/* Test mpz_setbit, mpz_clrbit, mpz_tstbit. Copyright 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library test suite. The GNU MP Library test suite is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library test suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the GNU MP Library test suite. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include "gmp.h" #include "gmp-impl.h" #include "tests.h" #ifndef SIZE #define SIZE 4 #endif void debug_mp (mpz_srcptr x, int base) { mpz_out_str (stdout, base, x); fputc ('\n', stdout); } /* exercise the case where mpz_clrbit or mpz_combit ends up extending a value like -2^(k*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1) when clearing bit k*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1. */ /* And vice-versa. */ void check_clr_extend (void) { mpz_t got, want; unsigned long i; int f; mpz_init (got); mpz_init (want); for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { for (f = 0; f <= 1; f++) { /* lots of 1 bits in _mp_d */ mpz_set_si (got, 1L); mpz_mul_2exp (got, got, 10*GMP_NUMB_BITS); mpz_sub_ui (got, got, 1L); /* value -2^(n-1) representing ..11100..00 */ mpz_set_si (got, -1L); mpz_mul_2exp (got, got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1); /* complement bit n, giving ..11000..00 which is -2^n */ if (f == 0) mpz_clrbit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1); else mpz_combit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got); mpz_set_si (want, -1L); mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS); if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0) { if (f == 0) printf ("mpz_clrbit: "); else printf ("mpz_combit: "); printf ("wrong after extension\n"); mpz_trace ("got ", got); mpz_trace ("want", want); abort (); } /* complement bit n, going back to ..11100..00 which is -2^(n-1) */ if (f == 0) mpz_setbit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1); else mpz_combit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got); mpz_set_si (want, -1L); mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1); if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0) { if (f == 0) printf ("mpz_setbit: "); else printf ("mpz_combit: "); printf ("wrong after shrinking\n"); mpz_trace ("got ", got); mpz_trace ("want", want); abort (); } } } mpz_clear (got); mpz_clear (want); } void check_com_negs (void) { static const struct { unsigned long bit; mp_size_t inp_size; mp_limb_t inp_n[5]; mp_size_t want_size; mp_limb_t want_n[5]; } data[] = { { GMP_NUMB_BITS, 2, { 1, 1 }, 1, { 1 } }, { GMP_NUMB_BITS+1, 2, { 1, 1 }, 2, { 1, 3 } }, { GMP_NUMB_BITS, 2, { 0, 1 }, 2, { 0, 2 } }, { GMP_NUMB_BITS+1, 2, { 0, 1 }, 2, { 0, 3 } }, }; mpz_t inp, got, want; int i; mpz_init (got); mpz_init (want); mpz_init (inp); for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++) { mpz_set_n (inp, data[i].inp_n, data[i].inp_size); mpz_neg (inp, inp); mpz_set_n (want, data[i].want_n, data[i].want_size); mpz_neg (want, want); mpz_set (got, inp); mpz_combit (got, data[i].bit); if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpz_combit: wrong on neg data[%d]\n", i); mpz_trace ("inp ", inp); printf ("bit %lu\n", data[i].bit); mpz_trace ("got ", got); mpz_trace ("want", want); abort (); } } mpz_clear (inp); mpz_clear (got); mpz_clear (want); } /* See that mpz_tstbit matches a twos complement calculated explicitly, for various low zeros. */ void check_tstbit (void) { #define MAX_ZEROS 3 #define NUM_LIMBS 3 mp_limb_t pos[1+NUM_LIMBS+MAX_ZEROS]; mp_limb_t neg[1+NUM_LIMBS+MAX_ZEROS]; mpz_t z; unsigned long i; int zeros, low1; int got, want; mpz_init (z); for (zeros = 0; zeros <= MAX_ZEROS; zeros++) { MPN_ZERO (pos, numberof(pos)); mpn_random2 (pos+zeros, (mp_size_t) NUM_LIMBS); for (low1 = 0; low1 <= 1; low1++) { if (low1) pos[0] |= 1; refmpn_neg (neg, pos, (mp_size_t) numberof(neg)); mpz_set_n (z, neg, (mp_size_t) numberof(neg)); mpz_neg (z, z); for (i = 0; i < numberof(pos)*GMP_NUMB_BITS; i++) { got = mpz_tstbit (z, i); want = refmpn_tstbit (pos, i); if (got != want) { printf ("wrong at bit %lu, with %d zeros\n", i, zeros); printf ("z neg "); debug_mp (z, -16); mpz_set_n (z, pos, (mp_size_t) numberof(pos)); printf ("pos "); debug_mp (z, -16); mpz_set_n (z, neg, (mp_size_t) numberof(neg)); printf ("neg "); debug_mp (z, -16); exit (1); } } } } mpz_clear (z); } void check_single (void) { mpz_t x; int limb, offset, initial; unsigned long bit; mpz_init (x); for (limb = 0; limb < 4; limb++) { for (offset = (limb==0 ? 0 : -2); offset <= 2; offset++) { for (initial = 1; initial >= -1; initial--) { mpz_set_si (x, (long) initial); bit = (unsigned long) limb*GMP_LIMB_BITS + offset; mpz_clrbit (x, bit); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 0) { printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n"); abort (); } mpz_setbit (x, bit); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 1) { printf ("check_single(): expected 1\n"); abort (); } mpz_clrbit (x, bit); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 0) { printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n"); abort (); } mpz_combit (x, bit); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 1) { printf ("check_single(): expected 1\n"); abort (); } mpz_combit (x, bit); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 0) { printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n"); abort (); } } } } mpz_clear (x); } void check_random (int argc, char *argv[]) { mpz_t x, s0, s1, s2, s3, m; mp_size_t xsize; int i; int reps = 100000; int bit0, bit1, bit2, bit3; unsigned long int bitindex; const char *s = ""; if (argc == 2) reps = atoi (argv[1]); mpz_init (x); mpz_init (s0); mpz_init (s1); mpz_init (s2); mpz_init (s3); mpz_init (m); for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { xsize = urandom () % (2 * SIZE) - SIZE; mpz_random2 (x, xsize); bitindex = urandom () % SIZE; mpz_set (s0, x); bit0 = mpz_tstbit (x, bitindex); mpz_setbit (x, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); mpz_set (s1, x); bit1 = mpz_tstbit (x, bitindex); mpz_clrbit (x, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); mpz_set (s2, x); bit2 = mpz_tstbit (x, bitindex); mpz_combit (x, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); mpz_set (s3, x); bit3 = mpz_tstbit (x, bitindex); #define FAIL(str) do { s = str; goto fail; } while (0) if (bit1 != 1) FAIL ("bit1 != 1"); if (bit2 != 0) FAIL ("bit2 != 0"); if (bit3 != 1) FAIL ("bit3 != 1"); if (bit0 == 0) { if (mpz_cmp (s0, s1) == 0 || mpz_cmp (s0, s2) != 0 || mpz_cmp (s0, s3) == 0) abort (); } else { if (mpz_cmp (s0, s1) != 0 || mpz_cmp (s0, s2) == 0 || mpz_cmp (s0, s3) != 0) abort (); } if (mpz_cmp (s1, s2) == 0 || mpz_cmp (s1, s3) != 0) abort (); if (mpz_cmp (s2, s3) == 0) abort (); mpz_combit (x, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_cmp (s2, x) != 0) abort (); mpz_clrbit (x, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_cmp (s2, x) != 0) abort (); mpz_ui_pow_ui (m, 2L, bitindex); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (m); mpz_ior (x, s0, m); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_cmp (x, s3) != 0) abort (); mpz_com (m, m); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (m); mpz_and (x, s0, m); MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x); if (mpz_cmp (x, s2) != 0) abort (); } mpz_clear (x); mpz_clear (s0); mpz_clear (s1); mpz_clear (s2); mpz_clear (s3); mpz_clear (m); return; fail: printf ("%s\n", s); printf ("bitindex = %lu\n", bitindex); printf ("x = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, -16, x); printf (" hex\n"); exit (1); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { tests_start (); mp_trace_base = -16; check_clr_extend (); check_com_negs (); check_tstbit (); check_random (argc, argv); check_single (); tests_end (); exit (0); }