides the current Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in
 HTML format. Alternatively, ASCII versions are provided in the doc-linux-
 text package.
 The version number reflects the month in which doc-linux-html was created.
 All files are available at (with versions in ASCII,
 DVI, HTML, postscript, and SGML).
 Documentele care nu se încadrează în liniile de ghidare Debian Free
 Software pot fi găsite în pachetul doc-linux-nonfree-html.

Package: e2fslibs
Description-md5: ba4f61a3e0b238831f03143cbdce696e
Description-ro: ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries
 Sistemele de fișiere ext2, ext3 și ext4 sunt succesorii sistemului de
 fișiere original ext („extended”). Ele sunt principalele tipuri de sisteme
 de fișiere utilizate pe hard discuri în Debian și alte sisteme Linux.
 This package provides the ext2fs and e2p libraries, for userspace software
 that directly accesses extended file systems. Programs that use libext2fs
 include e2fsck, mke2fs, and tune2fs. Programs that use libe2p include
 dumpe2fs, chattr, and lsattr.

Package: e2fslibs-dev
Description-md5: 6c413fbf2fbe007c87112b744560fc94
Description-ro: ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries - headers and static libraries
 Sistemele de fișiere ext2, ext3 și ext4 sunt succesorii sistemului de
 fișiere original ext („extended”). Ele sunt principalele tipuri de sisteme
 de fișiere utilizate pe hard discuri în Debian și alte sisteme Linux.
 This package contains the development environment for the ext2fs and e2p

Package: e2fsprogs
Description-md5: ca3b9af8f6b32b12a8925db455621c88
Description-ro: Unelte pentru sistemele de fișiere ext2/ext3/ext4
 Sistemele de fișiere ext2, ext3 și ext4 sunt succesorii sistemului de
 fișiere original ext („extended”). Ele sunt principalele tipuri de sisteme
 de fișiere utilizate pe hard discuri în Debian și alte sisteme Linux.
 Acest pachet conține aplicații pentru crearea, verificarea și întreținerea
 sistemelor de fișiere bazate pe ext și wrapper-ul generic fsck.

Package: fakeroot
Description-md5: 32b5fa77f4eb400e85854ef5af06969a
Description-ro: Creează un mediu „root” fals (virtual)
 This package is intended to enable something like:
   dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
  i.e. to remove the need to become root for a package build. This is done by setting LD_PRELOAD to, which provides wrappers around getuid, chown, chmod, mknod, stat, and so on, thereby creating a fake root environment.
 fakeroot requires SYSV IPC or TCP to operate.

Package: gfxboot
Description-md5: 7b0f53d3cbfaa34a707b23d62f8092cc
Description-ro: creator bootlogo pentru încărcătoarele de sisteme conforme cu gfxboot
 This package is needed to create the graphical boot logos for gfxboot,
 introduced and developed by SuSE, it is suitable for grub, lilo and

Package: gimp-help-de
Description-md5: 47deaccb050d9ab18a8ef7b174347b54
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (German)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in German.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-es
Description-md5: dcde28c857f7e310cd722e7bd5b644f5
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Spanish)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Spanish.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-fr
Description-md5: b62930cd56333e259861ce48c0490539
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (French)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in French.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-it
Description-md5: 05f84b7d718f29aa527f15746c46f1e0
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Italian)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Italian.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-ko
Description-md5: a953b1b42c6e058768b30852e642b719
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Korean)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Korean.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-nl
Description-md5: b3584ca902d999967c579eab23253894
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Dutch)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 Acest pachet conține documentația pentru GIMP în olandeză.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-no
Description-md5: e2d5fb3fddecdefd37c6c5384048c5ea
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Norwegian)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Norwegian.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-pl
Description-md5: c2a86110059e0381e5ab326a5366150c
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Polish)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Polish.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-ru
Description-md5: 2a306dd584afcb47c3f11877cffbc902
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Russian)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Russian.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gimp-help-sv
Description-md5: df2069710adedd515bf2cda00782b735
Description-ro: Documentation for the GIMP (Swedish)
 This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for
 use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.
 This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Swedish.
 gimp-help-en este recomandat pentru că este utilizat automat, în ultimă
 instanţă, pentru pagini ce nu au fost încă traduse.

Package: gnome-about
Description-md5: 19f7787c3b60aa7f4acf44c5f8a72437
Description-ro: Caseta cu informații despre GNOME
 Informative little about thing that lets us brag to our friends as our
 name scrolls by, and lets users click to load the GNOME home pages.

Package: gnome-accessibility-themes
Description-md5: d964eba3ea3205a6ffb4e3f8953abd2a
Description-ro: accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop
 This package contains some high accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop
 environment, designed for the visually impaired.
 Acest pachet conține tema Contrast Puternic Invers.

Package: gnome-accessibility-themes-extras
Description-md5: 9f3a26fbac9c3354fad0ccda2f519a20
Description-ro: teme de accesibilitate pentru GNOME 2
 This package contains some high accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop
 environment, designed for the visually impaired.
 A total of 9 themes are provided, providing combinations of high, low or
 inversed contrast, as well as enlarged text and icons.

Package: grep
Description-md5: f9188c5583d41955f3b3fe60b9d445f1
Description-ro: grep, egrep și fgrep GNU
 „grep” este o unealtă pentru căutare de text în fișiere; ea poate fi
 folosită din linia de comandă sau în scripturi. Chiar dacă nu o veți
 folosi, este probabil ca alte pachete din sistemul dumneavoastră să o
 Familia GNU de unelete grep poate fi „cea mai rapidă familie grep din
 vest”. GNU grep este bazat pe un algoritm rapid de potrivire lazy-state
 (aproape de două ori mai rapid decât grep-ul standard din Unix) hibridizat
 cu căutarea Boyer-Moore-Gosper pentru un șir fix ce evită ca textul
 nepotrivit să fie prelucrat de algoritmul de potrivire regexp fără ca să
 fie studiat fiecare caracter în parte. Rezultatul este de câteva ori mai
 rapid decât grep sau egrep din Unix. (Totuși, expresiile regulare ce
 conțin referințe înapoi vor rula mai încet.)

Package: hostname
Description-md5: a5a22acc3c69a7f40f07f1a8dfc93af1
Description-ro: unealtă pentru setarea/afișarea numelui gazdei sau domeniului
 This package provides commands which can be used to display the system's
 DNS name, and to display or set its hostname or NIS domain name.

