Package: abrowser Description-md5: b20b31628c843d4d2c719a6c5ab9a83d Description-tr: ABrowser'ın meta-paketleri ABrowser, popüler Firefox tarayıcısının marka'dan ayrılarak geliştirilmiş bir halidir. Hafif ve cross-platform olmak üzere tasrlanmış ve XUL diliyle yazılmıştır. . This is a metapackage that will point to the latest abrowser package in your distribution. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future. Package: acl Description-md5: 75eddab5ddd2597445b43aa18f0db77a Description-tr: Erişim Kontrol Listesi araçları Bu paket Erişim Kontrol Listelerini değiştirmek için gerekli olan getfacl ve setfacl yardımcılarını içerir Package: acpi-support Description-md5: 3da3f1fdfeedd4b9182ff4fd508042a7 Description-tr: çok sayıda ACPI olayını yönetmek için gerekli betikler This package contains scripts to react to various ACPI events. It only includes scripts for events that can be supported with some level of safety cross platform. . It is able to: * Detect loss and gain of AC power, lid closure, and the press of a number of specific buttons (on Asus, IBM, Lenovo, Panasonic, Sony and Toshiba laptops). * Suspend, hibernate and resume the computer, with workarounds for hardware that needs it. * On some laptops, set screen brightness. Package: acpid Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe Description-tr: Gelişmiş konfigürasyon ve Güç Arabirimi olay artalan süreci Modern bilgisayarlar, pil ve yapılandırma durumunu sorgulamaya ve sisteminizde akıllı güç yönetimine olanak sağlayan Gelişmiş Yapılandırma ve Güç Arabirimi'ni (ACPI) destekler. . ACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering ACPI events. It listens on netlink interface (or on the deprecated file /proc/acpi/event), and when an event occurs, executes programs to handle the event. The programs it executes are configured through a set of configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the admin. Package: adduser Description-md5: 7965b5cd83972a254552a570bcd32c93 Description-tr: kullanıcı ve grup ekleme ve silme Bu paket kullanıcı yaratma ve silme işlemleri için 'adduser' ve 'deluser' komutlarını içerir. . - 'adduser' yeni kullanıcılar ile gruplar oluşturur ve var olan kullanıcıları var olan gruplara ekler; - 'deluser' kullanıcı ile grupları kaldırır ve kullanıcıları belirtilmiş olan bir gruptan kaldırır. . 'adduser' ile kullanıcı eklemek elle eklemekten çok daha kolaydır. Adduser uygun UID (kullanıcı no) ve GID (Grup No) değerlerini seçer, bir ev dizini oluşturur, iskelet kullanıcı yapılandırmasını kopyalar ve kullanıcının şifresi, gerçek adı gibi başlangıç değerlerini ayarlar. . Deluser kullanıcıların ev dizinleri, posta kuyrukları ve sistemde sahip oldukları dosyaları yedekleyip silebilir. . Her komuttan sonra özel bir betik çalıştırılabilir. . Geliştirici e-posta listesi: Package: adium-theme-ubuntu Description-md5: 314da14682c298664cc6118ca7defcf7 Description-tr: Ubuntu için Adium ileti tarzı Adium message style for Ubuntu, to be used in an instant messenger that supports Adium message styles, such as Empathy. Package: aide Description-md5: 2f952d2016068a66962bb96ea84f8fc7 Description-tr: Gelişmiş Girdi Tespit Ortamı (AIDE) - statik derlenmiş AIDE yerel sistemdeki dosyalarda değişiklikleri algılayan bir izinsiz giriş tespit sistemidir. Config dosyasında bulanan regular expression kurallarından bir veritabanı oluşturur. Bu veritabanı faaliyete geçtiğinde, dosyaların bütünlüğünü doğrulamak için kullanılabilir. Dosyanın bütünlüğünü kontrol etmek için kullanılan bir dizi ileti özeti alagoritmasına (md5. sha1. rmd160. tiger. haval. gibi) sahiptir. Görece kolaylıklı daha fazla alagoritma eklenebilir. Tüm dosya öznitelikleri uyuşmazlıklar için ayrıca kontrol edilebilir. . Bu paket ''normal'' sistemler için sabit olarak ikili bağıntı içerir . You will almost certainly want to tweak the configuration file in /etc/aide/aide.conf or drop your own config snippets into /etc/aide/aide.conf.d. . Upstream URL: Package: aide-common Description-md5: 6bf2528925c7fbc4992d4b15aca1a673 Description-tr: Gelişmiş izinsiz giriş tespit ortamı - Ortak dosyalar AIDE yerel sistemdeki dosyalarda değişiklikleri algılayan bir izinsiz giriş tespit sistemidir. Config dosyasında bulanan regular expression kurallarından bir veritabanı oluşturur. Bu veritabanı faaliyete geçtiğinde, dosyaların bütünlüğünü doğrulamak için kullanılabilir. Dosyanın bütünlüğünü kontrol etmek için kullanılan bir dizi ileti özeti alagoritmasına (md5. sha1. rmd160. tiger. haval. gibi) sahiptir. Görece kolaylıklı daha fazla alagoritma eklenebilir. Tüm dosya öznitelikleri uyuşmazlıklar için ayrıca kontrol edilebilir. . Bu paket, asıl derlenmiş paket'in çalıştırılması için gereken temel ve yapılandırma dosyalarını içerir. . You will almost certainly want to tweak the configuration file in /etc/aide/aide.conf or drop your own config snippets into /etc/aide/aide.conf.d. . Upstream URL: Package: aisleriot Description-md5: 6648ddf4a02b6fc839ef819d1867cb82 Description-tr: Solitaire kart oyunları 80'den farklı solitaire oyununun bir kombinasyonu. Favorilerden: Freecell ve Klondike'ten umutsuzca amaçsız olan Clock Patience'e kadar. Package: akonadi-dbg Description-md5: 97e1d848cb04dc189ae9e4684c72a6fc Description-tr: Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti için hata ayıklayıcı Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management (PIM) storage service. It provides a common framework for applications to store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data. . Bu dosya Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti ile ilgili problemleri araştırmak için kullanılan hata ayıklayıcı dosyalar içerir. Package: akonadi-server Description-md5: b8476fa826d70eb4b0f59d9bb72750bb Description-tr: Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management (PIM) storage service. It provides a common framework for applications to store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data. . This package contains the Akonadi PIM storage server and associated programs. It pulls in all required dependencies including the MySQL server executable. Package: alacarte Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b Description-tr: Kolay GNOME menü düzenleme aracı Alacarte GNOME için yeni girişlerin ve menülerin eklenebildiği kullanımı kolay bir menü düzenleyicidir. menü özellikleriyle ve spec. kullanan herhangibi bir masaüstü ortamıyla çalışır. Package: alien Description-md5: 250884c1c7113f08b8c335ac3cf22206 Description-tr: rpm ve diğer paket türklerini çevir ve yükle Alien dpkg ile yüklenilebilen Debian paketleri içindeki LAS. Red Hat. Stampede ve Slackware paketlerini dönüştürmenize olanak verir. . Ayrıca herhangibi bir diğer formatta paketler oluşturabilir. . Bu sadece derlenmiş paketler için uygun bir araçtır. Package: alsa-base Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca Description-tr: ALSA sürücüsü yapılandırma dosyaları Bu paket ALSA sürücüleri için birçok yapılandırma dosyası içerir. . Ses kartıyla gelen bir sistemde ALSA'nın çalışması için: bu kart için kernel-de bir ALSA sürücüsü olması gerekir. Linux-image paketlerine yüklenmiş Linux 2.6 yüklenilebilir modüllerin formundaki bütün desteklenen ALSA ses kartı sürücülerini içerir. İsteğe uyarlanmış bir alsa-modules paketi alsa-source paketi m-a yardımcı uygulaması kullanılarak (module- assistant paketinde yerleşik) yapılandırılabilir. Lütfen modüllerin yüklenmesi ve yapılandırılması ile ilgili olarak daha fazla bilgi için README.Debian dosyasını okuyunuz. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: amarok-common Description-md5: 7edb06ad8d166860bb6c8a6ff4667004 Description-tr: Amarok için mimariden bağımsız dosyalar Bu paket Amarok' un düzgün çalışması için bağımsız mimari dosyalar içerir. Bu nedenle yüklenmiş aynı versiyon 'amarok' paketiniz olsa bile bu paketi çok işe yarar bulacaksınız. Package: amarok-dbg Description-md5: 11a8ecdda53370b64ba5912cbe25c09a Description-tr: Amarok için hata ayıklama sembolleri Bu paket amarok kaynak paketinde yapılanmış tüm ikili paketler için hata ayıklama simgeleri sağlar. Amarok geliştiricilerinden ya da Debian paket bakımcılarından birine herhangibi Amarok hatası raporlamadan önce bu paketin yüklenmesi önemli derecede tavsiye edilir. Package: amarok-utils Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9 Description-tr: Amarok media oynatıcı için araçlar Bu paket tipik olarak Amarok media oynatıcısı ile kullanılan komut satırı yardımcı programlarını içerir fakat Amarok yüklenmemiş sistemlerde de kullanışlı olabilir. KDE kitaplıklarına bağlı olmadan hafif olmak için tasarlanmışlardır. . Paket şu haliyle aşağıdaki özellikleri içerir: - amarokcollectionscanner - ses dosyalarını tarayıp dosya etiketlerinden bilgi toplar ve yapılandırılmış XML formatında bastırır. - amarok_afttagger - Gömülü "Amarok Dosya İzleme" sistemi için gerekli olan özel etiketleri dosyalara yazmaya ve dosyalardan silmeye yardımcı olan bir uygulamadır. Package: amavisd-new Description-md5: d95fd9c270e69763b2674a7c7629b731 Description-tr: MTA ve virüs tarayıcı/içerik filtreleyici arasında arayüz AMaViSd-new is a script that interfaces a mail transport agent (MTA) with zero or more virus scanners, and spamassassin (optional). . It supports all common virus scanners (more than 20 different AVs), with direct talk-to-daemon support for ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, AVG, f-prot, and Sophos AVs. . AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode (ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail milter through the amavisd-new-milter package. Package: amor Description-md5: 1f144b021cd42ac0c3b18a4e0eaa1309 Description-tr: KDE 4 masaüstü rehberi AMOR, or Amusing Misuse Of Resources, displays an animated character who wanders about the screen, doing tricks and giving the occasional hint. . This package is part of the KDE 4 toys module. Package: anacron Description-md5: 98c80c63ed6d85b30d3e95d03396653d Description-tr: cron-like program that doesn't go by time Anacron ('yanlış tarihlenmiş' gibi) bir periyodik zamanlayıcı komutudur. Belirlenmiş gün aralıklarında komutu uygular. Cron' dan farklı olarak sistemin sürekli çalıştığını varsaymaz. Bu yüzden günde 24 saat çalışmayan sistemlerde günlük. haftalık ve aylık işlerin (ya da herhangibi bir periyoddaki n kadar günün) yürütülmesini kontrol etmek için kullanılabilir. Yüklenip doğru bir şekilde yapılandırıldığında. Anacron bu komutların makina açık olduğu zamanlara en yakın belirlenmiş aralıklarla çalıştığına emin olur. . Bu paket Debian sistemin günlük işlerini yürütmek için ön- yapılandırılmıştır. Eğer sisteminiz günde 24 saat açık değilse diğer Debian paketlerinin bakım işlerinin her gün yürütüldüğünden emin olmak için bu programı yüklemelisiniz. Package: ant Description-md5: 5ceb3b9317ae6734ab188db300acaade Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". This package contains the scripts and the core tasks