Package: a2mp3 Description-md5: 34bf9bfd666661d758f44878e99f4c46 Description-tr: mp3 çalarınız için müziklerinizi düzenleme programı Bu küçük program mp3 çalarınız için farklı ses türlerini en iyi şekilde kullanılacak türde bir mp3 haline getirip çözümleyebilir. . Şu anda, kaynak biçimleri olarak yalnızca ogg ve mp3 desteklenmektedir. Package: abuse-sfx Description-md5: e09aa33ec5dfc9faf784cb20187575b2 Description-tr: Abuse için ses efektleri This package contains sound effects for the Abuse game. The sound effects are not required to play Abuse, but they do contribute to the mood of the game, and give you the advantage of being able to hear the nasty creature that's lurking around the next corner. Package: album Description-md5: 9b6218fda3d13b37d56464a057a44ea5 Description-tr: Tema destekli HTML fotoğraf albümü oluşturucusu Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. It supports themes that determine the visual appearance of the albums. Album creates thumbnails if necessary, and 'medium sized' versions of images for web viewing to avoid large downloads of original images. You can also customize your photo albums in many other ways. . This program doesn't require a web server to work. Once the HTML is generated, you can put it in your "www" directory. . Ekran görüntüsü: Package: album-data Description-md5: 1830a4f03882d1824bcb39c032bdbd30 Description-tr: album için temalar, eklentiler ve çeviriler Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your directories of images. This package provides themes, plugins and translations for Album. . The available languages are Catalan, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hebreu, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Swedish Chef, Chinese and Leet Hacker. The original Album package is in English. . Theme's demo site: Translations status: Screenshot of Album: Screenshots of themes: Package: alien-arena Description-md5: 47823b2859eb6b755a4964a82d53d164 Description-tr: Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Bu paket, Alien Arena için SDL istemcisini yükler. Package: alien-arena-common Description-md5: ea1da5507998e90ca5f7bab7b06a7d2c Description-tr: Alien Arena istemcisi ve sunucusu için ortak dosyalar ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32 bit graphics, new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi resolution textures and skins, hi poly models, stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . This package installs the common files for Alien Arena. Package: flashplugin-installer Description-md5: 00fe0d4cbfd811c5981e70b5ddf34e1c Description-tr: Adobe Flash Player eklenti yükleyicisi Downloads and Installs the Adobe Flash Player plugin. The Adobe Flash Player plugin supports playing of media and other dynamic content online. . The Adobe Flash Player plugin will work with a range of web-browsers including, limited to: * Firefox * Chromium * SeaMonkey * Iceweasel * Iceape * Galeon * Epiphany * Konqueror . WARNING: Installing this Ubuntu package causes the Adobe Flash Player plugin to be downloaded from The distribution license of the Adobe Flash Player plugin is available at Installing this Ubuntu package implies that you have accepted the terms of that license. Package: flashplugin-nonfree Description-md5: 66ea91f4e504085408ea841953dc65d0 Description-tr: Adobe Flash Player eklenti yükleyicisi (geçici paket) This package is a transitional package that can safely be removed after you installed flashplugin-installer. Package: flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound Description-md5: 74ec5439ce259e0c156f5f983af2c21f Description-tr: Esound ve OSS için Adobe Flash Player platform desteği kütüphanesi This is an open Source extension library for the Adobe Flash Player that enables support for otherwise unsupported sound systems. It provides the plugin. The sound system to use is automatically detected: . * It first tries to detect Esound, * Next, it checks for OSS. . If all of the above failed, it falls back to the ALSA driver that's built directly into FlashPlayer 9. . PulseAudio desteği için, flashplugin-nonfree-pulse paketine göz atın.