---------------------------------------------------------------- -- ZLib for Ada thick binding. -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitriy Anisimkov -- -- -- -- Open source license information is in the zlib.ads file. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Id: test.adb,v 2016/07/28 12:20:05 christos Exp $ -- The program has a few aims. -- 1. Test ZLib.Ada95 thick binding functionality. -- 2. Show the example of use main functionality of the ZLib.Ada95 binding. -- 3. Build this program automatically compile all ZLib.Ada95 packages under -- GNAT Ada95 compiler. with ZLib.Streams; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; procedure Test is use Ada.Streams; use Stream_IO; ------------------------------------ -- Test configuration parameters -- ------------------------------------ File_Size : Count := 100_000; Continuous : constant Boolean := False; Header : constant ZLib.Header_Type := ZLib.Default; -- ZLib.None; -- ZLib.Auto; -- ZLib.GZip; -- Do not use Header other then Default in ZLib versions 1.1.4 -- and older. Strategy : constant ZLib.Strategy_Type := ZLib.Default_Strategy; Init_Random : constant := 10; -- End -- In_File_Name : constant String := "testzlib.in"; -- Name of the input file Z_File_Name : constant String := "testzlib.zlb"; -- Name of the compressed file. Out_File_Name : constant String := "testzlib.out"; -- Name of the decompressed file. File_In : File_Type; File_Out : File_Type; File_Back : File_Type; File_Z : ZLib.Streams.Stream_Type; Filter : ZLib.Filter_Type; Time_Stamp : Ada.Calendar.Time; procedure Generate_File; -- Generate file of spetsified size with some random data. -- The random data is repeatable, for the good compression. procedure Compare_Streams (Left, Right : in out Root_Stream_Type'Class); -- The procedure compearing data in 2 streams. -- It is for compare data before and after compression/decompression. procedure Compare_Files (Left, Right : String); -- Compare files. Based on the Compare_Streams. procedure Copy_Streams (Source, Target : in out Root_Stream_Type'Class; Buffer_Size : in Stream_Element_Offset := 1024); -- Copying data from one stream to another. It is for test stream -- interface of the library. procedure Data_In (Item : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); -- this procedure is for generic instantiation of -- ZLib.Generic_Translate. -- reading data from the File_In. procedure Data_Out (Item : in Stream_Element_Array); -- this procedure is for generic instantiation of -- ZLib.Generic_Translate. -- writing data to the File_Out. procedure Stamp; -- Store the timestamp to the local variable. procedure Print_Statistic (Msg : String; Data_Size : ZLib.Count); -- Print the time statistic with the message. procedure Translate is new ZLib.Generic_Translate (Data_In => Data_In, Data_Out => Data_Out); -- This procedure is moving data from File_In to File_Out -- with compression or decompression, depend on initialization of -- Filter parameter. ------------------- -- Compare_Files -- ------------------- procedure Compare_Files (Left, Right : String) is Left_File, Right_File : File_Type; begin Open (Left_File, In_File, Left); Open (Right_File, In_File, Right); Compare_Streams (Stream (Left_File).all, Stream (Right_File).all); Close (Left_File); Close (Right_File); end Compare_Files; --------------------- -- Compare_Streams -- --------------------- procedure Compare_Streams (Left, Right : in out Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class) is Left_Buffer, Right_Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (0 .. 16#FFF#); Left_Last, Right_Last : Stream_Element_Offset; begin loop Read (Left, Left_Buffer, Left_Last); Read (Right, Right_Buffer, Right_Last); if Left_Last /= Right_Last then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Compare error :" & Stream_Element_Offset'Image (Left_Last) & " /= " & Stream_Element_Offset'Image (Right_Last)); raise Constraint_Error; elsif Left_Buffer (0 .. Left_Last) /= Right_Buffer (0 .. Right_Last) then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ERROR: IN and OUT files is not equal."); raise Constraint_Error; end if; exit when Left_Last < Left_Buffer'Last; end loop; end Compare_Streams; ------------------ -- Copy_Streams -- ------------------ procedure Copy_Streams (Source, Target : in out Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Buffer_Size : in Stream_Element_Offset := 1024) is Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Buffer_Size); Last : Stream_Element_Offset; begin loop Read (Source, Buffer, Last); Write (Target, Buffer (1 .. Last)); exit when Last < Buffer'Last; end loop; end Copy_Streams; ------------- -- Data_In -- ------------- procedure Data_In (Item : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is begin Read (File_In, Item, Last); end Data_In; -------------- -- Data_Out -- -------------- procedure Data_Out (Item : in Stream_Element_Array) is begin Write (File_Out, Item); end Data_Out; ------------------- -- Generate_File -- ------------------- procedure Generate_File is subtype Visible_Symbols is Stream_Element range 16#20# .. 