/* * udbzone -- store zone and rrset information in udb file. * * Copyright (c) 2011, NLnet Labs. See LICENSE for license. */ #ifndef UDB_ZONE_H #define UDB_ZONE_H #include "udb.h" #include "dns.h" #include "udbradtree.h" /** * Store the DNS information in udb file on disk. * udb_global * | * v * zonetree -> zone -- zone_name * radtree |--> nsec3param * |--> log_str * |--> file_str * | * v * domain --> rrset -> rr * radtree list list * |-- name */ /** zone information in the nsd.udb. Name allocated after it. */ struct zone_d { /** radtree node in the zonetree for this zone */ udb_rel_ptr node; /** the radtree for the domain names in the zone */ udb_rel_ptr domains; /** the NSEC3PARAM rr used for hashing (or 0), rr_d pointer */ udb_rel_ptr nsec3param; /** the log_str for the AXFR change, or 0 */ udb_rel_ptr log_str; /** the file name when read from a file, or 0 */ udb_rel_ptr file_str; /** modification time, time when the zone data was changed */ uint64_t mtime; /** modification time, nsecs */ uint64_t mtime_nsec; /** number of RRsets in the zone */ uint64_t rrset_count; /** number of RRs in the zone */ uint64_t rr_count; /** the length of the zone name */ udb_radstrlen_type namelen; /** if the zone is expired */ uint8_t expired; /** if the zone has been changed by AXFR */ uint8_t is_changed; /** the zone (wire uncompressed) name in DNS format */ uint8_t name[0]; }; /** domain name in the nametree. name allocated after it */ struct domain_d { /** radtree node in the nametree for this domain */ udb_rel_ptr node; /** the list of rrsets for this name, single linked */ udb_rel_ptr rrsets; /** length of the domain name */ udb_radstrlen_type namelen; /** the domain (wire uncompressed) name in DNS format */ uint8_t name[0]; }; /** rrset information. */ struct rrset_d { /** next in rrset list */ udb_rel_ptr next; /** the singly linked list of rrs for this rrset */ udb_rel_ptr rrs; /** type of the RRs in this rrset (host order) */ uint16_t type; }; /** rr information; wireformat data allocated after it */ struct rr_d { /** next in rr list */ udb_rel_ptr next; /** type (host order) */ uint16_t type; /** class (host order) */ uint16_t klass; /** ttl (host order) */ uint32_t ttl; /** length of wireformat */ uint16_t len; /** wireformat of rdata (without rdatalen) */ uint8_t wire[0]; }; /** init an udb for use as DNS store */ int udb_dns_init_file(udb_base* udb); /** de-init an udb for use as DNS store */ void udb_dns_deinit_file(udb_base* udb); /** create a zone */ int udb_zone_create(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* result, const uint8_t* dname, size_t dlen); /** clear all RRsets from a zone */ void udb_zone_clear(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone); /** delete a zone */ void udb_zone_delete(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone); /** find a zone by name (exact match) */ int udb_zone_search(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* result, const uint8_t* dname, size_t dlen); /** get modification time for zone or 0 */ void udb_zone_get_mtime(udb_base* udb, const uint8_t* dname, size_t dlen, struct timespec* mtime); /** set log str in udb, or remove it */ void udb_zone_set_log_str(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone, const char* str); /** set file str in udb, or remove it */ void udb_zone_set_file_str(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone, const char* str); /** get file string for zone or NULL */ const char* udb_zone_get_file_str(udb_base* udb, const uint8_t* dname, size_t dlen); /** find a domain name in the zone domain tree */ int udb_domain_find(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone, const uint8_t* nm, size_t nmlen, udb_ptr* result); /** find rrset in domain */ int udb_rrset_find(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* domain, uint16_t t, udb_ptr* res); /** add an RR to a zone */ int udb_zone_add_rr(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone, const uint8_t* nm, size_t nmlen, uint16_t t, uint16_t k, uint32_t ttl, uint8_t* rdata, size_t rdatalen); /** del an RR from a zone */ void udb_zone_del_rr(udb_base* udb, udb_ptr* zone, const uint8_t* nm, size_t nmlen, uint16_t t, uint16_t k, uint8_t* rdata, size_t rdatalen); /** get pretty string for nsec3parameters (static buffer returned) */ const char* udb_nsec3param_string(udb_ptr* rr); /** for use in udb-walkfunc, walks relptrs in udb_chunk_type_zone */ void udb_zone_walk_chunk(void* base, void* d, uint64_t s, udb_walk_relptr_cb* cb, void* arg); /** for use in udb-walkfunc, walks relptrs in udb_chunk_type_domain */ void udb_domain_walk_chunk(void* base, void* d, uint64_t s, udb_walk_relptr_cb* cb, void* arg); /** for use in udb-walkfunc, walks relptrs in udb_chunk_type_rrset */ void udb_rrset_walk_chunk(void* base, void* d, uint64_t s, udb_walk_relptr_cb* cb, void* arg); /** for use in udb-walkfunc, walks relptrs in udb_chunk_type_rr */ void udb_rr_walk_chunk(void* base, void* d, uint64_t s, udb_walk_relptr_cb* cb, void* arg); /** walk through relptrs in registered types */ void namedb_walkfunc(void* base, void* warg, uint8_t t, void* d, uint64_t s, udb_walk_relptr_cb* cb, void* arg); #define ZONE(ptr) ((struct zone_d*)UDB_PTR(ptr)) #define DOMAIN(ptr) ((struct domain_d*)UDB_PTR(ptr)) #define RRSET(ptr) ((struct rrset_d*)UDB_PTR(ptr)) #define RR(ptr) ((struct rr_d*)UDB_PTR(ptr)) #endif /* UDB_ZONE_H */