Package: libdmx-dev
Description-md5: e5778f7272bddc7affcabd98639b3d89
Description-ro: X11 Distributed Multihead extension library (development headers)
 libdmx is an interface to the DMX extension for X, which allows a single
 server to be set up as a proxy spanning multiple servers -- not unlike
 Xinerama across discrete physical machines.  It can be reconfigured on the
 fly to change the layout, and it is presented as a single logical display
 to clients.
 libdmx allows clients to configure the layout of DMX servers by adding and
 removing screens, input devices, et al.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libdmx1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libdmx1
Description-md5: a573bdf2d63bf6f52f2926810d14b4b4
Description-ro: X11 Distributed Multihead extension library
 libdmx is an interface to the DMX extension for X, which allows a single
 server to be set up as a proxy spanning multiple servers -- not unlike
 Xinerama across discrete physical machines.  It can be reconfigured on the
 fly to change the layout, and it is presented as a single logical display
 to clients.
 libdmx allows clients to configure the layout of DMX servers by adding and
 removing screens, input devices, et al.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libdmx1-dbg
Description-md5: 9ded7323c102763a69a804becc3717d9
Description-ro: X11 Distributed Multihead library (debug package)
 libdmx is an interface to the DMX extension for X, which allows a single
 server to be set up as a proxy spanning multiple servers -- not unlike
 Xinerama across discrete physical machines.  It can be reconfigured on the
 fly to change the layout, and it is presented as a single logical display
 to clients.
 libdmx allows clients to configure the layout of DMX servers by adding and
 removing screens, input devices, et al.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libdmx1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfontenc-dev
Description-md5: 6c26ad463986bb0fb2dfa2acac506841
Description-ro: X11 font encoding library (development headers)
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libfontenc1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfontenc1
Description-md5: d4379114bdd55c51e6151618813cc277
Description-ro: X11 font encoding library
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfontenc1-dbg
Description-md5: a74d6e084d76de366c109aa7ac5867d8
Description-ro: X11 font encoding library (debug package)
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libfontenc1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfs-dev
Description-md5: 6f2a2315da0a6cb67598eeee361e007d
Description-ro: X11 Font Services library (development headers)
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of these implementations.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libfs6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfs6
Description-md5: 1ba2bd48895d89ccbc78c26dad61929f
Description-ro: X11 Font Services library
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of these implementations.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfs6-dbg
Description-md5: df6a2322166a9b9f8d871dff8dd0e995
Description-ro: X11 Font Services library (debug package)
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of thse implementations.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libfs6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libice-dev
Description-md5: af60900c59ffde16b55eb422adf3b924
Description-ro: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libice6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libice6
Description-md5: 18914f359adbfe0c60e537bcb3ba4e0a
Description-ro: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libice6-dbg
Description-md5: e7d670c5e0c1ee8ad616ba4096f00a9f
Description-ro: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libice6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libsm-dev
Description-md5: 625b1ab7169d62a04e4147d8082a9d00
Description-ro: X11 Session Management library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Session Management
 library, which allows for applications to both manage sessions, and make
 use of session managers to save and restore their state for later use.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libsm6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libsm6
Description-md5: 7921db68e8952c6b4c9e315478ae9821
Description-ro: X11 Session Management library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Session Management
 library, which allows for applications to both manage sessions, and make
 use of session managers to save and restore their state for later use.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libsm6-dbg
Description-md5: 03ebf584b7ca8b0dd7ea66a7b71c4e91
Description-ro: X11 Session Management library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Session Management
 library, which allows for applications to both manage sessions, and make
 use of session managers to save and restore their state for later use.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libsm6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-6
Description-md5: 6525ed6c60294b2ef3c4b783408878b7
Description-ro: X11 client-side library
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-6-dbg
Description-md5: 04c0a0f8bad70abdfd86d95c0a9fe18a
Description-ro: X11 client-side library (debug package)
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libx11-6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-data
Description-md5: bc3a5f073cee8d6562f7db3727cccb44
Description-ro: X11 client-side library
 This package provides the locale data files for libx11.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-dev
Description-md5: 649acd477cf215f89681161c6956d4a8
Description-ro: X11 client-side library (development headers)
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libx11-6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-xcb-dev
Description-md5: d40f48437d9e8d72b36c69f967fbda3d
Description-ro: Xlib/XCB interface library (development headers)
 libX11-xcb provides functions needed by clients which take advantage of
 Xlib/XCB to mix calls to both Xlib and XCB over the same X connection.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libx11-xcb1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 More information about XCB can be found at:
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-xcb1
Description-md5: 11cbbb8154d8c3df57ebdcc481341cf8
Description-ro: Xlib/XCB interface library
 libX11-xcb provides functions needed by clients which take advantage of
 Xlib/XCB to mix calls to both Xlib and XCB over the same X connection.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 More information about XCB can be found at:
 This module can be found at

Package: libx11-xcb1-dbg
Description-md5: 710beb2dabc14f9d9e122414f27c2e76
Description-ro: Xlib/XCB interface library (debug package)
 libX11-xcb provides functions needed by clients which take advantage of
 Xlib/XCB to mix calls to both Xlib and XCB over the same X connection.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libx11-xcb1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 More information about XCB can be found at:
 This module can be found at