16#7E#; package Random_Elements is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Visible_Symbols); Gen : Random_Elements.Generator; Buffer : Stream_Element_Array := (1 .. 77 => 16#20#) & 10; Buffer_Count : constant Count := File_Size / Buffer'Length; -- Number of same buffers in the packet. Density : constant Count := 30; -- from 0 to Buffer'Length - 2; procedure Fill_Buffer (J, D : in Count); -- Change the part of the buffer. ----------------- -- Fill_Buffer -- ----------------- procedure Fill_Buffer (J, D : in Count) is begin for K in 0 .. D loop Buffer (Stream_Element_Offset ((J + K) mod (Buffer'Length - 1) + 1)) := Random_Elements.Random (Gen); end loop; end Fill_Buffer; begin Random_Elements.Reset (Gen, Init_Random); Create (File_In, Out_File, In_File_Name); Fill_Buffer (1, Buffer'Length - 2); for J in 1 .. Buffer_Count loop Write (File_In, Buffer); Fill_Buffer (J, Density); end loop; -- fill remain size. Write (File_In, Buffer (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (File_Size - Buffer'Length * Buffer_Count))); Flush (File_In); Close (File_In); end Generate_File; --------------------- -- Print_Statistic -- --------------------- procedure Print_Statistic (Msg : String; Data_Size : ZLib.Count) is use Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Text_IO; package Count_IO is new Integer_IO (ZLib.Count); Curr_Dur : Duration := Clock - Time_Stamp; begin Put (Msg); Set_Col (20); Ada.Text_IO.Put ("size ="); Count_IO.Put (Data_Size, Width => Stream_IO.Count'Image (File_Size)'Length); Put_Line (" duration =" & Duration'Image (Curr_Dur)); end Print_Statistic; ----------- -- Stamp -- ----------- procedure Stamp is begin Time_Stamp := Ada.Calendar.Clock; end Stamp; begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ZLib " & ZLib.Version); loop Generate_File; for Level in ZLib.Compression_Level'Range loop Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Level =" & ZLib.Compression_Level'Image (Level)); -- Test generic interface. Open (File_In, In_File, In_File_Name); Create (File_Out, Out_File, Z_File_Name); Stamp; -- Deflate using generic instantiation. ZLib.Deflate_Init (Filter => Filter, Level => Level, Strategy => Strategy, Header => Header); Translate (Filter); Print_Statistic ("Generic compress", ZLib.Total_Out (Filter)); ZLib.Close (Filter); Close (File_In); Close (File_Out); Open (File_In, In_File, Z_File_Name); Create (File_Out, Out_File, Out_File_Name); Stamp; -- Inflate using generic instantiation. ZLib.Inflate_Init (Filter, Header => Header); Translate (Filter); Print_Statistic ("Generic decompress", ZLib.Total_Out (Filter)); ZLib.Close (Filter); Close (File_In); Close (File_Out); Compare_Files (In_File_Name, Out_File_Name); -- Test stream interface. -- Compress to the back stream. Open (File_In, In_File, In_File_Name); Create (File_Back, Out_File, Z_File_Name); Stamp; ZLib.Streams.Create (Stream => File_Z, Mode => ZLib.Streams.Out_Stream, Back => ZLib.Streams.Stream_Access (Stream (File_Back)), Back_Compressed => True, Level => Level, Strategy => Strategy, Header => Header); Copy_Streams (Source => Stream (File_In).all, Target => File_Z); -- Flushing internal buffers to the back stream. ZLib.Streams.Flush (File_Z, ZLib.Finish); Print_Statistic ("Write compress", ZLib.Streams.Write_Total_Out (File_Z)); ZLib.Streams.Close (File_Z); Close (File_In); Close (File_Back); -- Compare reading from original file and from -- decompression stream. Open (File_In, In_File, In_File_Name); Open (File_Back, In_File, Z_File_Name); ZLib.Streams.Create (Stream => File_Z, Mode => ZLib.Streams.In_Stream, Back => ZLib.Streams.Stream_Access (Stream (File_Back)), Back_Compressed => True, Header => Header); Stamp; Compare_Streams (Stream (File_In).all, File_Z); Print_Statistic ("Read decompress", ZLib.Streams.Read_Total_Out (File_Z)); ZLib.Streams.Close (File_Z); Close (File_In); Close (File_Back); -- Compress by reading from compression stream. Open (File_Back, In_File, In_File_Name); Create (File_Out, Out_File, Z_File_Name); ZLib.Streams.Create (Stream => File_Z, Mode => ZLib.Streams.In_Stream, Back => ZLib.Streams.Stream_Access (Stream (File_Back)), Back_Compressed => False, Level => Level, Strategy => Strategy, Header => Header); Stamp; Copy_Streams (Source => File_Z, Target => Stream (File_Out).all); Print_Statistic ("Read compress", ZLib.Streams.Read_Total_Out (File_Z)); ZLib.Streams.Close (File_Z); Close (File_Out); Close (File_Back); -- Decompress to decompression stream. Open (File_In, In_File, Z_File_Name); Create (File_Back, Out_File, Out_File_Name); ZLib.Streams.Create (Stream => File_Z, Mode => ZLib.Streams.Out_Stream, Back => ZLib.Streams.Stream_Access (Stream (File_Back)), Back_Compressed => False, Header => Header); Stamp; Copy_Streams (Source => Stream (File_In).all, Target => File_Z); Print_Statistic ("Write decompress", ZLib.Streams.Write_Total_Out (File_Z)); ZLib.Streams.Close (File_Z); Close (File_In); Close (File_Back); Compare_Files (In_File_Name, Out_File_Name); end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Count'Image (File_Size) & " Ok."); exit when not Continuous; File_Size := File_Size + 1; end loop; end Test;