libraries. Package: ant-doc Description-md5: 57a585c539546126acd9aa0e320f0d4d Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - API belgelendirme ve yardımı A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". This package contains the manual of ant as well as the Javadoc API documentation. Package: ant-gcj Description-md5: a8a4ebdea915462792304a2aef9dd221 Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". . This package contains a native version of ant built using gcj. Package: ant-optional Description-md5: ccdbce1086b391c7aabff03d95a69d02 Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - isteğe bağlı kütüphaneler A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". This package contains the optional tasks libraries. Package: ant-optional-gcj Description-md5: 3bdbfa4acc0dabe5bf0b6f8434260355 Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - API belgelendirme ve yardımı A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". This package contains the optional tasks libraries compiled natively. Package: antlr-doc Description-md5: 2c7eadb8bcc6ff951791285f19c40007 Description-tr: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc This package contains the documentation and examples for antlr. ANTLR stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). It is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers]. . Tam bir açıklama için antlr peketine bakın Package: apache2 Description-md5: d24f049cd70ccfc178dd8974e4b1ed01 Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu meta-paketi The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The result has long been the number one web server on the Internet. . It features support for HTTPS, virtual hosting, CGI, SSI, IPv6, easy scripting and database integration, request/response filtering, many flexible authentication schemes, and more. Package: apache2-doc Description-md5: 268d5339b3063f1f4a1f8ba078480a2a Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu belgelendirmesi Bu paket, Apache 2 için belgelendirmeyi sağlar. Daha fazla ayrıntı için apache2 paket tanımına bakın. Package: apache2-utils Description-md5: c0f244ebe5ae8893ad856a675f468b18 Description-tr: Web sunucuları için araçlar Provides some add-on programs useful for any webserver. These include: - ab (Apache benchmark tool) - logresolve (Resolve IP addresses to hostname in logfiles) - htpasswd (Manipulate basic authentication files) - htdigest (Manipulate digest authentication files) - dbmmanage (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using perl) - htdbm (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using APR) - rotatelogs (Periodically stop writing to a logfile and open a new one) - split-logfile (Split a single log including multiple vhosts) - checkgid (Checks whether the caller can setgid to the specified group) - check_forensic (Extract mod_log_forensic output from Apache log files) Package: apache2.2-common Description-md5: 214ca4adfc4cb3d8083d736c7fe47647 Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu ortak dosyalar The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The result has long been the number one web server on the Internet. . This package contains the configuration and support scripts. However, it does *not* include the server itself; for this you need to install one of the apache2-mpm-* packages, such as worker or prefork. Package: apmd Description-md5: 101bf0154b06ad4d7eee1e65235e7658 Description-tr: Gelişmiş Güç Yönetimi (APM) için araçlar On laptop computers, the Advanced Power Management (APM) support provides access to battery status information and may help you to conserve battery power, depending on your laptop and the APM implementation. The apmd program also lets you run arbitrary programs when APM events happen (for example, you can eject PCMCIA devices when you suspend, or change hard drive timeouts when you connect the battery). . This package contains apmd(8), a daemon for logging and acting on APM events; and apm(1), a client that prints the information in /proc/apm in a readable format. . apmd is notified of APM events by the APM driver in the kernel. . Since lenny Debian kernels are not built with APM support anymore. You need to compile a kernel with apm support enabled to use this package. You need to boot the kernel with the "apm=on" option if you want to enable the driver. . In most cases, users may want to know that there are newer power management schemes, like ACPI. Package: app-install-data Description-md5: 99615ad4f7a187b47224586868e601b4 Description-tr: Ubuntu uygulamaları (veri dosyaları) This package contains the Ubuntu specific application data for gnome-app- install, an easy to use and simple application installer. Package: app-install-data-partner Description-md5: 61a3a984760f64a77423188997d5601e Description-tr: Application Installer (data files for partner applications/repositories) Hoş bir uygulama yükleyici. . This package contains the data files for the partner applications and repositories available in gnome-app-install. Package: apparmor-docs Description-md5: a103e532d857d26bb81d3a70ed027331 Description-tr: AppArmor için belgelendirme AppArmor için HTML ve PDF belgelendirme Package: apparmor-utils Description-md5: ea3a3047e1f7a7ea59c2f79392164952 Description-tr: AppArmor'ı kontrol etmek için araçlar Bu paket, AppArmor profilleri oluşturmaya ve bunları yönetmeye yardımcı olmak için bazı kullanışlı programları sağlar. Package: apport Description-md5: c04626471654f9246cf5e28b560d262e Description-tr: hata ayıklama için otomatik olarak çökme raporları oluştur apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook provided by the Ubuntu kernel. . This package also provides a command line frontend for browsing and handling the crash reports. For desktops, you should consider installing the GTK+ or Qt user interface (apport-gtk or apport-kde). Package: apport-gtk Description-md5: 2f45e17d5bf22355d7921dba196ae6dd Description-tr: Apport çökme bildirim sistemi için GTK+ arayüzü apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook provided by the Ubuntu kernel. . This package provides a GTK+ frontend for browsing and handling the crash reports. Package: apport-kde Description-md5: c8fd570a74a013e8fc3c502dd64152ce Description-tr: Apport çökme bildirim sistemi için KDE arayüzü apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook provided by the Ubuntu kernel. . This package provides a KDE frontend for browsing and handling the crash reports. Package: apport-retrace Description-md5: 18abc28e83b55951e8d4b0b772f61e3b Description-tr: Apport çökme raporlarını yeniden işlemek için araçlar apport-retrace recombines an Apport crash report (either a file or a Launchpad bug) and debug symbol packages (.ddebs) into fully symbolic stack traces. . This package also ships apport-chroot. This tool can create and manage chroots for usage with apport-retrace. If the fakeroot and fakechroot libraries are available (either by installing the packages or by merely putting their libraries somewhere and setting two environment variables), the entire process of retracing crashes in chroots can happen with normal user privileges. Package: apt Description-md5: d41ee493aa9fcc6cbc9ce4eb7069959c Description-tr: Dpkg için gelişmiş bir arayüz This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager. It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages. . APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in apt-doc. Package: apt-doc Description-md5: 9b6a7aeacfdf621c39e12d6845a9b3ce Description-tr: APT için belgelendirme This package contains the user guide and offline guide, for APT, an Advanced Package Tool. Package: apt-listchanges Description-md5: ff242d11e25a826706c61be7ebf92ad4 Description-tr: paket değişim geçmişi bilgilendirme aracı The tool apt-listchanges can compare a new version of a package with the one currently installed and show what has been changed, by extracting the relevant entries from the Debian changelog and NEWS files. . It can be run on several .deb archives at a time to get a list of all changes that would be caused by installing or upgrading a group of packages. When configured as an APT plugin it will do this automatically during upgrades. Package: apt-utils Description-md5: 89ba4d29ff1b6c208bff38a20bd46c2b Description-tr: APT araçları This package contains some APT utility programs such as apt-ftparchive, apt-sortpkgs and apt-extracttemplates. . apt-extracttemplates is used by debconf to prompt for configuration questions before installation. apt-ftparchive is used to create Package and other index files. apt-sortpkgs is a Package/Source file normalizer. Package: aptdaemon Description-md5: 62bc39130dbc5a859d88440f54c4655c Description-tr: transaction based package management service Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g. refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing software packages. . İzleyen temel özelliklerle birlikte gelir: . - Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows to write clients in several languages - Runs only if required (D-Bus activation) - Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all desktop user to query for updates without entering a password - Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM - Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system) - Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call . This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to run the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a command line client for aptdaemon. The API is not stable yet. Package: aptitude-dbg Description-md5: 3796a22a34ca086b2f8cb908e2a35aff Description-tr: Aptitude paket yöneticisi için hata ayıklama simgeleri aptitude is a terminal-based package manager with a number of useful features, including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a flexible manner, dselect-like persistence of user actions, the ability to retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a command- line mode similar to that of apt-get. . This package contains the debugging symbols for aptitude. You only need these if you want to generate debugging backtraces of aptitude; if you do, you probably also want the debug package for the cwidget library. Package: aptitude-doc-en Description-md5: 91ecee7dda6008d74feafb5e81e3d73e Description-tr: Aptitude, konsol tabanlı bir paket yöneticisi, için İngilizce yardım dosyası aptitude is a terminal-based package manager. This package contains the English version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: apturl Description-md5: 0ff87045fbbd2d7c44b70b7ac3d409e1 Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - GTK+ arayüzü AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . This package contains the GTK+ frontend. Package: apturl-common Description-md5: 1a9a3582fbd6f80810cf5bf2bc1a5249 Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - ortak