Package: a2mp3 Description-md5: 34bf9bfd666661d758f44878e99f4c46 Description-sl: program za optimizacijo vaše glasbe za vaš predvajalnik MP3 Ta majhen program lahko dekodira različne vrste zvoke v optimiziran mp3 primeren za vaš predvajalnik MP3. . Trenutno sta kot izvirni vrsti datotek podprta ogg in mp3. Package: abs-guide Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349 Description-sl: The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Poglobljeno raziskovanje umetnosti lupinskih skript. . This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction ... all the while sneaking in little snippets of UNIX(R) wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and a reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques. The exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation, under the premise that the only way to really learn scripting is to write scripts. . This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to programming concepts. Package: abuse-sfx Description-md5: e09aa33ec5dfc9faf784cb20187575b2 Description-sl: zvočni učinki za Abuse This package contains sound effects for the Abuse game. The sound effects are not required to play Abuse, but they do contribute to the mood of the game, and give you the advantage of being able to hear the nasty creature that's lurking around the next corner. Package: acidrip Description-md5: 0ef9037eec15fa16cdc69b71c3383d07 Description-sl: orodje za zajem in kodiranje DVD z uporabo programov mplayer in mencoder A DVD ripper and encoder, with a simple interface, based on MPlayer and MEncoder. . Also provides advanced features and automates the process in a number of ways: * Parses DVD into contents tree * Finds longest title * Calculates video bitrate for given filesize * Finds black bands and crops them * Gives suggestions for improved performance Package: agrep Description-md5: 9be24e944ed9e33e495381c8828a2a36 Description-sl: orodje za iskanje besedila s podporo približnih vzorcev agrep is a version of standard grep with the following enhancements: . * the ability to search for approximate patterns * it is record oriented rather than just line oriented * multiple patterns with AND OR logic queries . This package contains glimpse's (4.x) last free version of grep.