Package: libxau-dev
Description-md5: a8adc4feed544bbd5be276fa5534be0c
Description-ro: X11 authorisation library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxau6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxau6
Description-md5: 4f0dccc6195ca59d09932578b9279780
Description-ro: X11 authorisation library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxau6-dbg
Description-md5: 5af35c9b627e156e054c91d8ae398e4a
Description-ro: X11 authorisation library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxau6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7
Description-md5: 5001a82602c16eef38b41d6644fae231
Description-ro: X11 Athena Widget library
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets tookit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7-dbg
Description-md5: 2831be9c2ceb8c674d780306d7933229
Description-ro: X11 Athena Widget library (debug package)
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets tookit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxaw7.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7-dev
Description-md5: 206d51d7aa26cac11999d555451d1404
Description-ro: X11 Athena Widget library (development headers)
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets tookit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxaw7.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcomposite-dev
Description-md5: 1c0f8443c1e65ea3b27dac997b36d969
Description-ro: X11 Composite extension library (development headers)
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxcomposite1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcomposite1
Description-md5: a11d85543c44e2351ef54dabf0664feb
Description-ro: X11 Composite extension library
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcomposite1-dbg
Description-md5: e302dfb68550ced7a2bf747ee8565718
Description-ro: X11 Composite extension library (debug package)
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxcomposite1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdamage-dev
Description-md5: f8ba9914e7329704e4ec974c11e45e37
Description-ro: X11 damaged region extension library (development headers)
 libXdamage provides an X Window System client interface to the DAMAGE
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Damage extension provides for notification of when on-screen regions
 have been 'damaged' (altered).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxdamage1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdamage1
Description-md5: 946b2a605ec4a8d298fc1b968380cf3d
Description-ro: X11 damaged region extension library
 libXdamage provides an X Window System client interface to the DAMAGE
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Damage extension provides for notification of when on-screen regions
 have been 'damaged' (altered).
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdamage1-dbg
Description-md5: 686cd64cd2f7d625ddafbd935d17e3b9
Description-ro: X11 damaged region extension library (debug package)
 libXdamage provides an X Window System client interface to the DAMAGE
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Damage extension provides for notification of when on-screen regions
 have been 'damaged' (altered).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxdamage1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp-dev
Description-md5: 414274097fd120f4252aabb12b0394a3
Description-ro: X11 authorisation library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxdmcp6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp6
Description-md5: 9b813f6310e85e07ea720c3e114da711
Description-ro: X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp6-dbg
Description-md5: 7a7f7689c94fb2c043bc8aaeb27139b3
Description-ro: X11 authorisation library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxdmcp6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext-dev
Description-md5: 08fb209587ffa05833bb2f20a2f46ecf
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous extensions library (development headers)
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxext6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext6
Description-md5: 663d649dc81f499f7c1233187b316b8b
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous extension library
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext6-dbg
Description-md5: ab2bbefda311e2ab0bd19a698a869b13
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous extensions library (debug package)
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxext6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfixes-dev
Description-md5: ce4c44b4f655c6101a629653a5f424dd
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library (development headers)
 libXfixes provides an X Window System client interface to the 'XFIXES'
 extension to the X protocol.
 It provides support for Region types, and some cursor functions.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxfixes3.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfixes3
Description-md5: c2a7511fcd7e6bfcb79db85b7ce52a9f
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
 libXfixes provides an X Window System client interface to the 'XFIXES'
 extension to the X protocol.
 It provides support for Region types, and some cursor functions.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfixes3-dbg
Description-md5: 268cf2d9525aebb3719f2225e5546014
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library (debug package)
 libXfixes provides an X Window System client interface to the 'XFIXES'
 extension to the X protocol.
 It provides support for Region types, and some cursor functions.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxfixes3. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfont-dev
Description-md5: 7a7c562884bc1473d5961dc8ac060423
Description-ro: X11 font rasterisation library (development headers)
 libXfont provides various services for X servers, most notably font
 selection and rasterisation (through external libraries).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxfont1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfont1
Description-md5: e6453232589b92e14357c872bbb2aaef
Description-ro: X11 font rasterisation library
 libXfont provides various services for X servers, most notably font
 selection and rasterisation (through external libraries).
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxfont1-dbg
Description-md5: 967021bcc3fa2f2018775c71a814cb26
Description-ro: X11 font rasterisation library (debug package)
 libXfont provides various services for X servers, most notably font
 selection and rasterisation (through external libraries).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxfont1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxi-dev
Description-md5: 6ecc9eb175b4219889068d32093185f3
Description-ro: X11 Input extension library (development headers)
 libXi provides an X Window System client interface to the XINPUT extension
 to the X protocol.
 The Input extension allows setup and configuration of multiple input
 devices, and will soon allow hotplugging of input devices; to be added and
 removed on the fly.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxi6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxi6
Description-md5: cface3721b694189f732026515e04e11
Description-ro: X11 Input extension library
 libXi provides an X Window System client interface to the XINPUT extension
 to the X protocol.
 The Input extension allows setup and configuration of multiple input
 devices, and will soon allow hotplugging of input devices; to be added and
 removed on the fly.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxi6-dbg
Description-md5: d1e05f312779524ef14bb35973446b5f
Description-ro: X11 Input extension library (debug package)
 libXi provides an X Window System client interface to the XINPUT extension
 to the X protocol.
 The Input extension allows setup and configuration of multiple input
 devices, and will soon allow hotplugging of input devices; to be added and
 removed on the fly.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxi6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxinerama-dev
Description-md5: c8fcfcf8a4f6285ad76c1038893c2ce9
Description-ro: X11 Xinerama extension library (development headers)
 libXinerama provides an X Window System client interface to the XINERAMA
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Xinerama (also known as panoramiX) extension allows for multiple
 screens attached to a single display to be treated as belonging together,
 and to give desktop applications a better idea of the monitor layout.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxinerama1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxinerama1
Description-md5: 2261eb2367890cfe775f6f17d03c3edd
Description-ro: X11 Xinerama extension library
 libXinerama provides an X Window System client interface to the XINERAMA
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Xinerama (also known as panoramiX) extension allows for multiple
 screens attached to a single display to be treated as belonging together,
 and to give desktop applications a better idea of the monitor layout.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxinerama1-dbg
Description-md5: 2e172460a20f14b68e08aabac4adc2f9
Description-ro: X11 Xinerama extension library (debug package)
 libXinerama provides an X Window System client interface to the XINERAMA
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Xinerama (also known as panoramiX) extension allows for multiple
 screens attached to a single display to be treated as belonging together,
 and to give desktop applications a better idea of the monitor layout.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxinerama1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbfile-dev
Description-md5: c12a931e2c9c2aea7ba8a679d2073fc1
Description-ro: X11 keyboard file manipulation library (development headers)