veriler AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . This package contains the common data shared between the frontends. Package: apturl-kde Description-md5: a4b4a26c612de7e3e69da6a468094181 Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - KDE arayüzü AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does so for him). . This package contains the KDE frontend. Package: ark Description-md5: 6c99427873739455288cf45017d282e6 Description-tr: KDE 4 için arşiv aracı Ark manages various archive formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip. It can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives. . This package is part of the KDE 4 utilities module. Package: at-spi-doc Description-md5: 222491e2c82592a065920601156a9de8 Description-tr: Documentation files of at-spi for GNOME Accessibility at-spi is the "Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface". . Accessibility is enabling people with disabilities to participate in substantial life activities that include work and the use of services, products and information. . Bu paket, at-spi için belgelendirme dosyalarını içerir. Package: augeas-dbg Description-md5: 04bb4e8b4c50b75a43a23eeb7fc23ad2 Description-tr: libaugeas0 için hata ayıklama simgeleri Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . This package provides debugging symbols for augeas, both the core library and the tools, to assist in diagnosing critical bugs. It is not required for normal operation. Package: augeas-tools Description-md5: 3910bb8edac0a7a2eb4c78437f67490b Description-tr: Augeas komut satırı araçları Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . This package provides command line tools based on libaugeas0: - augtool, a tool to manage configuration files. - augparse, a testing and debugging tool for augeas lenses. Package: auth-client-config Description-md5: 4cc8ab70be75a9c4a7a4aadde9497ff1 Description-tr: pam ve NSS profil değiştirici Script for modifying nsswitch.conf and pam configuration using a database of predefined configurations. Its intended use is to enable easier configuration of network authentication and authorization (such as LDAP and Kerberos). Package: autofs5 Description-md5: d28d60b63cb0f29dbecbab5e6da68927 Description-tr: Linux için çekirdek tabanlı otomatik bağlayıcı, sürüm 5 Autofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The automount daemons automatically mount filesystems when they are used and unmount them after a period of inactivity. This is done based on a set of pre- configured maps. . The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module (builtin or separate) is required. Package: autogen Description-md5: 2f86cfabb08ada7ec7136b2b9acca967 Description-tr: otomatik metin dosyası oluşturucu AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain repetitive text with varied substitutions. This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text that must be kept synchronized. . Included with AutoGen is a tool that virtually eliminates the hassle of processing options, keeping usage text up to date and so on. This tool allows you to specify several program attributes, innumerable options and option attributes, then it produces all the code necessary to parse and handle the command line and initialization file options. . This package contains the development tools. libopts25-dev contains the static libraries and header files. libopts25 contains the shared libraries. Package: automoc Description-md5: 089a1b306f5bbbf5910999a44b5b53b9 Description-tr: Qt 4 paketleri için otomatik moc This package contains the automoc4 binary which is used to run moc on the right binaries in a Qt 4 or KDE 4 application. . Moc is the meta object compiler which is a much used tool when using the Qt toolkit. Package: avahi-daemon Description-md5: 13d651a25febc553220e03e75c6f4c7b Description-tr: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD hizmeti Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to. . This package contains the Avahi Daemon which represents your machine on the network and allows other applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS- SD records. Package: avahi-dbg Description-md5: be77e76d0e7f31e403a87133b185f545 Description-tr: Avahi - hata ayıklama simgeleri This package contains detached debugging symbols for the binary packages produced by the avahi source. . Most people will not need this package. Package: awstats Description-md5: 13563117d747b5d1acdce35986df9f8a Description-tr: güçlü ve zengin özelliklere sahip bir web sunucusu kayıt çözümleyicisi Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a powerful web server logfile analyzer written in perl that shows you all your web statistics including visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords used to find your site, robots, broken links and more. Gives more detailed information and better graphical charts than webalizer, and is easier to use. Works with several web server log format as a CGI and/or from command line. Supports more than 30 languages. Package: bcc Description-md5: 268215b21e3311cc4ec3976927b43fee Description-tr: 16-bit x86 C derleyici This is a C-compiler for 8086 cpus which is important for the development of boot loaders or BIOS related 8086 code. . It is possible to run 8086 code under i386 Linux using an emulator, `elksemu', also included in this package. Package: bdf2psf Description-md5: 91feed7aed24c67d6793a33c4f284687 Description-tr: BDF kaynak yazı tiplerinden konsol yazı tipleri oluşturmak için yazı tipi dönüştürücü This package provides a command-line converter that can be used in scripts to build console fonts from BDF sources automatically. The converter comes with a collection of font encodings that cover many of the world's languages. The output font can use a different character encoding from the input. When the source font does not define a glyph for a particular symbol in the encoding table, that glyph position in the console font is not wasted but used for another symbol. . When deciding about the position in the font for a particular glyph, the converter takes into account that in text video modes the video adapter copies the eighth column of the glyph matrix of symbols positioned in the pseudographic area to the ninth column. In order to create fonts for text video modes, the width of the glyph matrix of the source BDF font should be seven, eight, or nine pixels; otherwise the converter creates fonts suitable for framebuffer only. Package: bind9-doc Description-md5: 329b8ef5cf9ad3d51ce47e6d8d13d75e Description-tr: BIND için belgelendirme This package provides various documents that are useful for maintaining a working BIND installation. Package: bind9utils Description-md5: 5f6f5621a6edd04ef33a0fe5d2d5bff8 Description-tr: BIND için araçlar This package provides various utilities that are useful for maintaining a working BIND installation. Package: blt-dev Description-md5: 453c95bcb4ba4a84fcab957ccaad07a8 Description-tr: Tcl/Tk için BLT eklenti kütüphanesi - geliştirme dosyaları BLT is a library of useful extensions for the Tcl language and the popular Tk graphical toolkit. It adds a vector and tree data type, background execution and some debugging tools to Tcl, and provides several new widgets for Tk, including graphs, bar-charts, trees, tabs, splines and hyper-links, as well as a new geometry manager, drag & drop support, and more. . This package contains the headers and libraries needed to extend or embed BLT. Package: bluez Description-md5: ef25d6a9f4a57e78f32faa7b58ef4e59 Description-tr: Bluetooth araçları ve hizmetleri Bu paket, Bluetooth aygıtlarını kullanmak için gerekli olan araçları ve sistem hizmetlerini içerir. . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-alsa Description-md5: 3adafe42cbba18ce5d81c5fd8520e18b Description-tr: Bluetooth ses desteği This package contains a driver operate with the ALSA stack. . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-cups Description-md5: 4e5f0a66844f2292ecbf023e856b77d4 Description-tr: CUPS için Bluetooth yazıcı sürücüsü This package contains a driver to let CUPS print to Bluetooth-connected printers. . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bluez-gstreamer Description-md5: 175293486171f8d3d5bfe3c0c38d356a Description-tr: Bluetooth GStreamer desteği This package contains a plugin to operate with GStreamer applications. . BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). Package: bonnie++ Description-md5: 9832e3a4b041bb080c70572e7a0ec7de Description-tr: Sabit disk kıyaslama seti. It is called Bonnie++ because it was based on the Bonnie program. This program also tests performance with creating large numbers of files. Now includes zcav raw-read test program. A modern hard drive will have more sectors in the outer tracks because they are longer. The hard drive will have a number (often more than 8) of zones where each zone has the same number of sectors (due to the need for an integral number of sectors per track). This program allows you to determine the levels of performance provided by different zones and store them in a convenient format for gnuplot. . This is the experimental version. It's not ready to replace the 1.x series in time for Lenny but will be for Lenny+1. The extra features (large file support, better bon_csv2html, and support for zcav tests on multiple devices) will make it worth using for some people. Package: brasero Description-md5: f8b587a21ec167a346c66c4d208477cf Description-tr: GNOME için CD/DVD yakma uygulaması Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media: audio, video or data. It features among other things: * On-the-fly burning * Multisession support * On-the-fly conversion of music playlists in all formats supported by GStreamer . This package contains the main binary, the burning plugins and the nautilus extension. . The following packages, if installed, will provide Brasero with added functionality: * cdrdao to burn combined data/audio CDs and for byte-to-byte copy * GStreamer backends to support more audio formats * vcdimager to create VCDs or SVCDs * libdvdcss2 to copy encrypted DVDs Package: brasero-common Description-md5: 4606bf022bac975b6e53bb64c48943d3 Description-tr: Brasero CD yakma uygulaması ve kütüphaneleri için ortak dosyalar Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . This package contains the common files and translations. Package: bridge-utils Description-md5: 85685418e1b1904000031e34c7cf79ff Description-tr: Linux Ethernet köprüsünü yapılandırmak için araçlar This package contains utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge in Linux 2.4 or later. The Linux Ethernet bridge can be used for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully transparent: hosts connected to one Ethernet device see hosts connected to the other Ethernet devices directly. Package: dolphin Description-md5: ea5c825749138a342b3398d6da19fe8a Description-tr: file manager for KDE 4 Dolphin is the default KDE 4 file manager, intended to be both powerful and easy to use. . Features include: Customisable sidebars "Breadcrumb" navigation View properties remembered for each folder Split views Network transparency Undo/redo functionality Ratings, comments, and tags . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: gnome-media-common Description-md5: e5e8b3a8ffd051daa1d147e530be0f8b Description-tr: GNOME media utilities - common files Bu paket, GNOME ortam araçları için ortak dosyaları ve uluslararasılaştırma dosyalarını içerir. Package: gnome-nettool Description-md5: 7726e6e8b13ccd50f66095a80b2841a3 Description-tr: GNOME için ağ bilgisi aracı GNOME Nettool is a network information tool which provides user interfaces for some of the most common command line network tools including: * ifconfig * ping * netstat * tracepath * port scanning * DNS lookup * finger * whois Package: gnome-panel-data Description-md5: 2ff7a42de238e01d2b058a28db414f26 Description-tr: GNOME paneli için ortak dosyalar This package includes some files that are needed by the GNOME Panel (Pixmaps, .desktop files and internationalization files). Package: gnome-pkg-tools Description-md5: c70a3c297a4da5c32996ed18c8c8e7f9 Description-tr: Debian GNOME Paketleme Takımı için araçlar This package contains some useful tools for the Debian GNOME Packaging Team including: * Documentation. * The list of team members. * A number of rules files for CDBS that are helpful for GNOME packages - but may also be useful for others. Package: gnome-power-manager Description-md5: 631e3d5d3a0a02e15736e3e9243aa578 Description-tr: GNOME masaüstü için güç yönetimi aracı GNOME Power Manager is a session daemon for the GNOME desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user. . The GNOME power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the GNOME desktop. Package: gnome-screensaver Description-md5: 4dad587fa91113f99b8fc502d8ecfc68 Description-tr: GNOME ekran koruyucu ve kilitleyici gnome-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the GNOME desktop. . It is designed to support, among other things: . * the ability to lock down configuration settings * translation into other languages * user switching Package: gnome-system-monitor Description-md5: bb5488674b14e5248e88189686b54d2d Description-tr: GNOME için işlem görüntüleyici ve sistem kaynakları izleyici This package allows you to graphically view and manipulate the running processes on your system. It also provides an overview of available resources such as CPU and memory. Package: gnome-system-tools Description-md5: 9cf728f85b295823bdcf0f16c7aabbee Description-tr: GNOME için çoklu platform yapılandırma araçları The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make easy the job that means the computer administration on an UNIX or Linux system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the system administrators. . Its main advantages are: * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center. * An user-friendly interface to carry out the main administration tasks. * The use of a common user interface in every system. * A common structure that makes easy the development of new system tools. Nowadays there are tools for managing: - Users and groups - Date and time - Network options - Services - Shares (NFS and Samba) Package: gnome-terminal Description-md5: 35b2d4ee410de2042f6b869ef7e025ae Description-tr: GNOME uçbirim öykünücüsü uygulaması GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . GNOME Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support. Package: gnome-terminal-data Description-md5: 9b9dc36a1c83dd9ce4cb3aedf50168f1 Description-tr: GNOME uçbirim öykünücüsü için veri dosyaları GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . This package contains data, help files and localization settings for gnome-terminal, the GNOME terminal emulator application. Package: gnome-themes-ubuntu Description-md5: 06da189636bc9b242321bf53ea6ab258 Description-tr: Ubuntu topluluk temaları This package contains a few nice contributed themes for the GNOME desktop: . * Dust * Dust Sand * New Wave Package: gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc Description-md5: 83ad58e2ff16ba62ea80861be69da7eb Description-tr: GStreamer documentation for the non-linear editing module GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. . Gnonlin is a set of GStreamer elements to ease the creation of non-linear multimedia editors. It works together with the GStreamer multimedia framework to give developers a powerful and flexible set of tools for quickly assembling applications which needs to handle non-linear multimedia editing. . Bu paket, Gnonlin için belgelendirmeyi içerir. Package: gtk-doc-tools Description-md5: 680f02d24c1c217432f55bdadbc87421 Description-tr: GTK+ belgelendirme araçları These tools extract documentation embedded in GNOME source code, and produce pretty output via DocBook SGML. Package: guile-1.8-doc Description-md5: a11220164794aefadad3110baec86e42 Description-tr: Guile 1.8 için belgelendirme This package contains all of the Guile documentation that is covered under a license which is compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG). This includes a tutorial which is available via "info guile-tut". . Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming, providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many extension languages. Guile can be used as a standard #! style interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other applications via libguile. Package: hal-doc Description-md5: f7c70b84119c1b052f51af7421f416aa Description-tr: Hardware Abstraction Layer - documentation HAL provides an abstract view on hardware. . This abstraction layer is simply an interface that makes it possible to add support for new devices and new ways of connecting devices to the computer, without modifying every application that uses the device. It maintains a list of devices that currently exist, and can provide information about those upon request. . Bu paket, HAL için API belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: indent-doc Description-md5: b1d6cfeff8b582dee47070d3d3ba2886 Description-tr: GNU indent için belgelendirme Bu paket, GNU indent için HTML belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: install-info Description-md5: 1fc51f7aec70d7bdeff2e1bf59b3ebbc Description-tr: Info biçiminde yüklenmiş belgelendirmeleri yönet The install-info utility creates the index of all installed documentation in info format and makes it available to info readers. Package: iproute-doc Description-md5: 98f6f41b2917671dd427cb3ba0ac44b7 Description-tr: networking and traffic control tools - documentation The iproute suite, also known as iproute2, is a collection of utilities for networking and traffic control. . Bu paket, iproute için belgelendirmeyi içerir. Package: junit4-doc Description-md5: 76c2a881e3392afd1eddd749d9d0edd7 Description-tr: JUnit regression test framework for Java - documentation JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. . JUnit 4 uses Java 5 features such as generics and annotations. If you need compatibility with previous Java versions, you should use the junit package (version 3) instead. . Bu paket, JUnit 4'ün Javadoc API belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: kdebase-bin Description-md5: a4db61e3dd6afcd2f04d3ed65e25b9bc Description-tr: core binaries for the KDE 4 base module This package contains miscellaneous programs needed by other KDE 4 applications, particularly those in the KDE 4 base module. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: kdebase-data Description-md5: 160f46c9e9bdc912a314a64e1c4f03f8 Description-tr: shared data files for the KDE 4 base module This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files needed for a basic KDE 4 desktop installation. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: kdepasswd Description-md5: 222d41a6167f5f40655b5922031f16ef Description-tr: password changer for KDE 4 kdepasswd allows users to change their password, user icon, and other information. A variety of user icons are included. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: kdepim-doc Description-md5: 3588489bd2bcbfe2d0b13c755406218c Description-tr: KDE Kişisel Bilgi Yönetimi kütüphanesi belgelendirmesi KDE çekirdek kütüphane belgelendirmesi. KDE PIM uygulamaları geliştirmek için bunlara ihtiyacınız var. . This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE PIM module. See the 'kde' and 'kdepim' packages for more information. Package: kfind Description-md5: e53130e9f138ef44bbbf42a2c3768bee Description-tr: file search utility for KDE 4 KFind can be used to find files and directories on your system. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: kinfocenter Description-md5: cb054e1ece3b97f7174ce18c13014476 Description-tr: system information viewer for KDE KInfoCenter provides you with a graphical overview of various aspects of your system, such as memory usage, storage capacity, and attached devices. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: konqueror Description-md5: a8ed5800ebd0b2950ac6d83a5339882e Description-tr: KDE 4's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer Konqueror is the KDE web browser and advanced file manager. . Konqueror is a standards-compliant web browser, supporting HTML 4.01, Java, JavaScript, CSS3, and Netscape plugins such as Flash. . It supports advanced file management on local UNIX filesystems, with flexible views, network transparency, and embedded file viewing. . It is the canvas for many KDE technologies, from remote file access via KIO to component embedding via the KParts object interface, making it one of the most customizable applications available. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: konqueror-nsplugins Description-md5: 88653bebf3a6d7052e341eafb49c957a Description-tr: Netscape plugin support for Konqueror Bu paket, Konqueror'ın Flash gibi Netscape eklentilerini kullanabilmesini sağlar. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: konsole Description-md5: fea829f52a0b2188540a1f93e56dec8e Description-tr: X terminal emulator for KDE 4 Konsole is the KDE 4 terminal emulator. It can contain multiple terminal sessions inside one window using detachable tabs. . Konsole supports powerful terminal features, such as customizable schemes, saved sessions, and output monitoring. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: krb5-doc Description-md5: 82977cdecba51fe5a20802f9dee9fabf Description-tr: MIT Kerberos için belgelendirme Kerberos is a system for authenticating users and services on a network. Kerberos is a trusted third-party service. That means that there is a third party (the Kerberos server) that is trusted by all the entities on the network (users and services, usually called "principals"). . This is the MIT reference implementation of Kerberos V5. . This package contains the installation, administrator, and user reference manuals for MIT Kerberos and the man pages for the MIT Kerberos configuration files. Package: kubuntu-docs Description-md5: bd5908561513f987a2f1871f44deb9bd Description-tr: kubuntu sistem belgelendirmesi This package contains the system documentation for the Kubuntu GNU/Linux distribution. Full system support for Kubuntu with the KDE desktop can be obtained by installing this package. . Though KHelpCenter is recommended, all documentation in this package is HTML, which means you can view it with any web browser by browsing to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/
