--- File: DEP-11 Version: '0.12' Origin: ubuntu-groovy-security-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/groovy-security Priority: 20 Time: 20210726T145015 --- Type: desktop-application ID: openjdk-8-policytool.desktop Package: openjdk-8-jre Name: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Summary: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Description: C: >-

Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.

The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.

en: >-

Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.

The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.

Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - java - security - policytool Icon: cached: - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 Launchable: desktop-id: - openjdk-8-policytool.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: bvnc.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: en_NZ: Avahi VNC Server Browser ja: Avahi VNC サーバの検索 de: Avahi VNC-Server-Browser pt_BR: Navegador de servidores VNC do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi VNC 服务器的浏览器 oc: Explorador de servidors VNC Avahi ro: Navigator Avahi de server VNC gl: Navegador de servidores VNC de Avahi ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам VNC el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών VNC fr: Explorateur de serveurs VNC Avahi uk: Переглядач серверів VNC Avahi da: Browser til Avahi VNC-server C: Avahi VNC Server Browser ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de VNC de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník VNC serverov sv: Avahi VNC-serverbläddrare it: Esploratore Avahi per server VNC es: Examinador de servidores VNC de Avahi bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за VNC sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika VNC en_GB: Avahi VNC Server Browser tr: Avahi VNC Sunucu Tarayıcısı id: Peramban Server VNC Avahi sr: Прегледник Авахијевог ВНЦ сервера fi: Avahin VNC-palvelinselain et: Avahi VNC serverite brauser lv: Avahi VNC serveru pārlūks hu: Avahi VNC-kiszolgálóböngésző fo: Avahi VNC-tænastu kagi pl: Przeglądarka serwerów VNC Avahi nl: Avahi VNC server browser sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog VNC servera zh_TW: Avahi VNC 伺服器瀏覽器 Summary: en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers ja: Zeroconf を有効にした VNC サーバを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten VNC-Servern pt_BR: Procurar por servidores VNC com Zeroconf habilitado zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 功能的 VNC 服务器 oc: Explorar los servidors VNC amb Zeroconf activat ro: Navigheză serverele VNC având activat Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores VNC con Zeroconf activado ru: Просмотр списка серверов VNC с включённой службой Zeroconf el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές VNC με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf fr: Explorer les serveurs VNC avec Zeroconf activé uk: Перегляд серверів VNC з увімкненим Zeroconf da: Find Zeroconf-aktiverede VNC-servere C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de VNC amb Zeroconf habilitat sk: Preskúma VNC servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade VNC-servrar it: Esplora i server VNC con Zeroconf abilitato es: Examinar servidores VNC con zeroconf activado bg: Преглед на сървърите за VNC с улеснение sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf VNC en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu VNC Sunucularını Tara id: Meramban Server VNC Teraktifkan-Zeroconf sr: Потражите ВНЦ сервере са укљученим Зероконфом fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja VNC-palvelimia et: Zeroconf toega VNC serverite sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus VNC serverus hu: Zeroconf-képes VNC kiszolgálók keresése fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum VNC-ambætarum pl: Przeglądanie serwerów VNC z włączonym Zeroconf nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled VNC servers sr@latin: Potražite VNC servere sa uključenim Zerokonfom zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 VNC 伺服器 Description: C: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.

en: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.

Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bvnc.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: bssh.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: en_NZ: Avahi SSH Server Browser ja: Avahi SSH サーバの検索 de: Avahi SSH-Server-Browser pt_BR: Navegador de servidores SSH do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi SSH 服务器的浏览器 oc: Explorador de servidor SSH Avahi ro: Navigator de servere SSH Avahi gl: Navegador de servidores SSH de Avahi ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам SSH el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών SSH fr: Explorateur de serveur SSH Avahi uk: Переглядач серверів SSH Avahi da: Browser til Avahi SSH-server C: Avahi SSH Server Browser ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de SSH de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník SSH serverov sv: Avahi SSH-serverbläddrare it: Esploratore Avahi per server SSH es: Examinador de servidores SSH de Avahi bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за SSH sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika SSH en_GB: Avahi SSH Server Browser tr: Avahi SSH Sunucu Tarayıcısı id: Peramban Server SSH Avahi sr: Прегледник Авахијевог сервера безбедне шкољке fi: Avahin SSH-palvelinselain et: Avahi SSH serverite brauser lv: Avahi SSH serveru pārlūks hu: Avahi SSH-kiszolgálóböngésző fo: Avahi SSH-tænastu kagi pl: Przeglądarka serwerów SSH Avahi nl: Avahi SSH server browser sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog servera bezbedne školjke zh_TW: Avahi SSH 伺服器瀏覽器 Summary: en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers ja: Zeroconf を有効にした SSH サーバを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten SSH-Servern pt_BR: Procurar por servidores SSH com o Zeroconf habilitado zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 的 SSH 服务器 oc: Explorar los servidors SSH amb Zeroconf activat ro: Navighează servere SSH având activat Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores SSH con Zeroconf activado ru: Просмотр списка серверов SSH с включённой службой Zeroconf el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές SSH με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf fr: Explorer les serveurs SSH avec Zeroconf activé uk: Перегляд серверів SSH з увімкненим Zeroconf da: Find Zeroconf-aktiverede SSH-servere C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de SSH amb Zeroconf habilitat sk: Preskúma SSH servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade SSH-servrar it: Esplora i server SSH con Zeroconf abilitato es: Examinar servidores SSH con zeroconf activado bg: Преглед на сървърите за SSH с улеснение sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf SSH en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu SSH Sunucularını Tara id: Meramban Server SSH Teraktifkan-Zeroconf sr: Потражите сервере безбедне шкољке са укљученим Зероконфом fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja SSH-palvelimia et: Zeroconf toega SSH serverite sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus SSH serverus hu: Zeroconf-képes SSH kiszolgálók keresése fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum SSH-ambætarum pl: Przeglądanie serwerów SSH z włączonym Zeroconf nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled SSH servers sr@latin: Potražite servere bezbedne školjke sa uključenim Zerokonfom zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 SSH 伺服器 Description: C: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.

en: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.

Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bssh.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: display-im6.q16hdri.desktop Package: imagemagick-6.q16hdri Name: C: ImageMagick (color depth=q16hdri) Summary: fr: Affiche et édite des fichiers images C: Display and edit image files pt: Exiba e edite arquivos de imagem Description: C: >-

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).

For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16hdri-6-extra package.

This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits with high dynamic range (Q16HDRI).

en: >-

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).

For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16hdri-6-extra package.

This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits with high dynamic range (Q16HDRI).

