/* $NetBSD: gpioirq.c,v 1.3 2023/11/10 13:17:17 brad Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2023 Brad Spencer * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: gpioirq.c,v 1.3 2023/11/10 13:17:17 brad Exp $"); /* * GPIO driver that uses interrupts and can send that fact to userland. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GPIOIRQ_NPINS 64 struct gpioirq_iv { char sc_intrstr[128]; void * sc_ih; int i_thispin_index; uint8_t i_thispin_num; uint8_t i_parentunit; struct gpioirq_softc *sc; }; struct gpioirq_softc { device_t sc_dev; device_t sc_parentdev; void * sc_gpio; struct gpio_pinmap sc_map; int _map[GPIOIRQ_NPINS]; struct gpioirq_iv sc_intrs[GPIOIRQ_NPINS]; int sc_npins; kmutex_t sc_lock; kmutex_t sc_read_mutex; kmutex_t sc_dying_mutex; bool sc_verbose; bool sc_functional; bool sc_opened; bool sc_dying; kcondvar_t sc_condreadready; kcondvar_t sc_cond_dying; pool_cache_t sc_readpool; char *sc_readpoolname; struct selinfo sc_rsel; SIMPLEQ_HEAD(,gpioirq_read_q) sc_read_queue; }; struct gpioirq_read_q { int parentunit; int thepin; int theval; SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(gpioirq_read_q) read_q; }; #define GPIOIRQ_FLAGS_IRQMODE GPIO_INTR_MODE_MASK #define GPIOIRQ_FLAGS_VERBOSE 0x1000 static int gpioirq_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void gpioirq_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static int gpioirq_detach(device_t, int); static int gpioirq_activate(device_t, enum devact); static int gpioirq_intr(void *); static uint8_t gpioirq_index_to_pin_num(struct gpioirq_softc *, int); static uint8_t gpioirq_parent_unit(struct gpioirq_softc *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(gpioirq, sizeof(struct gpioirq_softc), gpioirq_match, gpioirq_attach, gpioirq_detach, gpioirq_activate); extern struct cfdriver gpioirq_cd; static dev_type_open(gpioirq_open); static dev_type_read(gpioirq_read); static dev_type_close(gpioirq_close); static dev_type_poll(gpioirq_poll); const struct cdevsw gpioirq_cdevsw = { .d_open = gpioirq_open, .d_close = gpioirq_close, .d_read = gpioirq_read, .d_write = nowrite, .d_ioctl = noioctl, .d_stop = nostop, .d_tty = notty, .d_poll = gpioirq_poll, .d_mmap = nommap, .d_kqfilter = nokqfilter, .d_discard = nodiscard, .d_flag = D_OTHER }; static uint8_t gpioirq_index_to_pin_num(struct gpioirq_softc *sc, int index) { return (uint8_t)gpio_pin_to_pin_num(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, index); } static uint8_t gpioirq_parent_unit(struct gpioirq_softc *sc) { device_t parent = sc->sc_parentdev; return (uint8_t)parent->dv_unit; } static int gpioirq_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct gpio_attach_args *ga = aux; if (strcmp(ga->ga_dvname, cf->cf_name)) return (0); if (ga->ga_offset == -1) return (0); return (1); } static void gpioirq_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct gpio_attach_args *ga = aux; int mask = ga->ga_mask; int irqmode, flags; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_parentdev = parent; sc->sc_opened = false; sc->sc_dying = false; sc->sc_readpoolname = NULL; /* Map pins */ sc->sc_gpio = ga->ga_gpio; sc->sc_map.pm_map = sc->_map; /* Determine our pin configuation. */ sc->sc_npins = gpio_npins(mask); if (sc->sc_npins == 0) { sc->sc_npins = 1; mask = 0x1; } /* XXX - exit if more than allowed number of pins */ if (gpio_pin_map(sc->sc_gpio, ga->ga_offset, mask, &sc->sc_map)) { aprint_error(": can't map pins\n"); return; } aprint_normal("\n"); if (ga->ga_flags & GPIOIRQ_FLAGS_VERBOSE) sc->sc_verbose = true; irqmode = ga->ga_flags & GPIOIRQ_FLAGS_IRQMODE; mutex_init(&sc->sc_lock, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_VM); mutex_init(&sc->sc_dying_mutex, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_VM); mutex_init(&sc->sc_read_mutex, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_VM); cv_init(&sc->sc_cond_dying, "girqdie"); cv_init(&sc->sc_condreadready,"girqrr"); sc->sc_readpoolname = kmem_asprintf("girqread%d",device_unit(self)); sc->sc_readpool = pool_cache_init(sizeof(struct gpioirq_read_q),0,0,0,sc->sc_readpoolname,NULL,IPL_VM,NULL,NULL,NULL); pool_cache_sethiwat(sc->sc_readpool,100); SIMPLEQ_INIT(&sc->sc_read_queue); selinit(&sc->sc_rsel); for(int apin = 