 libxkbfile provides an interface to read and manipulate description files
 for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxkbfile1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbfile1
Description-md5: 1faef1011f7682a93635ebea0b3394ff
Description-ro: X11 keyboard file manipulation library
 libxkbfile provides an interface to read and manipulate description files
 for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbfile1-dbg
Description-md5: 7f951ac1b0b9fb6c12989c3be2d33c71
Description-ro: X11 keyboard file manipulation library (debug package)
 libxkbfile provides an interface to read and manipulate description files
 for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension. libXt provides the X
 Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon which other toolkits
 are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits, including the Athena
 widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxkbfile1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu-dev
Description-md5: e43832ab9c28a1db245b094b3f2ec738
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous utility library (development headers)
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxmu6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu-headers
Description-md5: b9610130464306a61c4451eb5f5531e2
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous utility library headers
 libXmu and libXmuu are miscellaneous utility libraries for X library
 developers to abstract some common functions.  This package provides the
 headers for both libraries (as libXmuu is a subset of libXmu), and is
 depended upon by both.  For more information, please see libxmu-dev or
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu6
Description-md5: 2474a53faa80ff8d703313a4f3652baf
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous utility library
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu6-dbg
Description-md5: f58808c23a7d6ea70b1297c2497bf961
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous utility library (debug package)
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxmu6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu-dev
Description-md5: 749f62473c174280a10f4d60c0d2ab8b
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library (development headers)
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxmuu1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu1
Description-md5: 3cc78fd6a104b23090c56c3b48d11a36
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu1-dbg
Description-md5: 760fbfd76f87ec65af668cbcd16d47e4
Description-ro: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library (debug package)
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxmuu1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxp-dev
Description-md5: dba1562f8ac4245f685c5075af7d3d28
Description-ro: X Printing Extension (Xprint) client library (development files)
 libXp provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-
 display devices, making use of the X Print Service.
 This package provides a static library and C header files.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxp6
Description-md5: 251acf08a3cc6568a7f6cd9fc79b0b72
Description-ro: X Printing Extension (Xprint) client library
 libXp provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-
 display devices, making use of the X Print Service.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxp6-dbg
Description-md5: 3cb54f089b74eef0d3d66c96112bc01d
Description-ro: X Printing Extension (Xprint) client library (unstripped)
 libXp provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-
 display devices, making use of the X Print Service.
 This package provides an unstripped shared object with debugging symbols,
 useful to provide a backtrace with symbol names in a debugger; this
 facilitates interpretation of core dumps, and aids in finding logic errors
 in programs using this library (or the library itself).  The library is
 installed in /usr/lib/debug and can be used by placing that directory in
 the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when the code to be debugged is
 executed.  Non-programmers will likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxpm-dev
Description-md5: 080c29d07a96b8d05ab86ebd5c41d074
Description-ro: X11 pixmap library (development headers)
 libXpm provides support and common operation for the XPM pixmap format,
 which is commonly used in legacy X applications.  XPM is an extension of
 the monochrome XBM bitmap specificied in the X protocol.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxpm4.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxpm4
Description-md5: 6619cc5090a98945c789af6928196ae4
Description-ro: X11 pixmap library
 libXpm provides support and common operation for the XPM pixmap format,
 which is commonly used in legacy X applications.  XPM is an extension of
 the monochrome XBM bitmap specificied in the X protocol.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxpm4-dbg
Description-md5: 1bded8d07cbafce5c8527e8f6eea5d52
Description-ro: X11 pixmap library (debug package)
 libXpm provides support and common operation for the XPM pixmap format,
 which is commonly used in legacy X applications.  XPM is an extension of
 the monochrome XBM bitmap specificied in the X protocol.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxpm4.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrandr-dev
Description-md5: 2bfbe0339f774dde02012cb40eaaedf9
Description-ro: X11 RandR extension library (development headers)
 libXrandr provides an X Window System client interface to the RandR
 extension to the X protocol.
 The RandR extension allows for run-time configuration of display
 attributes such as resolution, rotation, and reflection.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxrandr2.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrandr2
Description-md5: 59182e245e2cc4f91c2dbcbeeee30884
Description-ro: X11 RandR extension library
 libXrandr provides an X Window System client interface to the RandR
 extension to the X protocol.
 The RandR extension allows for run-time configuration of display
 attributes such as resolution, rotation, and reflection.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrandr2-dbg
Description-md5: 66907ca64a43452ca72604a91a3d3f62
Description-ro: X11 RandR extension library (debug package)
 libXrandr provides an X Window System client interface to the RandR
 extension to the X protocol.
 The RandR extension allows for run-time configuration of display
 attributes such as resolution, rotation, and reflection.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxrandr2. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrender-dev
Description-md5: d60dae822bb8302751a37cd936436e82
Description-ro: X Rendering Extension client library (development files)
 The X Rendering Extension (Render) introduces digital image composition as
 the foundation of a new rendering model within the X Window System.
 Rendering geometric figures is accomplished by client-side tessellation
 into either triangles or trapezoids.  Text is drawn by loading glyphs into
 the server and rendering sets of them.  The Xrender library exposes this
 extension to X clients.
 This package provides a static library and C header files.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrender1
Description-md5: 641cee5ba7e2de2b7bf74fbd82defc9e
Description-ro: X Rendering Extension client library
 The X Rendering Extension (Render) introduces digital image composition as
 the foundation of a new rendering model within the X Window System.
 Rendering geometric figures is accomplished by client-side tessellation
 into either triangles or trapezoids.  Text is drawn by loading glyphs into
 the server and rendering sets of them.  The Xrender library exposes this
 extension to X clients.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxrender1-dbg
Description-md5: eb060bfb143d5845c7f6fbfc728f0b30
Description-ro: X Rendering Extension client library (unstripped)
 The X Rendering Extension (Render) introduces digital image composition as
 the foundation of a new rendering model within the X Window System.
 Rendering geometric figures is accomplished by client-side tessellation
 into either triangles or trapezoids.  Text is drawn by loading glyphs into
 the server and rendering sets of them.  The Xrender library exposes this
 extension to X clients.
 This package provides an unstripped shared object with debugging symbols,
 useful to provide a backtrace with symbol names in a debugger; this
 facilitates interpretation of core dumps, and aids in finding logic errors
 in programs using this library (or the library itself).  The library is
 installed in /usr/lib/debug and can be used by placing that directory in
 the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when the code to be debugged is
 executed.  Non-programmers will likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxres-dev
Description-md5: e10104feba963954a49df37ab41d48bf
Description-ro: X11 Resource extension library (development headers)
 libXRes provides an X Window System client interface to the Resource
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Resource extension allows for X clients to see and monitor the X
 resource usage of various clients (pixmaps, et al).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxres1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxres1
Description-md5: 99b12331494e7a7d4742dfe3e2009513
Description-ro: X11 Resource extension library
 libXRes provides an X Window System client interface to the Resource
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Resource extension allows for X clients to see and monitor the X
 resource usage of various clients (pixmaps, et al).
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxres1-dbg
Description-md5: cecbff953f35e6e58b5b9550828de9cc
Description-ro: X11 Resource extension library (debug package)