Categories: - Graphics Keywords: fr: - Image - Diaporama - Visualiser - Transformer - Améliorer - Effets spéciaux C: - Image - Slideshow - View - Transform - Enhance - F/X - Special Effects Icon: cached: - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/di/display-im6.q16hdri.desktop/26FC33C97A41BE9A83CF8FFD2AF76EF2/icons/128x128/imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - display-im6.q16hdri.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - image/avs - image/bie - image/x-ms-bmp - image/cmyk - image/dcx - image/eps - image/fax - image/fits - image/gif - image/gray - image/jpeg - image/pjpeg - image/miff - image/mono - image/mtv - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/pcd - image/pcx - image/pdf - image/x-portable-graymap - image/pict - image/png - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/ps - image/rad - image/x-rgb - image/rgba - image/rla - image/rle - image/sgi - image/sun-raster - image/targa - image/tiff - image/uyvy - image/vid - image/viff - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-xpixmap - image/x-xwindowdump - image/x-icon - image/yuv --- Type: desktop-application ID: avahi-discover.desktop Package: avahi-discover Name: he: סייר ה־Zeroconf של ‏Avahi sl: Brskalnik Avahi Zeroconf ja: Avahi Zeroconf ブラウザ de: Avahi Zeroconf Browser pt_BR: Navegador Zeroconf do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi Zeroconf 浏览器 oc: Explorador Zeroconf d'Avahi ro: Navigator Avahi Zeroconf gl: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi fa: Avahi مرورگر Zeroconf ru: Обозреватель Avahi Zeroconf el: Περιηγητής Avahi Zeroconf fr: Explorateur Zeroconf d'Avahi uk: Переглядач Zeroconf Avahi da: Avahi Zeroconf-browser C: Avahi Zeroconf Browser ca: Eina d'exploració de Zeroconf de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník služieb Zeroconf sv: Avahi Zeroconf-bläddrare it: Esploratore Zeroconf Avahi es: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги с Avahi en_NZ: Avahi Zeroconf Browser en_GB: Avahi Zeroconf Browser tr: Avahi Zeroconf Tarayıcı cs: Avahi Zeroconf Prohlížeč id: Peramban Zeroconf Avahi sr: Авахијев Зероконф прегледник fi: Avahin Zeroconf-selain et: Avahi Zeroconf brauser lv: Avahi Zeroconf pārlūks hu: Avahi Zeroconf-böngésző fo: Avahi Zeroconf kagi pl: Przeglądarka Zeroconf Avahi nl: Avahi zeroconf browser sr@latin: Avahijev Zerokonf preglednik zh_TW: Avahi Zeroconf 瀏覽器 Summary: he: סיור אחר שירותי Zeroconf הזמינים ברשת שלך en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network ja: ネットワーク上の利用可能な Zeroconf サービスを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten Diensten in Ihrem Netzwerk pt_BR: Procura por serviços Zeroconf disponíveis em sua rede zh_CN: 浏览网络内可用的 Zeroconf 服务 oc: Explorar los servicis Zeroconf disponibles sus vòstra ret ro: Descoperă serviciile Zeroconf disponibile în rețeaua dumneavoastră. gl: Navegar na busca de servizos Zeroconf dispoñíbeis na súa rede fa: خدمات Zeroconf موجود در شبکه‌تان را مرور کنید ru: Поиск служб Zeroconf в локальной сети el: Εξερεύνηση υπηρεσιών Zeroconf που είναι διαθέσιμες στο δίκτυό σας fr: Explorer les services Zeroconf disponibles sur votre réseau uk: Переглянути служби Zeroconf, доступ до яких можна отримати у вашій мережі da: Find Zeroconf-tjenester på dit netværk C: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network ca: Exploreu si hi ha disponibles serveis Zeroconf a la vostra xarxa sk: Preskúma služby typu Zeroconf dostupné vo vašej sieti sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-tjänster tillgängliga på ditt nätverk it: Esplora i servizi Zeroconf disponibili sulla propria rete es: Navegar en busca de servicios Zeroconf disponibles en su red ar: خدمة التصفح Zeroconf متاحة على الشبكة bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги (Zeroconf) в мрежата ви sl: Brskanje med razpoložljivimi storitvami Zeroconf v omrežju en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network tr: Ağınızda kullanılabilir Zeroconf hizmetlerine gözatın cs: Procházet Zeroconf služeby dostupné na síti id: Ramban layanan Zeroconf yang tersedia pada jaringan Anda sr: Прегледам доступне Зероконф услуге на вашој мрежи fi: Selaa verkossa saatavilla olevia Zeroconf-palveluita et: Sinu võrgus olevate Zeroconf teenuste sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf pakalpojumus, kas pieejami šajā tīklā hu: Zeroconf szolgáltatások keresése a hálózaton fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-tænastum, tøkar á tínum neti pl: Przeglądanie usług Zeroconf dostępnych w sieci nl: Browse voor Zeroconf services beschikbaar op jouw netwerk sr@latin: Pregledam dostupne Zerokonf usluge na vašoj mreži zh_TW: 在您的網路上瀏覽可用的 Zeroconf 服務 Description: C: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains a user interface for discovering services.

en: >-

Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.

This package contains a user interface for discovering services.

Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - avahi-discover.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: display-im6.q16.desktop Package: imagemagick-6.q16 Name: C: ImageMagick (color depth=q16) Summary: fr: Affiche et édite des fichiers images C: Display and edit image files pt: Exiba e edite arquivos de imagem Description: C: >-

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).

For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra package.

This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits (Q16).

en: >-

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).

For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra package.

This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits (Q16).

Categories: - Graphics Keywords: fr: - Image - Diaporama - Visualiser - Transformer - Améliorer - Effets spéciaux C: - Image - Slideshow - View - Transform - Enhance - F/X - Special Effects Icon: cached: - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/di/display-im6.q16.desktop/300C874776BCF6EB883CC1BA01286DC6/icons/128x128/imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - display-im6.q16.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - image/avs - image/bie - image/x-ms-bmp - image/cmyk - image/dcx - image/eps - image/fax - image/fits - image/gif - image/gray - image/jpeg - image/pjpeg - image/miff - image/mono - image/mtv - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/pcd - image/pcx - image/pdf - image/x-portable-graymap - image/pict - image/png - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/ps - image/rad - image/x-rgb - image/rgba - image/rla - image/rle - image/sgi - image/sun-raster - image/targa - image/tiff - image/uyvy - image/vid - image/viff - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-xpixmap - image/x-xwindowdump - image/x-icon - image/yuv --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-adapters.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Adapters Summary: C: Set Bluetooth Adapter Properties Description: de: >-

Blueman ist eine GTK+-Bluetooth-Verwaltung für GNOME mit Bluez-D-Bus- Backend.

pl: >-

Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.

pt_BR: >-

Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME executando por cima do bluez D-bus .

zh_CN: >-

Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。

sl: >-

Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.

ja: >-

Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。

C: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

uk: >-

Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.

sk: >-

Blueman je GTK+ nástroj na správu Bluetooth pre GNOME používajúci D-Bus backend bluez.

en: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

ru: >-

Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая движок bluez для D-Bus.

gl: >-

Blueman é unha utilidade de xestión de Bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME que emprega a infraestrutura de D-Bus bluez.

es: >-

Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.

fr: >-

Blueman est un outil GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME utilisant le dorsal D-Bus bluez.

en_GB: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

it: >-

Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.

da: >-

Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.

nl: >-

Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.

Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: blueman-device remote: - url: b/bl/blueman-adapters.desktop/A1EED910770D86B59C9FAFD19588BBBD/icons/128x128/blueman_blueman-device.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - blueman-adapters.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-manager.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Manager Summary: C: Blueman Bluetooth Manager Description: pl: >-

Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.

de: >-

Blueman ist eine Bluetooth-Verwaltung in GTK+ für GNOME, die das BlueZ-D -Bus-Backend verwendet.

zh_CN: >-

Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。

pt_BR: >-

Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME usando o backend bluez D-bus.

sl: >-

Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.

ja: >-

Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。

C: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

uk: >-

Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.

en: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

ru: >-

Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая бэкэнд bluez D-Bus.

en_CA: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

es: >-

Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.

fr: >-

Blueman est un utilitaire GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME qui utilise le moteur D-Bus bluez.

en_GB: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

it: >-

Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.

nl: >-

Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.

da: >-

Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.

en_AU: >-

Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.

Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: wpa_gui.desktop Package: wpagui Name: C: wpa_gui Summary: C: Graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant Description: de: >-

wpagui stellt eine Qt-Oberfläche (GUI) bereit, um sich mit einem konfigurierten Netzwerk zu verbinden. Es stellt außerdem eine Methode bereit, Resultate von 802.11-SSID-Scans zu durchsuchen, ein Ereignisverlaufsprotokoll von wpa_supplicant erstellter Nachrichten und eine Methode zum Hinzufügen oder Bearbeiten von wpa_supplicant-Netzwerken.

pt_BR: >-

wpagui fornece uma interface em Qt para escolher em qual rede configurada se conectar. Também fornece um método para navegar em resultados da verificação de 802.11 SSID, um log de eventos de mensagens geradas pelo wpa_supplicant e um método para adicionar ou editar redes wpa_supplicant.

sl: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

C: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

en: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

ru: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

tr: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

es: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

fr: >-

Wpagui fournit une interface graphique Qt qui permet de choisir le réseau configuré auquel se connecter. Il fournit aussi une méthode de navigation dans les résultats de recherche de SSID Wi-Fi 802.11, un historique événementiel des messages générés par wpa_supplicant et une méthode d'ajout ou de modification des réseaux wpa_supplicant.

en_CA: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

en_GB: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

gl: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

it: >-

wpagui fornisce un'interfaccia Qt per scegliere a quale rete configurata connettersi. Fornisce anche un metodo per esplorare i risultati della ricerca di SSID 802.11, un registro storico degli eventi con i messaggi generati da wpa_supplicant e un metodo per aggiungere o modificare reti wpa_supplicant.

da: >-

Wpagui tilbyder en Qt-grænseflade for valg af hvilket konfigureret netværk, der skal forbindes til. Programmet tilbydes også en metode til at gennemse 802.11 SSID-skanningsresultater, en log med hændelseshistorik for beskeder oprettet af wpa_supplicant, og en metode til at tilføje eller redigere wpa_supplicant-netværk.

en_AU: >-

wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.

Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: w/wp/wpa_gui.desktop/DCB0F50684B73D30584FF9A20AB65DCB/icons/128x128/wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - wpa_gui.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 en: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 --- Type: desktop-application ID: debian-xterm.desktop Package: xterm Name: C: XTerm Summary: C: standard terminal emulator for the X window system Description: C: >-

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.

This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.

A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.

The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.

Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.

en: >-

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.

This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.

A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.

The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.

Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.

Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Icon: cached: - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/debian-xterm.desktop/B7BD9041A0D9AFA1062B106BDE9581A1/icons/128x128/xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - debian-xterm.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: debian-uxterm.desktop Package: xterm Name: C: UXTerm Summary: C: xterm wrapper for Unicode environments Description: C: >-

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.

This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.

A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.

The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.

Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.

en: >-

xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.

This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.

A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.

The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.

Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.

Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Icon: cached: - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/debian-uxterm.desktop/EB97E087158F83CE6401D119FF2E9C72/icons/128x128/xterm_mini.xterm.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - debian-uxterm.desktop