* Renames on files require moving the denode to a new hash queue since the
* denode's location is used to compute which hash queue to put the file
* in. Unless it is a rename in place. For example "mv a b".
* What follows is the basic algorithm:
* if (file move) {
* if (dest file exists) {
* remove dest file
* }
* if (dest and src in same directory) {
* rewrite name in existing directory slot
* } else {
* write new entry in dest directory
* update offset and dirclust in denode
* move denode to new hash chain
* clear old directory entry
* }
* } else {
* directory move
* if (dest directory exists) {
* if (dest is not empty) {
* return ENOTEMPTY
* }
* remove dest directory
* }
* if (dest and src in same directory) {
* rewrite name in existing entry
* } else {
* be sure dest is not a child of src directory
* write entry in dest directory
* update "." and ".." in moved directory
* update offset and dirclust in denode
* move denode to new hash chain
* clear old directory entry for moved directory
* }
* }
* On entry:
* source's parent directory is unlocked
* source file or directory is unlocked
* destination's parent directory is locked
* destination file or directory is locked if it exists
* On exit:
* all denodes should be released
* Notes:
* I'm not sure how the memory containing the pathnames pointed at by the
* componentname structures is freed, there may be some memory bleeding
* for each rename done.
* --More-- Notes:
* This routine needs help. badly.