 libXRes provides an X Window System client interface to the Resource
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Resource extension allows for X clients to see and monitor the X
 resource usage of various clients (pixmaps, et al).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxres1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxss-dev
Description-md5: d1decacc50d4ec99984723c57a3e4ca2
Description-ro: X11 Screen Saver extension library (development headers)
 libXss provides an X Window System client interface to the MIT-SCREEN-
 SAVER extension to the X protocol.
 The Screen Saver extension allows clients behaving as screen savers to
 register themselves with the X server, to better integrate themselves with
 the running session.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxss1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxss1
Description-md5: 81c6a852e4481e2c52bb4c05ff41bb0a
Description-ro: X11 Screen Saver extension library
 libXss provides an X Window System client interface to the MIT-SCREEN-
 SAVER extension to the X protocol.
 The Screen Saver extension allows clients behaving as screen savers to
 register themselves with the X server, to better integrate themselves with
 the running session.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxss1-dbg
Description-md5: 89905ffb1a55476a48f0880e1861a309
Description-ro: X11 Screen Saver extension library (debug package)
 libXss provides an X Window System client interface to the MIT-SCREEN-
 SAVER extension to the X protocol.
 The Screen Saver extension allows clients behaving as screen savers to
 register themselves with the X server, to better integrate themselves with
 the running session.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxss1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt-dev
Description-md5: 61fc6a82254d7b2c18cac5cb0e91047a
Description-ro: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (development headers)
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxt6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt6
Description-md5: 12f79b75749a42465451fa7a8657c828
Description-ro: X11 toolkit intrinsics library
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt6-dbg
Description-md5: b8198102cc8fcad453b3cc0a161b8171
Description-ro: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (debug package)
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxt6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxtst-dev
Description-md5: 4fb38e0958264fa3ffc20bcee0063814
Description-ro: X11 Record extension library (development headers)
 libXtst provides an X Window System client interface to the Record
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Record extension allows X clients to synthesise input events, which is
 useful for automated testing.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxtst6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxtst6
Description-md5: 6fc362154ddcf6fb7eaccdeefa476f88
Description-ro: X11 Testing -- Resource extension library
 libXtst provides an X Window System client interface to the Record
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Record extension allows X clients to synthesise input events, which is
 useful for automated testing.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxtst6-dbg
Description-md5: 0f63a7748c5f8d318933d1389b043347
Description-ro: X11 Record extension library (debug package)
 libXtst provides an X Window System client interface to the Record
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Record extension allows X clients to synthesise input events, which is
 useful for automated testing.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxtst6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxv-dev
Description-md5: 55f91b3103e519e6be814f8a74e06510
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library (development headers)
 libXv provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo extension
 to the X protocol.
 The XVideo extension allows for accelerated drawing of videos.  Hardware
 adaptors are exposed to clients, which may draw in a number of
 colourspaces, including YUV.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxv1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxv1
Description-md5: 192131855090ffd9d71984e98455df36
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library
 libXv provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo extension
 to the X protocol.
 The XVideo extension allows for accelerated drawing of videos.  Hardware
 adaptors are exposed to clients, which may draw in a number of
 colourspaces, including YUV.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxv1-dbg
Description-md5: 004b00145b1809885945e7720e33b74b
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library (debug package)
 libXv provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo extension
 to the X protocol.
 The XVideo extension allows for accelerated drawing of videos.  Hardware
 adaptors are exposed to clients, which may draw in a number of
 colourspaces, including YUV.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxv1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxvmc-dev
Description-md5: ebd1d12b41ad968f0c36211c5bca0d18
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library (development headers)
 libXvMC provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo-
 MotionCompensation extension to the X protocol.
 The XVideo-MotionCompensation extension allows for further accelerated
 drawing of videos.  Video data may be sent at earlier stages of the
 decoding pipeline than raw YUV data.  At the moment, driver support for
 XvMC is poor to non-existent.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxvmc1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxvmc1
Description-md5: d243a48e384779e0ba5ed8c63a511abe
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library
 libXvMC provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo-
 MotionCompensation extension to the X protocol.
 The XVideo-MotionCompensation extension allows for further accelerated
 drawing of videos.  Video data may be sent at earlier stages of the
 decoding pipeline than raw YUV data.  At the moment, driver support for
 XvMC is poor to non-existent.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxvmc1-dbg
Description-md5: c1f8b2f60ff6698f7bd6153f2a20e7a6
Description-ro: X11 Video extension library (debug package)
 libXvMC provides an X Window System client interface to the XVideo-
 MotionCompensation extension to the X protocol.
 The XVideo-MotionCompensation extension allows for further accelerated
 drawing of videos.  Video data may be sent at earlier stages of the
 decoding pipeline than raw YUV data.  At the moment, driver support for
 XvMC is poor to non-existent.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxvmc1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86dga-dev
Description-md5: 9bec0299c68ed6f4a7ea7d7aa581587d
Description-ro: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library (development headers)
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxxf86dga1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86dga1
Description-md5: 364935370142a3b078dc433dd8917f43
Description-ro: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86dga1-dbg
Description-md5: 428cee13c9e44b34f54a904111a03142
Description-ro: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library (debug package)
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxxf86dga1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86misc-dev
Description-md5: e9f9debfa84b0d3f94c6d78734867a84
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library (development headers)
 libXxf86misc provides an interface to the XFree86-Misc extension, which
 allows client applications to query the current keyboard and mouse
 settings of the running XFree86-based (XFree86, Xorg) server.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxxf86misc1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86misc1
Description-md5: 234b71ecd429d307e356318c2eac25f6
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library
 libXxf86misc provides an interface to the XFree86-Misc extension, which
 allows client applications to query the current keyboard and mouse
 settings of the running XFree86-based (XFree86, Xorg) server.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86misc1-dbg
Description-md5: 4375bec2568c70b298cb8b2fe9bf9a18
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library (debug package)
 libXxf86misc provides an interface to the XFree86-Misc extension, which
 allows client applications to query the current keyboard and mouse
 settings of the running XFree86-based (XFree86, Xorg) server.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxxf86misc1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm-dev
Description-md5: 335dd8e669e4f90551d9abb7737982ba
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library (development headers)
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxxf86vm1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm1
Description-md5: 46d530bf2f62218abd8416e4d28cdb97
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm1-dbg
Description-md5: d0d7cc3e60974efb4be13746645e86a1
Description-ro: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library (debug package)
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxxf86vm1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: login
Description-md5: a9c42fe48288d1e8b7d3d34463d0f485
Description-ro: Utilitare pentru logarea in sistem
 Aceste instrumente sunt necesare pentru a va putea loga in sistem.
 Programul pentru logare invoca o consola pentru utilizator si activeaza
 executia comenzilor. Programul newgrp este folosit pentru a schimba ID-ul
 grupului (folositor pentru grupuri de utilizatori). Programul su permite
 schimbarea iD-ului utilizatorului (utilizatorul poate executa comenzi pe
 alt cont de utilizator).

