/* $NetBSD: msg_153.c,v 1.7 2023/03/28 14:44:35 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_153.c" // Test for message: converting '%s' to incompatible '%s' for argument %d [153] /* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */ typedef double (*unary_operator)(double); void sink_function_pointer(unary_operator); void sink_int_pointer(int *); void to_function_pointer(int *x) { /* expect+1: warning: converting 'pointer to int' to incompatible 'pointer to function(double) returning double' for argument 1 [153] */ sink_function_pointer(x); } void to_int_pointer(unary_operator op) { /* expect+1: warning: converting 'pointer to function(double) returning double' to incompatible 'pointer to int' for argument 1 [153] */ sink_int_pointer(op); }