/* Test expression evaluation (print nothing and exit 0 if successful). Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include "gmp.h" #include "tests.h" #include "expr-impl.h" int option_trace = 0; struct data_t { int base; const char *expr; const char *want; }; #define numberof(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof ((x)[0])) /* These data_xxx[] arrays are tables to be tested with one or more of the mp?_t types. z=mpz_t, q=mpz_t, f=mpf_t. */ struct data_t data_zqf[] = { /* various deliberately wrong expressions */ { 0, "", NULL }, { 0, "1+", NULL }, { 0, "+2", NULL }, { 0, "1,2", NULL }, { 0, "foo(1,2)", NULL }, { 0, "1+foo", NULL }, { 10, "0fff", NULL }, { 0, "!", NULL }, { 0, "10!", NULL }, { 0, "-10!", NULL }, { 0, "gcd((4,6))", NULL }, { 0, "()", NULL }, { 0, "fac(2**1000)", NULL }, { 0, "$", NULL }, { 0, "$-", NULL }, /* some basics */ { 10, "123", "123" }, { 10, "-123", "-123" }, { 10, "1+2", "3" }, { 10, "1+2+3", "6" }, { 10, "1+2*3", "7" }, { 10, "3*2+1", "7" }, { 10, "$a", "55" }, { 10, "b", "99" }, { 16, "b", "11" }, { 10, "4**3 * 2 + 1", "129" }, { 10, "1<2", "1" }, { 10, "1>2", "0" }, { 10, "(123)", "123" }, { 10, "sgn(-123)", "-1" }, { 10, "5-7", "-2" }, { 0, "cmp(0,0)", "0" }, { 0, "cmp(1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmp(0,1)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmp(-1,0)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmp(0,-1)", "1" }, { 10, "0 ? 123 : 456", "456" }, { 10, "1 ? 4+5 : 6+7", "9" }, { 10, "(123)", "123" }, { 10, "(2+3)", "5" }, { 10, "(4+5)*(5+6)", "99" }, { 0, "1 << 16", "65536" }, { 0, "256 >> 4", "16" }, { 0, "-256 >> 4", "-16" }, { 0, "!1", "0" }, { 0, "!9", "0" }, { 0, "!0", "1" }, { 0, "2**2**2", "16" }, { 0, "-2**2**2", "-16" }, { 0, "0x100", "256" }, { 10, "0x100", NULL }, { 10, "0x 100", NULL }, { 0, " max ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "8" }, { 0, " max ( 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "9" }, { 0, " min ( 1, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)", "1" }, { 10, "abs(123)", "123" }, { 10, "abs(-123)", "123" }, { 10, "abs(0)", "0" }, /* filling data stack */ { 0, "1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+1))))))))))))))", "16" }, /* filling control stack */ { 0, "----------------------------------------------------1", "1" }, }; const struct data_t data_z[] = { { 0, "divisible_p(333,3)", "1" }, { 0, "congruent_p(7,1,3)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,0)", "0" }, { 0, "cmpabs(1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,1)", "-1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(-1,0)", "1" }, { 0, "cmpabs(0,-1)", "-1" }, { 0, "odd_p(1)", "1" }, { 0, "odd_p(0)", "0" }, { 0, "odd_p(-1)", "1" }, { 0, "even_p(1)", "0" }, { 0, "even_p(0)", "1" }, { 0, "even_p(-1)", "0" }, { 0, "fac(0)", "1" }, { 0, "fac(1)", "1" }, { 0, "fac(2)", "2" }, { 0, "fac(3)", "6" }, { 0, "fac(10)", "3628800" }, { 10, "root(81,4)", "3" }, { 10, "gcd(4,6)", "2" }, { 10, "gcd(4,6,9)", "1" }, { 10, "powm(3,2,9)", "0" }, { 10, "powm(3,2,8)", "1" }, /* filling data stack */ { 0, "1 ? 1 : 1 || 1 && 1 | 1 ^ 1 & 1 == 1 >= 1 << 1 - 1 * 1 ** 1", "1" }, /* filling control stack */ { 0, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1", "1" }, { 0, "fib(10)", "55" }, { 0, "setbit(0,5)", "32" }, { 0, "clrbit(32,5)", "0" }, { 0, "tstbit(32,5)", "1" }, { 0, "tstbit(32,4)", "0" }, { 0, "scan0(7,0)", "3" }, { 0, "scan1(7,0)", "0" }, }; const struct data_t data_zq[] = { /* expecting failure */ { 0, "1.2", NULL }, }; const struct data_t data_q[] = { { 10, "(1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6)*20", "29" }, { 0, "num(5/9)", "5" }, { 0, "den(5/9)", "9" }, }; const struct data_t data_zf[] = { { 10, "sqrt ( 49 )", "7" }, { 10, "sqrt ( 49 ) + 1", "8" }, { 10, "sqrt((49))", "7" }, { 10, "sqrt((((((((49))))))))", "7" }, }; const struct data_t data_f[] = { { 0, "1@10", "10000000000" }, { 0, "1.5@10", "15000000000" }, { 0, "1000@-1", "100" }, { 0, "10.00@-1", "1" }, { 0, "1e10", "10000000000" }, { 0, "1.5e10", "15000000000" }, { 0, "1000e-1", "100" }, { 0, "10.00e-1", "1" }, { 16, "1@9", "68719476736" }, { 16, "1@10", "18446744073709551616" }, { -16, "1@10", "1099511627776" }, { 0, "ceil(0)", "0" }, { 0, "ceil(0.25)", "1" }, { 0, "ceil(0.5)", "1" }, { 0, "ceil(1.5)", "2" }, { 0, "ceil(-0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "ceil(-1.5)", "-1" }, /* only simple cases because mpf_eq currently only works on whole limbs */ { 0, "eq(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1111111111111111,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2222222222222222,64)", "1" }, { 