/* $NetBSD: msg_259_ilp32.c,v 1.10 2023/07/09 10:42:07 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_259_ilp32.c" /* Test for message: argument %d is converted from '%s' to '%s' due to prototype [259] */ /* * See also msg_259, which contains more examples for this warning. * * See also msg_297, but that requires the flags -a -p -P, which are not * enabled in the default NetBSD build. */ /* lint1-only-if: ilp32 */ /* lint1-flags: -h -w -X 351 */ void plain_char(char); void signed_int(int); void signed_long(long); void example(char c, int i, long l) { plain_char(c); signed_int(c); /* expect+1: ... from 'char' to 'long' due to prototype [259] */ signed_long(c); plain_char(i); signed_int(i); /* expect+1: ... from 'int' to 'long' due to prototype [259] */ signed_long(i); plain_char(l); /* expect+1: ... from 'long' to 'int' due to prototype [259] */ signed_int(l); signed_long(l); }