. . This documentation is part of the Ubuntu Documentation Project which is created and maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team . Package: kwrite Description-md5: 431e3da9f9e6ed70e5fbad47ee1370e6 Description-tr: text editor for KDE 4 KWrite is the KDE 4 simple text editor. It uses the Kate editor component, so it supports powerful features such as flexible syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, and numerous other text tools. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: language-support-hy Description-md5: c4317e977d13597f5267ba4ebc608db8 Description-tr: metapackage for Armenian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-hy. . Dil: Ermenice Package: language-support-it Description-md5: de3fb74e20d2c6281d2b7bf954ea3b10 Description-tr: metapackage for Italian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-it. . Dil: İtalyanca Package: language-support-ku Description-md5: de9d308b6c1d7c3a4776902f40943b3b Description-tr: metapackage for Kurdish language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ku. . Dil: Kürtçe Package: language-support-nl Description-md5: b5ded22dc098701786e8f2f43b6c519d Description-tr: metapackage for Dutch; Flemish language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-nl. . Dil: Hollandaca, Felemenkçe Package: language-support-pt Description-md5: 7996622317a19d64c21232d6f715b976 Description-tr: metapackage for Portuguese language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-pt. . Dil: Portekizce Package: language-support-ro Description-md5: 48c04232fb074027c9a8bd5d6328a360 Description-tr: metapackage for Romanian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ro. . Dil: Romence Package: language-support-ru Description-md5: d2aa5298156daac13d3b613331e41155 Description-tr: metapackage for Russian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ru. . Dil: Rusça Package: language-support-sk Description-md5: bf38df50dd1b0c466b10c76e05e3ff35 Description-tr: metapackage for Slovak language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sk. . Dil: Slovakça Package: language-support-sl Description-md5: 566fb8fdb0e33e5b666b859ecfe558ae Description-tr: metapackage for Slovenian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sl. . Dil: Slovence Package: language-support-sr Description-md5: 570960dad3aa2306b6cbf28e767aa1ec Description-tr: metapackage for Serbian language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sr. . Dil: Sırpça Package: language-support-sv Description-md5: c535e1d13bf4710cea65968c128884d5 Description-tr: metapackage for Swedish language support This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice and Mozilla locale packages, etc.). . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sv. . Dil: İsveççe Package: language-support-writing-hy Description-md5: 3cd5c1c496df709ec916c9c599f6ec61 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Armenian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Armenian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-hy. . Dil: Ermenice Package: language-support-writing-it Description-md5: 80214cee8a3714fe00322e7110e2775b Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Italian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Italian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-it. . Dil: İtalyanca Package: language-support-writing-ku Description-md5: e244a3842742eadec60382390a69d5be Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Kurdish This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Kurdish language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ku. . Dil: Kürtçe Package: language-support-writing-nl Description-md5: 6181912007e191b0abb83e2e20ddd9e4 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Dutch; Flemish This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Dutch; Flemish language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-nl. . Dil: Hollandaca, Felemenkçe Package: language-support-writing-pt Description-md5: 76063b2b3b6795534320bf989369885a Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Portuguese This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Portuguese language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-pt. . Dil: Portekizce Package: language-support-writing-ro Description-md5: f05e919cf15c9cfa44343c1fd1a63005 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Romanian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Romanian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ro. . Dil: Romence Package: language-support-writing-ru Description-md5: c8ad74cb97474136379782db6e6ef583 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Russian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Russian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-ru. . Dil: Rusça Package: language-support-writing-sk Description-md5: e5f30c71440a723c95f1621db791ea98 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Slovak This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Slovak language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sk. . Dil: Slovakça Package: language-support-writing-sl Description-md5: 4c4dfd694c64b8680fb77dfa7bb54cce Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Slovenian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Slovenian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sl. . Dil: Slovence Package: language-support-writing-sr Description-md5: 94846bf587dc9971344934ff3e438215 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Serbian This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Serbian language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sr. . Dil: Sırpça Package: language-support-writing-sv Description-md5: 4c2d9eb829bb5d21998c34e5749123d5 Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Swedish This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might be useful in a Swedish language environment. . If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated, please additionally install language-pack-sv. . Dil: İsveççe Package: libapache2-mod-perl2-doc Description-md5: f7295d6066d24596d70979d5a76d8fdd Description-tr: Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server - documentation mod_perl allows the use of Perl for just about anything Apache-related, including sections in the config files and the famous Apache::Registry module for caching compiled scripts. . Bu paket, mod_perl için ek belgelendirmeleri içerir. Package: libapache2-mod-python-doc Description-md5: 9564caeb173aa6a96d396d2bfafe8b8b Description-tr: Python-embedding module for Apache 2 - documentation The mod_python module supports web applications written in Python. Because the parser is embedded in the server as an Apache module, it will run much faster than traditional CGI. . Bu paket, HTML biçimindeki modül belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: libapt-pkg-doc Description-md5: a34515b95abb36942217365c25aac35f Description-tr: APT geliştirme için belgelendirme This package contains documentation for development of the APT Debian package manipulation program and its libraries. . This includes the source code documentation generated by doxygen in html format. Package: libasound2-doc Description-md5: 129bace4909c6c0a0e3962bdc5bd661e Description-tr: developer documentation for user-space ALSA application programming Bu paket, ALSA kütüphanesi için belgelendirmeyi içerir. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: libatk1.0-doc Description-md5: 1cd17cc7acbbb1b0f9afe07b816b808b Description-tr: ATK araç takımı için belgelendirme dosyaları ATK is a toolkit providing accessibility interfaces for applications or other toolkits. By implementing these interfaces, those other toolkits or applications can be used with tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, and other alternative input devices. . This contains the HTML documentation for the ATK library in /usr/share/doc/libatk1.0-doc/ . Package: libavalon-framework-java-doc Description-md5: 567b20a8d2653653226e35b1f0b02e4f Description-tr: Avalon uygulama çatısı için belgelendirme This is the API documentation for Avalon which is a common framework for Java server applications. Package: libaxis2c-doc Description-md5: 79ee288b5cec8ee73fb76b29b105d6dc Description-tr: Apache web hizmetleri motoru - Belgelendirme Apache Axis2/C is a Web services engine implemented in the C programming language. It is based on the extensible and flexible Axis2 architecture. Apache Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume WebServices. It has been implemented with portability and ability to embed in mind, hence could be used as a Web services enabler in other software. . Apache Axis2/C supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2, as well as REST style of Webservices. A single service could be exposed both as a SOAP style as well as a REST style service simultaneously. It also has built in MTOM support, that can be used to exchange binary data. . Apache Axis2/C is efficient, modular and is designed with extensibility. The extensible design allows it to support the full WS-* stack with the concept of modules. Apache Axis2/C is the Web services engine that supports the most number of WS-* specification implementations in C, with guaranteed interoperability. This enables using C in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementations, and would be very useful when integrating legacy systems into SOA. Package: libbcmail-java-doc Description-md5: 9c24793f50b67ab45e01126da4a70196 Description-tr: libbcmail-java için belgelendirme Javadocs for libbcmail-java, which provides Java generators and processors for S/MIME and CMS. Package: libbcpg-java-doc Description-md5: 768027bbe1cabb28df7b189e6acad967 Description-tr: libbcpg-java için belgelendirme Javadocs for libbcpg-java, which provides generators and processors for OpenPGP. Package: libbcprov-java-doc Description-md5: 558d4de5cab4ebc3cbbfae21fee6bf24 Description-tr: libbcprov-java için belgelendirme Javadocs for libbcprov-java, a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Package: libbctsp-java-doc Description-md5: 8705be6250341729e0ae74d91f23b3c1 Description-tr: libbctsp-java için