Package: makedev
Description-md5: 0d90ffc36746b1d25c5b125ef2221357
Description-ro: crează fișiere pentru dispozitive în /dev
 Executabilul MAKEDEV este folosit la crearea fișierelor pentru
 dispozitive, deseori în /dev.
 Fișierele pentru dispozitive sunt fișiere speciale prin care aplicațiile
 interacționează direct cu componentele hardware.
 This package is not necessary for most modern Linux systems, where the
 udev subsystem provides a more dynamic mechanism for device file

Package: mount
Description-md5: 46eb8e09a600d5eb98b6b40428349102
Description-ro: Instrumente folosite pentru montarea si manipularea sistemelor de fisiere
 Acest pachet contine mount(8), umount(8), swapon(8), swapoff(8), and

Package: tar
Description-md5: 48033bf96442788d1f697785773ad9bb
Description-ro: Versiunea GNU a utilitarului pentru arhivare tar
 Tar este un program pentru impachetarea unor fisiere intr-o singura arhiva
 in format tar. Functiile pe care le indeplineste sunt similare conceptual
 cu cele ale programului cpio si PKZIP in DOS. Este utilizat intensiv de
 sistemul de management al pachetelo in Debian si este folositor pentru a
 realiza copii de siguranta ale sistemului si pentru schimbul de fisiere.

Package: unzip
Description-md5: b83e2b495da5d292f3fe6ab67b088c47
Description-ro: De-archiver for .zip files
 InfoZIP's unzip program. With the exception of multi-volume archives (ie,
 .ZIP files that are split across several disks using PKZIP's /& option),
 this can handle any file produced either by PKZIP, or the corresponding
 InfoZIP zip program.
 Această versiune conține suport pentru criptare.

Package: x11proto-composite-dev
Description-md5: d3b2077c93c5582947861f5e1f2e633c
Description-ro: X11 Composite extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Composite extension, used to let arbitrary client programs control
 drawing of the final image.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the compositeproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-core-dev
Description-md5: ef5e4cb5d16276e026eb39422b8be6b3
Description-ro: X11 core wire protocol and auxiliary headers
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the core X11 protocol, and also provides a number of utility headers, used
 to abstract OS-specific functions.
 This package deprecates 'x-dev', a package from the monolithic builds of
 XFree86 and X.Org.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-damage-dev
Description-md5: fe7d5fce0cbc56ab5dcf316a60596406
Description-ro: X11 Damage extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Damage extension, used to notify clients of changes made to particular
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the damageproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-dmx-dev
Description-md5: 253649e2c23af0e634917017bd3bdb42
Description-ro: X11 Distributed Multihead X extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the DMX extension, used to set up a distributed multi-head environment
 with a single server acting as a gateway to multiple X servers on multiple
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the dmxproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-dri2-dev
Description-md5: 8723a4a89651c48a70c82a4363c32332
Description-ro: X11 DRI2 extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the DRI2 extension, used to organise direct rendering support for 3D
 clients, and replace the XFree86-DRI extension.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the dri2proto proto module.

Package: x11proto-fixes-dev
Description-md5: c4598f1629ecae4bfbba7b93845101b0
Description-ro: X11 Fixes extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Fixes extension, which contains a few small extensions to the X
 protocol, including a Region type.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the fixesproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-fonts-dev
Description-md5: c0d90f8fc60e4292bf8e0999d27e1519
Description-ro: X11 font extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 font-related extensions, used to control the server-side font
 configuration, and also the font server headers.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>

Package: x11proto-gl-dev
Description-md5: 787fce2985fc81ad8bdb5b0b4ab8e6cc
Description-ro: X11 OpenGL extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 OpenGL-related extensions, used to enable the rendering of applications
 using OpenGL.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the glproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-input-dev
Description-md5: bb4a5cc835241f6f975c6a8fef966430
Description-ro: X11 Input extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Input extension, used to control all manner of options related to
 input device handling.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the inputproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-kb-dev
Description-md5: 222b22b8321af0a968a60dab07b5680d
Description-ro: X11 XKB extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XKEYBOARD extension, used to control all manner of options related to
 keyboard handling and layout in particular. It does not control the
 addition/enabling/disabling of keyboards; this is done with the XINPUT
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the kbproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-randr-dev
Description-md5: c20ac6140307d77c990ecf3fb6afe6c1
Description-ro: X11 RandR extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the RandR extension, used to change display properties such as resolution,
 rotation, reflection, et al, on the fly.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the randrproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-record-dev
Description-md5: 0939eab2b5cbc38175b911b0c5f360ea
Description-ro: X11 Record extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Record extension, used to record and play back event sequences.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the recordproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-render-dev
Description-md5: 613379a26429ad4bbfe1881182289250
Description-ro: X11 Render extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Render extension, used to implement Porter-Duff operations within X.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the renderproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-resource-dev
Description-md5: e566330d3d6e12665795ce67e5a2b903
Description-ro: X11 Resource extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the Resource extension, used to measure resource usage from clients within
 the X server.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the resourceproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-scrnsaver-dev
Description-md5: 9aa1eecde81a136f129b3a61ac4d8654
Description-ro: X11 Screen Saver extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension, used to notify the server of client screen
 saver events.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the scrnsaverproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-video-dev
Description-md5: d8ec56847316440529a78f8ae07a8704
Description-ro: X11 Video extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XVideo and XVideoMotionCompensation extensions, used to accelerate
 playback of videos through X.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the videoproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xcmisc-dev
Description-md5: 79921605be4e57630c260c04072cf844
Description-ro: X11 XC-Miscellaneous extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XC-MISC extension, used to get details of XID allocation within the
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xcmiscproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xext-dev
Description-md5: bf2dc24ccad1f469b330185339f60693
Description-ro: X11 various extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 various extensions, the client-side libraries of which are provided in the
 Xext library.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xextproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev
Description-md5: 90f96846a0271cc78a2b59a0ef093a39
Description-ro: X11 Big Fonts extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XF86BIGFONT extension, used to make larger font requests possible.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86bigfontproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xf86dga-dev
Description-md5: 5ecef32f2d3f3f9e4f4cf8c655b73a24
Description-ro: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XFree86-DGA extension, which provides direct, framebuffer-like,
 graphics access.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86dgaproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xf86dri-dev
Description-md5: e7896a65cc716e7fdcd60ec755034100
Description-ro: X11 DRI extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XFree86-DRI extension, used to organise direct rendering support for
 3D clients, and help arbiter the requests.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86driproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xf86misc-dev
Description-md5: 389ba56ebafe0c6d99ea168be08c7b09
Description-ro: X11 XFree86-Miscellaneous extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XFree86-Misc extension, which provides a means to access input device
 configuration settings specific to the XFree86/Xorg DDX.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86miscproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev
Description-md5: f509ddec57bc47c1d437dcd0ef622894
Description-ro: X11 Video Mode extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XFree86-VidMode extension, which provides access to detailed timings
 of video modes currently in use, and a means to modify them.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86vidmodeproto proto module.