0, "eq(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1111111111111111,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2222222222222222,128)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0.25)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "floor(1.5)", "1" }, { 0, "floor(-0.5)", "-1" }, { 0, "floor(-1.5)", "-2" }, { 0, "integer_p(1)", "1" }, { 0, "integer_p(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0.25)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(1.5)", "1" }, { 0, "trunc(-0.5)", "0" }, { 0, "trunc(-1.5)", "-1" }, }; struct datalist_t { const struct data_t *data; int num; }; #define DATALIST(data) { data, numberof (data) } struct datalist_t list_z[] = { DATALIST (data_z), DATALIST (data_zq), DATALIST (data_zf), DATALIST (data_zqf), }; struct datalist_t list_q[] = { DATALIST (data_q), DATALIST (data_zq), DATALIST (data_zqf), }; struct datalist_t list_f[] = { DATALIST (data_zf), DATALIST (data_zqf), DATALIST (data_f), }; void check_z (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpz_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpz_init (got); mpz_init (want); mpz_init_set_ui (a, 55); mpz_init_set_ui (b, 99); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_z); l++) { data = list_z[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_z[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpz_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpz_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpz_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpz_set_str (want, data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpz_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpz_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpz_clear (a); mpz_clear (b); mpz_clear (got); mpz_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } void check_q (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpq_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpq_init (got); mpq_init (want); mpq_init (a); mpq_init (b); mpq_set_ui (a, 55, 1); mpq_set_ui (b, 99, 1); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_q); l++) { data = list_q[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_q[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpq_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpq_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpq_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpz_set_str (mpq_numref(want), data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } mpz_set_ui (mpq_denref(want), 1); if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpq_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpq_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpq_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpq_out_str (stdout, 10, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpq_out_str (stdout, 10, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpq_clear (a); mpq_clear (b); mpq_clear (got); mpq_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } void check_f (void) { const struct data_t *data; mpf_t a, b, got, want; int l, i, ret; mpf_set_default_prec (200L); mpf_init (got); mpf_init (want); mpf_init_set_ui (a, 55); mpf_init_set_ui (b, 99); for (l = 0; l < numberof (list_f); l++) { data = list_f[l].data; for (i = 0; i < list_f[l].num; i++) { if (option_trace) printf ("mpf_expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); ret = mpf_expr (got, data[i].base, data[i].expr, a, b, NULL); if (data[i].want == NULL) { /* expect to fail */ if (ret == MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpf_expr wrong return value, got %d, expected failure\n", ret); goto error; } } else { if (mpf_set_str (want, data[i].want, 0) != 0) { printf ("Cannot parse wanted value string\n"); goto error; } if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) { printf ("mpf_expr failed unexpectedly\n"); printf (" return value %d\n", ret); goto error; } if (mpf_cmp (got, want) != 0) { printf ("mpf_expr wrong result\n"); printf (" got "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 20, got); printf ("\n"); printf (" want "); mpf_out_str (stdout, 10, 20, want); printf ("\n"); goto error; } } } } mpf_clear (a); mpf_clear (b); mpf_clear (got); mpf_clear (want); return; error: printf (" base %d\n", data[i].base); printf (" expr \"%s\"\n", data[i].expr); if (data[i].want != NULL) printf (" want \"%s\"\n", data[i].want); abort (); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { tests_start (); if (argc >= 2) option_trace = 1; check_z (); check_q (); check_f (); tests_end (); exit (0); }