belgelendirme Javadocs for libbctsp-java, which provides generators and processors for TSP. Package: libboost-doc Description-md5: e7d38ac835a5c77cd09f701a12d9201c Description-tr: Boost C++ Kütüphaneleri belgelendirmesi (öntanımlı sürüm) The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Boost version (currently 1.42). Package: libboost1.42-doc Description-md5: 020793483ca40188e5fde38ef388a562 Description-tr: kütüphaneleri belgelendirmesi The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report. . This is documentation for the libboost1.42-dev package in HTML format. Some pages point to header files provided in libboost1.42-dev package, so it is suggested to install the latter as well. Package: libcfitsio3-doc Description-md5: 420f097a3632d2aaf0ca7777340786c5 Description-tr: cfitsio için belgelendirme FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a data format most used in astronomy. cfitsio is a library of ANSI C routines for reading and writing FITS format data files. A set of Fortran-callable wrapper routines are also included for the convenience of Fortran programmers. . This package contains the CFITSIO User's Guide and QuickStart Guide in html, postscript and text formats, and contains documentation on how to use the library in your programs. Package: libcommons-collections3-java-doc Description-md5: e3f1eb5029394fb5f70496470789bb5a Description-tr: libcommons-collections3-java için belgelendirme Javadocs for libcommons-collections3-java which is a Java collection framework. Package: libcommons-httpclient-java-doc Description-md5: 1070d64e1758482d619f5f0747f7157a Description-tr: libcommons-httpclient-java için belgelendirme The Jakarta Commons HTTPClient library provides an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations. . This package contains the documentation for the Jakarta Commons HTTPClient library. Package: libcurl4-gnutls-dev Description-md5: 542a849fd833dd4aff3c38a8504ae2b7 Description-tr: libcurl (GnuTLS) için geliştirme dosyaları ve belgelendirme These files (ie. includes, static library, manual pages) allow to build software which uses libcurl. . SSL support is provided by GnuTLS. . HTML and PDF versions of all the manual pages are also provided. Package: libcurl4-openssl-dev Description-md5: f38505d4a9c32a048649c5343b708d98 Description-tr: libcurl (OpenSSL) için geliştirme dosyaları ve belgelendirme These files (ie. includes, static library, manual pages) allow to build software which uses libcurl. . SSL support is provided by OpenSSL. . HTML and PDF versions of all the manual pages are also provided. Package: libdom4j-java-doc Description-md5: fbba057eda34d9bea731ee2a1f4b3900 Description-tr: libdom4j-java için belgelendirme This package contains the documentation for dom4j, including the API Javadoc. Package: libecore-doc Description-md5: ca9d6c0e968465d3f12dc62fe6d09457 Description-tr: Ecore API Belgelendirmesi This is the core event abstraction layer and X abstraction layer that makes doing selections, Xdnd, general X stuff, and event loops, timeouts and idle handlers fast, optimized, and convenient. It's a separate library so anyone can make use of the work put into Ecore to make this job easy for applications. . This package provides development documentation (html and manpages)for the Ecore library. Package: libedje-doc Description-md5: 093f9991848bfefdf16083937dbe5f27 Description-tr: libedje0 geliştirme belgelendirmesi Edje is a graphical layout and animation library for animated resizable, compressed and scalable themes. It is the theming engine behind Enlightenment DR 0.17. . This package provides development documentation for Edje. Package: libeet-doc Description-md5: 3d5b6dae0204ef6591574136caad1846 Description-tr: libeet1 API belgelendirmesi Eet is a tiny library designed to write an arbitrary set of chunks of data to a file and optionally compress each chunk (very much like a zip file) and allows fast random-access reading of the file later on. It does not do zip as zip itself has more complexity than needed, and it was much simpler to implement this once here. . This package contains documentation (html and manpages) for development with libeet. Package: libembryo-doc Description-md5: 436ef7c54515a80d1658a64d23f8f926 Description-tr: libembryo0 geliştirme belgelendirmesi Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software. . This package provides development documentation for Embryo. Package: libevas-doc Description-md5: 0aa518df2e1d6735330acaef9689d351 Description-tr: Evas API Belgelendirmesi Evas is an advanced canvas library, providing six engines for rendering: X11, OpenGL (hardware accelerated), DirectFB, the framebuffer, Microsoft Windows and Qtopia. Due to its simple API, evas can be developed with rapidly, and cleanly. . This package provides development documentation (html and manpages) for the Evas library. Package: libexiv2-doc Description-md5: 38570f26c542937f41a1beb9c730aa98 Description-tr: EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library - HTML documentation Exiv2 HTML belgelendirmesi Package: libfftw3-doc Description-md5: 67f7b6652cfa6e9707d34ea9acf6c136 Description-tr: fftw sürüm 3 için belgelendirme The FFTW library computes Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in one or more dimensions. It is extremely fast. This package contains the documentation for the fftw3 library. Package: libkonq5 Description-md5: 5eaf847be84a2489793527e7049ac123 Description-tr: core libraries for Konqueror This package contains libraries used by several KDE 4 applications, particularly Konqueror. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: libkonq5-dev Description-md5: 0d15a3df2104e4bc145c2a79c2ab5049 Description-tr: development files for the Konqueror libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the Konqueror libraries. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: libkonq5-templates Description-md5: c3d72ef418c834c030db27ea552ca60b Description-tr: data files for the Konqueror libraries This package contains data files used by the Konqueror libraries. These files are also provided by the 'kdesktop' package from KDE 3. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: libkonqsidebarplugin-dev Description-md5: a3ccdfac4b2c9eff7c2b2e4c3d4af536 Description-tr: Konqueror sidebar plugin library development files This package contains development headers for the Konqueror sidebar plugin library. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: libkonqsidebarplugin4a Description-md5: bba1ab0ccd878cf1ac24a7cfc95b15cb Description-tr: Konqueror sidebar plugin library This package contains base library for Konqueror sidebar plugins. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: libmetacity-dev Description-md5: 434f8b640be984936233e987d576cbbf Description-tr: Development files for the Metacity window manager Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . This package contains the development files. Package: libmetacity-private0 Description-md5: ee7c90f337314f26935c451de494dba0 Description-tr: library for the Metacity window manager Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . This package contains the shared library. Package: libwbclient0 Description-md5: 16c935b1d482f634b3879c2495e04db8 Description-tr: Samba winbind istemci kütüphanesi Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems, providing support for cross-platform file and printer sharing with Microsoft Windows, OS X, and other Unix systems. . This package provides a library for client applications that interact via the winbind pipe protocol with a Samba winbind server. Package: libwebkit-1.0-2 Description-md5: bca91605610edfaf76f763d0f248ab54 Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more. . This is the library for embedding in Gtk+ applications. Package: libwebkit-1.0-common Description-md5: b485dc76aae7c67ef4adaafddf5a838f Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi - veri dosyaları WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more. . This package provides the data files needed by the library. Package: memtest86+ Description-md5: 26ade87d6d5fa8a97fc7d00590e7a754 Description-tr: thorough real-mode memory tester Memtest86+ belleğinizi hatalara karşı tarar. . This tester runs independently of any OS - it is run at computer boot-up, so that it can test *all* of your memory. You may want to look at `memtester', which allows to test your memory within Linux, but this one won't be able to test your whole RAM. . It can output a list of bad RAM regions usable by the BadRAM kernel patch, so that you can still use your old RAM with one or two bad bits. . Memtest86+ is based on memtest86 3.0, and adds support for recent hardware, as well as a number of general-purpose improvements, including many patches to memtest86 available from various sources. . Both memtest86 and memtest86+ are being worked on in parallel. . A convenience script is also provided to make a grub-based floppy or image. Package: mesa-common-dev Description-md5: 0d9d46ba6861a0a8c404cf51db1e980d Description-tr: Mesa için geliştirici belgelendirmesi This package includes the specifications for the Mesa-specific OpenGL extensions, the complete set of release notes and the development header files common to all Mesa packages. Package: metacity Description-md5: 06e64374861a42f6f96cc5a654ad56b1 Description-tr: hafif bir GTK+ pencere yöneticisi Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . This package contains the core binaries. Package: metacity-common Description-md5: 386fc245b801260f4b7c75b1915cb1ee Description-tr: Metacity pencere yöneticisi için paylaşılan dosyalar Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Bu paket paylaşılan dosyaları içerir. Package: min12xxw Description-md5: c3dfe1687fcdb3c52f22a21ae61d3fb0 Description-tr: KonicaMinolta PagePro 1[234]xxW için yazıcı sürücüsü A cups/foomatic printer driver for the KonicaMinolta PagePro 1200W, 1250W, 1300W, 1350W and 1400W. . Daha fazla bilgiyi bağlantısından edinebilirsiniz. Package: miscfiles Description-md5: c14499491490d96255ece227b5e4fb33 Description-tr: Sözlükler ve diğer ilginç dosyalar These files are not crucial to system administration or operation, but which have come to be common on various systems over the years. They originated from various sources and are freely redistributable (see the copyright file for more information). . These files include those of general interest (English `connectives', Webster's Second International English wordlist, traditional stone and flower for each month, Precedence table for operators in the C language, description of the ISO Latin-1 character set, two-letter codes for languages, from ISO 639, International country telephone codes, geographic coordinates of many major cities, Some common abbreviations used in electronic communication, GNU mailing lists, country and currency abbreviations, rfc-index, etc.). . There also is information