Package: x11proto-xinerama-dev
Description-md5: c80be67a2d972940c259fb7f5e16d4ea
Description-ro: X11 Xinerama extension wire protocol
 This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for
 the XINERAMA extension, used to use and manage a multiple-screen display.
 The terms 'Xinerama' and 'PanoramiX' are generally interchangeable; this
 package used to be named x11proto-panoramix-dev.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xineramaproto proto module.

Package: xnest
Description-md5: d60194bf6e6c32ad18a4f55f67318c1e
Description-ro: Nested X server
 Xnest is a nested X server that simply relays all its requests to another
 X server, where it runs as a client.  This means that it appears as
 another window in your current X session.  Xnest relies upon its parent X
 server for font services.
 Use of the Xephyr X server instead of Xnest is recommended.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: xserver-xephyr
Description-md5: 080e5f9ec037c8ca51a48d7a8658a390
Description-ro: nested X server
 Xephyr is an X server that can be run inside another X server, much like
 Xnest. It is based on the kdrive X server, and as a result it supports
 newer extensions than Xnest, including render and composite.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-core
Description-md5: 3797be608fd38c18431f69423e612486
Description-ro: Xorg X server - core server
 The Xorg X server is an X server for several architectures and operating
 systems, which is derived from the XFree86 4.x series of X servers.
 The Xorg server supports most modern graphics hardware from most vendors,
 and supersedes all XFree86 X servers.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-dev
Description-md5: 74eaa3553114a2bfcf7b03a873bf2d90
Description-ro: Xorg X server - development files
 This package provides development files for the X.Org ('Xorg') X server.
 This is not quite the same as the DDK (Driver Development Kit) from the
 XFree86 4.x and X.Org 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9 series of servers; it provides
 headers and a pkg-config file for drivers using autotools to build
 Unless you are developing or building a driver, you probably want xserver-
 xorg and/or xserver-xorg-core instead.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-input-evdev
Description-md5: 7cb429db5dc9878df373724a24eafcf7
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
 This package provides the driver for input devices using evdev, the Linux
 kernel's event delivery mechanism.  This driver allows for multiple
 keyboards and mice to be treated as separate input devices.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-input-evdev driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-input-evdev-dev
Description-md5: e12c0f0e1d4f65bd152d77e974e2fefd
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- evdev input driver (development headers)
 This package provides the development headers for the evdev input driver
 found in xserver-xorg-input-evdev. Non-developers likely have little use
 for this package.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-input-evdev driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-input-mouse
Description-md5: e6aee0120268c54707fde11c421bd7e8
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- mouse input driver
 This package provides the driver for mouse input devices.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-input-mouse driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Description-md5: 6405e0a703a2831f742f67a3897df547
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- VMMouse input driver to use with VMWare
 This package provides the driver for the X11 vmmouse input device.
 The VMMouse driver enables support for the special VMMouse protocol that
 is provided by VMware virtual machines to give absolute pointer
 The vmmouse driver is capable of falling back to the standard "mouse"
 driver if a VMware virtual machine is not detected. This allows for dual-
 booting of an operating system from a virtual machine to real hardware
 without having to edit xorg.conf every time.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-input-vmmouse driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-apm
Description-md5: 76bed8387e2a64f45269341be0a7c23d
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- APM display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Alliance Pro Motion family of
 video cards; specifically, the 6420, 6422, AT24, AT25, and AT3D cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-apm driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-ark
Description-md5: 5cd86f1557627dca6a94a650ebce187b
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- ark display driver
 This package provides the driver for the ark family of chipsets.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-ark driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-ati
Description-md5: a558241c5640368e746e244a42658a2a
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver wrapper
 This package provides the 'ati' driver for the AMD/ATI Mach64, Rage128,
 Radeon, FireGL, FireMV, FirePro and FireStream series. This driver is
 actually a wrapper that loads one of the 'mach64', 'r128' or 'radeon' sub-
 drivers depending on the hardware. These sub-drivers are brought through
 package dependencies.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-ati driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-chips
Description-md5: 93a42eb034e19999ffe778874814d6d3
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Chips display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Chips & Technologies family of
 video cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-chips driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
Description-md5: dbd394b383bf471b0b9c0329c1df208b
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Cirrus display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Cirrus Logic family of video
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-cirrus driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-fbdev
Description-md5: b451ed3eb2ad77baac4420749cdc6f25
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Linux framebuffer device (aka
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-fbdev driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-i128
Description-md5: c90363632a93c876e91d742781e398b2
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- i128 display driver
 This package provides the driver for Number 9 Imagine (I128) video cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-i128 driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-i740
Description-md5: f0c2ea0fde3549ae157155012537bbad
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- i740 display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Intel i740 family of video
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-i740 driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Description-md5: 28a4da8dad3a8ed786bf6520e1c65dbb
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Intel i8xx and i9xx family of
 chipsets, including i810, i815, i830, i845, i855, i865, i915, i945 and
 i965 series chips.
 This package also provides XvMC (XVideo Motion Compensation) drivers for
 i810/i815 and i9xx and newer chipsets.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-intel driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-mach64
Description-md5: 1b28041388050f5356f92c26efc466bf
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver
 This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
 description) provides support for the ATI Mach64 series.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-mach64 driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-mga
Description-md5: 9759a9d157e7d32467cd3873a0de370a
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- MGA display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Matrox MGA family of chipsets,
 including Matrox Millennium and Mystique cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-mga driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-neomagic
Description-md5: 60bab4d6cb01a59e157cba38c8606cd5
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Neomagic display driver
 This package provides the driver for Neomagic MagicGraph chipsets, which
 are commonly found in laptops.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-neomagic driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-nv
Description-md5: ffcc4b31a4e206916efe99478e96c997
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- NV display driver
 This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
 description) provides support for NVIDIA Riva, TNT, GeForce, and Quadro
 Note that this is not the same as the binary-only 'nvidia' driver, which
 adds 3D support, but is binary-only and not supported.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-nv driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-r128
Description-md5: fa2b406954382e465159493fee9387f4
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- ATI r128 display driver
 This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
 description) provides support for the ATI Rage 'r128' series.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-r128 driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-radeon
Description-md5: 22563809adc62297091f8573cfba0d65
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display driver
 This package provides the 'radeon' driver for the AMD/ATI Radeon, FireGL,
 FireMV, FirePro and FireStream series.
 Note that this is not the same as the ATI-provided, binary-only, 'fglrx'
 driver, which provides additional 3D functionality for some newer Radeon
 cards, but is not supported.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-ati driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-rendition
Description-md5: f26d839db13a2799b35a89f4b8c315e9
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Rendition display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Rendition Verite family of
 chipsets, commonly found in 3D accelerators such as the Creative 3D
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-rendition driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-s3
Description-md5: 72b2ea6c87c6dc2ee7ae309b1dbe2275
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver
 This package provides the driver for certain legacy S3 video card
 chipsets, including the Trio64 and 96x cards.  It does not provide support
 for ViRGE/Trio3D or Savage chipsets; support for these cards is provided
 by xserver-xorg-video-s3virge and xserver-xorg-driver-savage,
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-s3 driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-s3virge
Description-md5: 9084cb77c00c1e3a9339a320f775aa02
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- S3 ViRGE display driver
 This package provides the driver for the S3 ViRGE and Trio3D family of
 chipsets.  It does not support Trio64 or S3 96x cards; support for these
 can be found in the xserver-xorg-video-s3 package.  Support for S3 Savage
 chipsets can be found in xserver-xorg-video-savage.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-s3virge driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-savage
Description-md5: bd4c7ae0200319399421c401b05f46b0
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Savage display driver
 This package provides the driver for the S3/VIA Savage/ProSavage/Twister
 family of chipsets.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-savage driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion
Description-md5: fe9786e807897db0a1b3b3bcf2da92d6
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- SiliconMotion display driver
 This package provides the driver for the SiliconMotion Lynx and Cougar
 family of chipsets, commonly found in laptops.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-siliconmotion driver

