/* $NetBSD: msg_187.c,v 1.5 2023/03/28 14:44:35 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_187.c" // Test for message: string literal too long (%lu) for target array (%lu) [187] /* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */ char auto_msg[] = "the string length is determined automatically"; /* The terminating null byte is not copied to the array. */ char large_enough[10] = "0123456789"; /* expect+1: warning: string literal too long (10) for target array (9) [187] */ char too_small[9] = "0123456789"; char x0[3] = "x\0"; char xx0[3] = "xx\0"; /* expect+1: warning: string literal too long (4) for target array (3) [187] */ char xxx0[3] = "012\0"; /* expect+1: warning: string literal too long (4) for target array (3) [187] */ char xx00[3] = "01\0\0";