specific to the United States (List of three letter codes for some major airports, North American (+1) telephone area codes, postal codes for US states and Canadian provinces, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies). Package: mlocate Description-md5: 34e9c00f37885dbcdfb61296f24c84df Description-tr: dosya sisteminizdeki dosyaları adına göre kolayca bulun mlocate is a new implementation of locate, a tool to find files anywhere in the filesystem based on their name, using a fixed pattern or a regular expression. Unlike other tools like find(1), locate uses a previously created database to perform the search, allowing queries to execute much faster. This database is updated periodically from cron. . Several implementations of locate exist: the original implementation from GNU's findutils, slocate, and mlocate. The advantages of mlocate are: . * it indexes all the filesystem, but results of a search will only include files that the user running locate has access to. It does this by updating the database as root, but making it unreadable for normal users, who can only access it via the locate binary. slocate does this as well, but not the original locate. . * instead of re-reading all the contents of all directories each time the database is updated, mlocate keeps timestamp information in its database and can know if the contents of a directory changed without reading them again. This makes updates much faster and less demanding on the hard drive. This feature is only found in mlocate. . Installing mlocate will change the /usr/bin/locate binary to point to mlocate via the alternatives mechanism. After installation, you may wish to run /etc/cron.daily/mlocate by hand to create the database, otherwise mlocate won't work until that script is run from cron itself (since mlocate does not use the same database file as standard locate). Also, you may wish to remove the "locate" package in order not to have two different database files updated regularly on your system. Package: mobile-broadband-provider-info Description-md5: 054306f86f58aee0f6d97e5d5a6f3ed0 Description-tr: mobil genişbant servis sağlayıcıları veritabanı This package contains database of service provider specific settings of mobile broadband providers in different countries. Its functioning through Network Manager makes it easy for users to choose their mobile broadband service provider. Package: modemmanager Description-md5: a5650d0723072b90ad274aa0bca40c87 Description-tr: Modem yönetimi için d-bus hizmeti Provides a D-Bus interface to communicate with mobile broadband (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, ...) cards. Implements a loadable plugin interface to add work-arounds for non standard devices. Also provides patches to use networkmanager (and the applet) with modem manager. . Git Deposu: Package: module-init-tools Description-md5: 33925fddebe8fb2129bae0716b7603dc Description-tr: Linux çekirdek modüllerini yönetmek için araçlar This package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above). Package: mono-2.0-devel Description-md5: 4acb51895782c4675208c1a2763277c0 Description-tr: CLI 2.0 için Mono geliştirme araçları Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package contains various development tools and pull in a full development stack for Mono targeting CLI 2.0. Package: mono-2.0-gac Description-md5: e97bb45e4d1284263140c1ad35a973d6 Description-tr: Mono GAC aracı (CLI 2.0 için) Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package includes a version of the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language) libraries, for CLI 2.0 Package: mono-csharp-shell Description-md5: 59af4a8325cf3797ad97ccf3eb5dfdac Description-tr: etkileşimli C# kabuğu Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package contains the interactive C# shell named csharp. csharp permits dynamically evaluating C# statements, and can be used for writing scripts or testing code fragments. For examples and a brief overview of the commands see: Package: mono-dbg Description-md5: a4c0c311688136a153b32c589e8d439f Description-tr: Mono hata ayıklama simgeleri This package contains the debugging symbols of various libmono-* and mono-* packages. . Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. Package: mono-devel Description-md5: c6c6ddef841d1ca4dc15c2488a0c7081 Description-tr: Mono geliştirme araçları Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package contains various development tools and pulls in the default development stack for Mono (which is 2.0 currently). Package: mono-gac Description-md5: 56d0c300dd3250c3d185914b9c39ed4f Description-tr: Mono GAC aracı Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package pulls in the default GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language) libraries. Package: mono-gmcs Description-md5: f72dce2d2539eb645d2da2860d5333ee Description-tr: CLI 2.0 için Mono C# 2.0 ve C# 3.0 derleyicisi This is the Mono C# (C-Sharp) 2.0 and C# 3.0 compiler, a platform- independent compiler which produces CIL (Common Intermediate Language) binary executables. The gmcs compiler supports two different featuresets (C# versions). . With C# 2.0 (which is the default) it supports: - generics - iterators (yield) - nullable value types - partial types - anonymous methods - static classes - coalesce operator: ?? . With C# 3.0 it supports: - Language Integrated Query (LINQ) - object initializers - collection initializers - anonymous types - local variable type inference - implicitly-typed arrays - lambda expressions - automatic properties - extension methods - partial methods . This compiler targets the CLI 2.0 runtime version. . Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. Package: mono-utils Description-md5: 589d3251ac8cdaf79115a4ccf8cdf219 Description-tr: Mono araçları Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package includes various tools useful for CLI developers, like pedump, monodis and monograph. Package: monodoc-browser Description-md5: 20d768c4249af085ed376883907d1f15 Description-tr: MonoDoc GTK+ tabanlı görüntüleyici The MonoDoc Project is the documentation framework of the Mono project which provides detailed API documentation for all Mono components and the Mono CLI implementation. . This package contains the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation. Package: monodoc-webkit-manual Description-md5: 622ce2bd5f7490c3c336337f917e2cbf Description-tr: webkit-sharp için derlenmiş XML belgelendirmesi WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . Bu paket webkit-sharp için derlenmiş XML belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: mountall Description-md5: b5b5a27fc0e8063ef1226a39fb8ecf70 Description-tr: dosya sistemi bağlama aracı mountall mounts filesystems when the underlying block devices are ready, or when network interfaces come up, checking the filesystems first. Package: mozvoikko Description-md5: f8b8a31ea11e8673c32bc3d746f5bb01 Description-tr: Firefox için Fince yazım denetimi eklentisi Finnish spell-checker extension for Firefox 3. Spell-checking functionality is provided by Voikko - a free spellchecker for Finnish language. Package: mscompress Description-md5: b4f9fff832e68d790b9a7feeefbb8eb5 Description-tr: Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor Bu paket iki program içerir: . * msexpand which decompresses files compressed by the Microsoft compress.exe utility (e.g. Win 3.x installation files); * mscompress which compresses files using the LZ77 compression algorithm. . Files can be decompressed using Microsoft expand.exe or msexpand(1). Package: mutt-dbg Description-md5: 84ae750c0a18926ab30eccaa18b243a6 Description-tr: mutt için hata ayıklama simgeleri Mutt is a sophisticated text-based Mail User Agent. . This package contains the debugging symbols for mutt and mutt-patched; this is supposed to be used when there is a core file which should be analyzed using gdb. Package: mutter Description-md5: 7152d88dc5fc270769908fdf6c997d65 Description-tr: hafif bir GTK+ pencere yöneticisi Mutter is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Mutter is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . This package contains the core binaries. Package: mutter-common Description-md5: 3e115f2b281be4785d756660fc028a3e Description-tr: shared files for the Mutter window manager Mutter is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Mutter is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Bu paket paylaşılan dosyaları içerir. Package: myspell-bg Description-md5: 9c52169b9d0f9225a23889f903221715 Description-tr: Myspell için Bulgarca sözlük This is the Bulgarian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-ca Description-md5: 092d7e343d6e0eac8f13cc7f9c2d496c Description-tr: Myspell için Katalanca sözlük This is the Catalan dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker. . It was put together by Joan Moratinos using data from different sources. Package: myspell-cs Description-md5: c031759b3234764e9db6056495829384 Description-tr: Myspell için Çek Dili sözlüğü This is the Czech dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-el-gr Description-md5: 3e60ad7a0abf018faf01b83d726435ea Description-tr: Myspell için Yunanca (el_GR) sözlük This is the Greek (el_GR) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-en-au Description-md5: 727c1a6eef26da76541812e0a442e2ae Description-tr: Myspell için Avustralya İngilizcesi sözlüğü This is the English_australian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker, which is currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-en-gb Description-md5: 0c076cd48a621884ad1c3f0e7514fc73 Description-tr: Myspell için İngiliz İngilizcesi sözlüğü This is the English_british dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-en-za Description-md5: c2deb3ed1bc28b42de6242c17611049d Description-tr: Myspell için Güney Afrika İngilizcesi sözlüğü This is the English_southafrican dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-es Description-md5: 6eb6c0f4d9c2f3dfa5e0b7f9e120aabe Description-tr: Myspell için İspanyolca sözlük This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. It is based on ispell dictionary put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus Carretero. Package: myspell-fa Description-md5: 86964fd6e44c69b05780ce29e42f8eba Description-tr: Myspell için Farsça sözlük This is the Persian (Farsi) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-fr Description-md5: 3374cbed130d6a6528e17f8599e9cda6 Description-tr: Myspell için Fransızca sözlük (Hydro-Quebec sürümü) This is a French dictionary, to be used with myspell, version 3.1.04 and following. The dictionary contains roughly 50,000 roots, which expand to about 220,000 words. . This is the Martin Boyer and Hydro-Quebec version. You may prefer to use the GUTenberg version installed by the myspell-fr-gut package. Package: myspell-hr Description-md5: 