Package: xserver-xorg-video-sis
Description-md5: 5dccc847785f9c67efe4e2b18b71096d
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- SiS display driver
 This package provides the driver for all SiS and XGI Volari cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-sis driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-sisusb
Description-md5: 077bad901431bda883aa4135a28864aa
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver
 This package provides the driver for SiS USB-attached video devices.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-sisusb driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-tdfx
Description-md5: e36635c22fcf02786e9e9e2de0be2cb0
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- tdfx display driver
 This package provides the driver for 3dfx Voodoo video cards and their
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-tdfx driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-trident
Description-md5: 8202522f1d124bc653ea2bc8a0e5edd6
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Trident display driver
 This package provides the driver for Trident
 Blade/Image/ProVidia/TGUI/9xxx video cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-trident driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-tseng
Description-md5: b703b3eace6d974bfa74d34a84d29273
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Tseng display driver
 This package provides the driver for Tseng Labs cards.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-tseng driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-v4l
Description-md5: 3647737c6e7872ea4db5fdcf07936686
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Video 4 Linux display driver
 This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
 description) uses the Video For Linux interface. It does not provide a
 graphics chip driver, but instead registers a number of generic Xv
 adaptors which can be used with any graphics chipset driver.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-v4l driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-vesa
Description-md5: dd82946e4f984bcd311189945f899e39
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
 This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further
 description) uses the standard VESA interface provided on all video cards,
 but runs unaccelerated.  This driver is not recommended for use unless you
 have a problem  with the normal driver for your card, because it will
 peform very badly.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-vesa driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-vmware
Description-md5: a1d4c115170e814919ef61480fd20d44
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- VMware display driver
 This package provides the driver for VMware client sessions, i.e. if Linux
 is running inside a VMware session.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-vmware driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-voodoo
Description-md5: 5454fa5581c657f47a19efa3181c77e6
Description-ro: X.Org X server -- Voodoo display driver
 This package provides the driver for 3dfx Voodoo1 and Voodoo2 chipsets.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-voodoo driver module.

Package: xtrans-dev
Description-md5: 8f2a50b815f1b8b140f6b72ede74bc66
Description-ro: X transport library (development files)
 xtrans includes a number of routines to make X implementations transport-
 independent; at time of writing, it includes support for UNIX sockets,
 IPv4, IPv6, and DECnet.
 xtrans is not actually a library in itself; it includes .c files which are
 then used in the compilation of X servers, libraries, et al.
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 Acest modul poate fi găsit la:

Package: xvfb
Description-md5: 1f125de4e9224e0381d890db30e573d2
Description-ro: Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server
 Xvfb provides an X server that can run on machines with no display
 hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer
 using virtual memory. The primary use of this server was intended to be
 server testing, but other novel uses for it have been found, including
 testing clients against unusual depths and screen configurations, doing
 batch processing with Xvfb as a background rendering engine, load testing,
 as an aid to porting the X server to a new platform, and providing an
 unobtrusive way to run applications that don't really need an X server but
 insist on having one anyway.
 This package also contains a convenience script called xvfb-run which
 simplifies the automated execution of X clients in a virtual server
 environment. This convenience script requires the use of the xauth
 Mai multe informații despre X.Org pot fi găsite la: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xserver module.

Package: zip
Description-md5: 581928d34d669e63c353cd694bd040b0
Description-ro: Arhivator pentru fișierele .zip
 This is InfoZIP's zip program. It produces files that are fully compatible
 with the popular PKZIP program; however, the command line options are not
 identical. In other words, the end result is the same, but the methods
 differ. :-)
 Această versiune conține suport pentru criptare.