0; apin < sc->sc_npins; apin++) { if (!gpio_intr_str(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, apin, irqmode, sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_intrstr, sizeof(sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_intrstr))) { aprint_error_dev(self, "failed to decode interrupt\n"); return; } if (!gpio_pin_irqmode_issupported(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, apin, irqmode)) { aprint_error_dev(self, "irqmode not supported: %s\n", sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_intrstr); gpio_pin_unmap(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map); return; } flags = gpio_pin_get_conf(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, apin); flags = (flags & ~(GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT|GPIO_PIN_INOUT)) | GPIO_PIN_INPUT; if (!gpio_pin_set_conf(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, apin, flags)) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "pin not capable of input\n"); gpio_pin_unmap(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map); return; } /* These are static for each pin, so just stuff them in here, * so they don't need to be looked up again. */ sc->sc_intrs[apin].i_thispin_index = apin; sc->sc_intrs[apin].i_thispin_num = gpioirq_index_to_pin_num(sc,apin); sc->sc_intrs[apin].i_parentunit = gpioirq_parent_unit(sc); sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc = sc; sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_ih = gpio_intr_establish(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, apin, IPL_VM, irqmode | GPIO_INTR_MPSAFE, gpioirq_intr, &sc->sc_intrs[apin]); if (sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_ih == NULL) { aprint_error_dev(self, "unable to establish interrupt on %s\n", sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_intrstr); gpio_pin_unmap(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map); return; } aprint_normal_dev(self, "interrupting on %s\n", sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_intrstr); } sc->sc_functional = true; } int gpioirq_intr(void *arg) { struct gpioirq_iv *is = arg; struct gpioirq_softc *sc = is->sc; struct gpioirq_read_q *q; int val; mutex_enter(&sc->sc_lock); val = gpio_pin_read(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map, is->i_thispin_index); if (sc->sc_verbose) printf("%s: interrupt on %s --> %d\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev), sc->sc_intrs[is->i_thispin_index].sc_intrstr, val); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_lock); if (sc->sc_opened) { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_read_mutex); q = pool_cache_get(sc->sc_readpool,PR_NOWAIT); if (q != NULL) { q->thepin = is->i_thispin_num; q->parentunit = is->i_parentunit; q->theval = val; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->sc_read_queue,q,read_q); selnotify(&sc->sc_rsel, POLLIN|POLLRDNORM, NOTE_SUBMIT); cv_signal(&sc->sc_condreadready); } else { aprint_error("Could not allocate memory for read pool\n"); } mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); } return (1); } static int gpioirq_open(dev_t dev, int flags, int fmt, struct lwp *l) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc; sc = device_lookup_private(&gpioirq_cd, minor(dev)); if (!sc) return (ENXIO); if (sc->sc_opened) return (EBUSY); mutex_enter(&sc->sc_lock); sc->sc_opened = true; mutex_exit(&sc->sc_lock); return (0); } static int gpioirq_read(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flags) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc; struct gpioirq_read_q *chp; int error = 0,any; uint8_t obuf[3]; sc = device_lookup_private(&gpioirq_cd, minor(dev)); if (!sc) return (ENXIO); if (sc->sc_dying) { return EIO; } while (uio->uio_resid > 0) { any = 0; error = 0; mutex_enter(&sc->sc_read_mutex); while (any == 0) { chp = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sc->sc_read_queue); if (chp != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->sc_read_queue, read_q); any = 1; break; } else { if (flags & IO_NDELAY) { error = EWOULDBLOCK; } else { error = cv_wait_sig(&sc->sc_condreadready,&sc->sc_read_mutex); } if (sc->sc_dying) error = EIO; if (error == 0) continue; break; } } if (any == 1 && error == 0) { obuf[0] = (uint8_t)chp->parentunit; obuf[1] = (uint8_t)chp->thepin; obuf[2] = (uint8_t)chp->theval; pool_cache_put(sc->sc_readpool,chp); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); if ((error = uiomove(&obuf[0], 3, uio)) != 0) { break; } } else { mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); if (error) { break; } } } if (sc->sc_dying) { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_dying_mutex); cv_signal(&sc->sc_cond_dying); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_dying_mutex); } return error; } static int gpioirq_close(dev_t dev, int flags, int fmt, struct lwp *l) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc; struct gpioirq_read_q *q; sc = device_lookup_private(&gpioirq_cd, minor(dev)); if (sc->sc_dying) { return(0); } mutex_enter(&sc->sc_lock); while ((q = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sc->sc_read_queue)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->sc_read_queue, read_q); pool_cache_put(sc->sc_readpool,q); } sc->sc_opened = false; mutex_exit(&sc->sc_lock); return(0); } static int gpioirq_poll(dev_t dev, int events, struct lwp *l) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc; int revents = 0; sc = device_lookup_private(&gpioirq_cd, minor(dev)); mutex_enter(&sc->sc_read_mutex); if (sc->sc_dying) { mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); return POLLHUP; } if ((events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM)) != 0) { if (!SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(&sc->sc_read_queue)) revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM); else selrecord(l, &sc->sc_rsel); } mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); return revents; } int gpioirq_detach(device_t self, int flags) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct gpioirq_read_q *q; /* Clear the handler and disable the interrupt. */ for(int apin = 0;apin < sc->sc_npins;apin++) { gpio_intr_disestablish(sc->sc_gpio, sc->sc_intrs[apin].sc_ih); } /* Release the pin. */ gpio_pin_unmap(sc->sc_gpio, &sc->sc_map); sc->sc_dying = true; if (sc->sc_opened) { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_dying_mutex); mutex_enter(&sc->sc_read_mutex); cv_signal(&sc->sc_condreadready); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_read_mutex); /* In the worst case this will time out after 5 seconds. * It really should not take that long for the drain / whatever * to happen */ cv_timedwait_sig(&sc->sc_cond_dying, &sc->sc_dying_mutex, mstohz(5000)); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_dying_mutex); cv_destroy(&sc->sc_condreadready); cv_destroy(&sc->sc_cond_dying); } /* Drain any read pools */ while ((q = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sc->sc_read_queue)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->sc_read_queue, read_q); pool_cache_put(sc->sc_readpool,q); } if (sc->sc_readpoolname != NULL) { kmem_free(sc->sc_readpoolname,strlen(sc->sc_readpoolname) + 1); } mutex_destroy(&sc->sc_read_mutex); mutex_destroy(&sc->sc_lock); seldestroy(&sc->sc_rsel); return (0); } int gpioirq_activate(device_t self, enum devact act) { struct gpioirq_softc *sc = device_private(self); switch (act) { case DVACT_DEACTIVATE: sc->sc_dying = true; return (0); default: return (EOPNOTSUPP); } } MODULE(MODULE_CLASS_DRIVER, gpioirq, "gpio"); #ifdef _MODULE #include "ioconf.c" #endif static int gpioirq_modcmd(modcmd_t cmd, void *opaque) { int error = 0; #ifdef _MODULE int bmaj = -1, cmaj = -1; #endif switch (cmd) { case MODULE_CMD_INIT: #ifdef _MODULE error = config_init_component(cfdriver_ioconf_gpioirq, cfattach_ioconf_gpioirq, cfdata_ioconf_gpioirq); if (error) { aprint_error("%s: unable to init component\n", gpioirq_cd.cd_name); return (error); } error = devsw_attach("gpioirq", NULL, &bmaj, &gpioirq_cdevsw, &cmaj); if (error) { aprint_error("%s: unable to attach devsw\n", gpioirq_cd.cd_name); config_fini_component(cfdriver_ioconf_gpioirq, cfattach_ioconf_gpioirq, cfdata_ioconf_gpioirq); } #endif return (error); case MODULE_CMD_FINI: #ifdef _MODULE devsw_detach(NULL, &gpioirq_cdevsw); config_fini_component(cfdriver_ioconf_gpioirq, cfattach_ioconf_gpioirq, cfdata_ioconf_gpioirq); #endif return (0); default: return (ENOTTY); } }