6f216afe94de934383fe67b3cad6bc86 Description-tr: Myspell için Hırvatça sözlük This is the Croatian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-hy Description-md5: 3bea11748af06d8105fef83ff6bed015 Description-tr: Myspell için Ermenice sözlük This is the Armenian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-it Description-md5: f38bc027f27b17ccb22a11cf40ec5976 Description-tr: Myspell için İtalyanca sözlük This is the Italian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker Package: myspell-nl Description-md5: 4cbeed977786515a2f34b35bcdd224f1 Description-tr: Myspell ve Hunspell için Hollandaca sözlük This is the Dutch dictionary for use with the MySpell and Hunspell spellcheckers which are currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker. . This dictionary, from the OpenTaal project, uses the official spelling of 2005 and has been officially approved by the TaalUnie. Package: myspell-pt Description-md5: 203de3857e5a644e4f8fc8649f08d25d Description-tr: Myspell için Portekizce sözlük This is an empty package whose sole purpose is to depend on both myspell- pt-pt (European Portuguese) and myspell-pt-br (Brazilian Portuguese) dictionaries for use with the myspell spellchecker. Package: myspell-pt-br Description-md5: 0752063363586b7b996cadbe1945006b Description-tr: Myspell için Brezilya Portekizcesi sözlüğü This is the Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-pt-pt Description-md5: decc49d6c901c6ff91999e9db541bd66 Description-tr: Myspell için Avrupa Portekizcesi sözlüğü This is the European Portuguese dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-ru Description-md5: e86335df12088f9b20787479fb4297ef Description-tr: Myspell için Rusça sözlük This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the MySpell spellchecker currently supported by Mozilla and OpenOffice. . The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist. Package: myspell-sk Description-md5: 5b79d39f463e8e77a6a121de0fbcdfce Description-tr: Myspell için Slovakça sözlük This is the Slovak dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-sl Description-md5: f84b519479d9bfaef5053fcb61c5e4b5 Description-tr: Myspell için Slovence sözlük This package contains a Slovenian myspell dictionary , which will give and mozilla users the ability to automatically spellcheck and hyphenate Slovenian text. Package: myspell-sv-se Description-md5: 2f6d45e24bedf2533f51de7de6d6a31f Description-tr: Myspell için İsveççe (SE) sözlük This is the Swedish (SE) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-tools Description-md5: cddeecb1d0550438c99012fb56083000 Description-tr: myspell için araçlar MySpell is a Spellchecker as (and derived from) ispell. . This package contains a the munch/unmunch tools of hunspell and ispellaff2myspell for converting ispell affix files for myspell/hunspell format. Package: myspell-zu Description-md5: 9be93170f8a951272976dcb43fe5b36a Description-tr: Myspell için Zulu Dili sözlüğü This is an Zulu dictionary, to be used with myspell. Package: plasma-dataengines-addons Description-md5: ff74b2c10811cea1d946dc063029809e Description-tr: addons for KDE 4 Plasma - data engines This package contains additional Plasma data engines shipped in KDE 4 plasma addons module. These engines are needed by some KDE 4 plasma addons Plasma widgets, but they may be useful for any other Plasma widget too. . Bu paket, KDE 4 Plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plasma-runners-addons Description-md5: bc0e4ea31d03890466007d0ee12984ec Description-tr: KDE 4 Plazma için eklentiler - krunner eklentileri This package contains additional plasma runners that are used in krunner (the "run command" dialog of KDE 4) to reveal special search results. If you use krunner a lot, you will probably like this package. . Bu paket, KDE 4 Plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plasma-scriptengine-superkaramba Description-md5: 702db7513d82fedac9073740185ec324 Description-tr: KDE 4 Plazma masaüstü için SuperKaramba tema desteği This package provides SuperKaramba scriptengine for Plasma. It brings support for the SuperKaramba interactive desktop applets, called "themes", to the Plasma desktop. . This package is part of the KDE 4 utilities module. Package: plasma-wallpapers-addons Description-md5: 52d034c7830288868fe8c53af7ab52b5 Description-tr: KDE 4 Plazma için eklentiler - duvarkağıdı eklentileri This package contains additional plasma wallpaper plugins that are used in the plasma desktop to give marble, mandelbrot and other such wallpapers. This package is part of the KDE 4 Plasma addons module. Package: plasma-widget-facebook Description-md5: fb29e102495bcbef7434a783e7846492 Description-tr: Facebook Güncellemeleri için Plazma Uygulamacığı Facebook Plasmoid is a simple webview showing the iPhone version of Facebook. Package: plasma-widget-folderview Description-md5: 17e0b5dfd43a1873ed84d181df0bfc18 Description-tr: Dizin Görünümü Plazma uygulamacığı This package contains the Folder View Plasma widget which is capable of displaying and managing contents of any KDE supported location. It can be used as a replacement for the traditional "desktop" folder concept in the main Plasma shell, but it is a lot more flexible. Folder View is part of the initial default KDE 4 desktop configuration. . Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plasma-widget-kimpanel Description-md5: afb0a21a4418d1f78fe7e4dcf1013436 Description-tr: addons for KDE 4 Plasma - universal input method widget Kimpanel is a a Plasma widget for the scim and fcitx input methods. . Bu paket, KDE 4 plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plasma-widget-ktorrent Description-md5: 39ccab72aa45e80f3b29a4fd06496197 Description-tr: Ktorrent Plazma uygulamacığı This package provides the KTorrent Plasma widget which features display of the current upload and download speeds and status of any single torrent which KTorrent knows about. Please note that KTorrent must be running for this widget to be able to display any up-to-date information. . This package contains KTorrent Plasma data engine as well. Package: plasma-widget-kubuntu-feedback Description-md5: 9f85010d20e04a79cc02d7c99286844b Description-tr: Kubuntu geri besleme plazma uygulamacığı This plasma widget allows users to easily provide feedback for the current Kubuntu release by connecting to a survey on the Internet and providing the user with a simple questionnaire. Package: plasma-widget-lancelot Description-md5: 98ec282cf44bf3eb6d15c4b986721ae9 Description-tr: KDE 4 plazma için eklentiler - lancelot uygulamacığı Lancelot is an application launcher menu (or ALI) for KDE 4 designed to provide a place from which all your jobs begin. It provides quick access to applications, places, documents, contacts and system information. . Bu paket, KDE 4 plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plasma-widget-networkmanagement Description-md5: 2968ca49ef08890183da3ada9d3eb37d Description-tr: KDE4 Plazma için Ap Yönetimi uygulamacığı This package contains the Network Management plasma widget which aims to provide a fully featured GUI for managing networks. Currently, the only supported backend is NetworkManager. Support for wired, wireless, GSM and VPN networks are provided. The widget is exclusively written for Plasma and KDE4 and it is not supposed to work in other environments. . This widget needs Plasma shell to be usable. Main KDE 4 Plasma shell is available in the kdebase-workspace-bin package. The user friendly name of the widget is "Network Management" (in e.g. "Add Widgets" dialog). Package: plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg Description-md5: e2254b6c2ab4591dc2a06682cc51b4e3 Description-tr: KDE4 Ap Yönetimi için hata ayıklama simgeleri This package provides debugging symbols for all binary packages built from the plasma-widget-networkmanagement source package. It's highly recommended to have this package installed before reporting any crashes. Package: plasma-widgets-addons Description-md5: 44ab63d105b0357f540350415e50dff3 Description-tr: KDE 4 Plazma için eklentiler - uygulamacıklar This package contains additional Plasma widgets shipped in the KDE 4 plasma addons module. Install it if you want a variety of widgets on your plasma desktop. . Bu paket, KDE 4 plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır. Package: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo Description-md5: 08f9fd33f3dc501ae15329be51e9c9a4 Description-tr: graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. . Bu paket, öntanımlı kubuntu-logo temasını içerir. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo Description-md5: 8d874d448c1e27d2eef5a053231911ed Description-tr: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. . Bu paket, öntanımlı ubuntu-logo temasını içerir. Package: po4a Description-md5: 05c35871bf1450a68cfd5cef38e2b2ab Description-tr: belgelendirme çalışmalarının çevirileri için yardımcı araçlar The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on areas where they were not expected like documentation. . This package contains the main libraries of po4a, and the following sub- modules: . - Dia: uncompressed Dia diagrams. - Ini: the INI format - KernelHelp: Help messages of each kernel compilation option. - LaTeX: generic TeX or LaTeX format. - Man: either roff or mdoc format. - Pod: Perl documentation format. - Sgml: either debiandoc or docbook DTD. - Texinfo: the info page format. - XML: very configurable (preconfigured for docbook, Xhtml, Guide, Wml). Package: policykit-1-doc Description-md5: 4f476c937cdfc4c2d7a4b81404d7a637 Description-tr: PolicyKit-1 için belgelendirme PolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . Bu paket, PolicyKit için API belgelendirmesini içerir. Package: yelp Description-md5: 189078a514d083077659414ace4dbf3a Description-tr: GNOME için Yardım tarayıcısı This package contains the GNOME online help browser application. Package: zlib1g Description-md5: 567f396aeeb2b2b63295099aed237057 Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - çalışma zamanı zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP. This package includes the shared library. Package: zlib1g-dbg Description-md5: dddc7d60663fa5dc77c76a30127d83db Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - geliştirme zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP. This package includes debugging symbols for use when debugging applications which use zlib. Package: zlib1g-dev Description-md5: d7f4e8a626131fc83c643c5d59096290 Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - geliştirme zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP. This package includes the development support files. Package: zsh-doc Description-md5: 9b5459fce7bedf54d5694a22e68389c7 Description-tr: zsh belgelendirmesi - info/HTML biçimi Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features. . Bu paket, GNU info ve HTML biçimlerinde belgelendirmeyi içerir.