/* $NetBSD: nstest.c,v 1.8 2023/01/25 21:43:33 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /*! \file */ #include "nstest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include isc_mem_t *mctx = NULL; isc_log_t *lctx = NULL; isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr = NULL; isc_task_t *maintask = NULL; isc_timermgr_t *timermgr = NULL; isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr = NULL; isc_nm_t *netmgr = NULL; dns_zonemgr_t *zonemgr = NULL; dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr = NULL; ns_clientmgr_t *clientmgr = NULL; ns_interfacemgr_t *interfacemgr = NULL; ns_server_t *sctx = NULL; bool app_running = false; int ncpus; bool debug_mem_record = true; static atomic_bool run_managers = false; static bool dst_active = false; static bool test_running = false; static dns_zone_t *served_zone = NULL; /* * We don't want to use netmgr-based client accounting, we need to emulate it. */ atomic_uint_fast32_t client_refs[32]; atomic_uintptr_t client_addrs[32]; void __wrap_isc__nmhandle_attach(isc_nmhandle_t *source, isc_nmhandle_t **targetp); void __wrap_isc__nmhandle_detach(isc_nmhandle_t **handlep); void __wrap_isc__nmhandle_attach(isc_nmhandle_t *source, isc_nmhandle_t **targetp) { ns_client_t *client = (ns_client_t *)source; int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (atomic_load(&client_addrs[i]) == (uintptr_t)client) { break; } } INSIST(i < 32); INSIST(atomic_load(&client_refs[i]) > 0); atomic_fetch_add(&client_refs[i], 1); *targetp = source; return; } void __wrap_isc__nmhandle_detach(isc_nmhandle_t **handlep) { isc_nmhandle_t *handle = *handlep; ns_client_t *client = (ns_client_t *)handle; int i; *handlep = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (atomic_load(&client_addrs[i]) == (uintptr_t)client) { break; } } INSIST(i < 32); if (atomic_fetch_sub(&client_refs[i], 1) == 1) { dns_view_detach(&client->view); client->state = 4; ns__client_reset_cb(client); ns__client_put_cb(client); isc_mem_put(mctx, client, sizeof(ns_client_t)); } return; } #ifdef USE_LIBTOOL void isc__nmhandle_attach(isc_nmhandle_t *source, isc_nmhandle_t **targetp) { __wrap_isc__nmhandle_attach(source, targetp); } void isc__nmhandle_detach(isc_nmhandle_t **handle) { __wrap_isc__nmhandle_detach(handle); } #endif /* USE_LIBTOOL */ /* * Logging categories: this needs to match the list in lib/ns/log.c. */ static isc_logcategory_t categories[] = { { "", 0 }, { "client", 0 }, { "network", 0 }, { "update", 0 }, { "queries", 0 }, { "unmatched", 0 }, { "update-security", 0 }, { "query-errors", 0 }, { NULL, 0 } }; static isc_result_t matchview(isc_netaddr_t *srcaddr, isc_netaddr_t *destaddr, dns_message_t *message, dns_aclenv_t *env, isc_result_t *sigresultp, dns_view_t **viewp) { UNUSED(srcaddr); UNUSED(destaddr); UNUSED(message); UNUSED(env); UNUSED(sigresultp); UNUSED(viewp); return (ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED); } /* * These need to be shut down from a running task. */ static atomic_bool shutdown_done = false; static void shutdown_managers(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { UNUSED(task); if (interfacemgr != NULL) { ns_interfacemgr_shutdown(interfacemgr); ns_interfacemgr_detach(&interfacemgr); } if (dispatchmgr != NULL) { dns_dispatchmgr_destroy(&dispatchmgr); } atomic_store(&shutdown_done, true); atomic_store(&run_managers, false); isc_event_free(&event); } static void cleanup_managers(void) { atomic_store(&shutdown_done, false); if (maintask != NULL) { isc_task_shutdown(maintask); isc_task_destroy(&maintask); } while (atomic_load(&run_managers) && !atomic_load(&shutdown_done)) { /* * There's no straightforward way to determine * whether all the clients have shut down, so * we'll just sleep for a bit and hope. */ ns_test_nap(500000); } if (sctx != NULL) { ns_server_detach(&sctx); } if (interfacemgr != NULL) { ns_interfacemgr_detach(&interfacemgr); } if (socketmgr != NULL) { isc_socketmgr_destroy(&socketmgr); } isc_managers_destroy(netmgr == NULL ? NULL : &netmgr, taskmgr == NULL ? NULL : &taskmgr); if (timermgr != NULL) { isc_timermgr_destroy(&timermgr); } if (app_running) { isc_app_finish(); } } static void scan_interfaces(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { UNUSED(task); ns_interfacemgr_scan(interfacemgr, true); isc_event_free(&event); } static isc_result_t create_managers(void) { isc_result_t result; in_port_t port = 5300 + isc_random8(); ns_listenlist_t *listenon = NULL; isc_event_t *event = NULL; ncpus = isc_os_ncpus(); CHECK(isc_managers_create(mctx, ncpus, 0, &netmgr, &taskmgr)); CHECK(isc_task_create_bound(taskmgr, 0, &maintask, 0)); isc_taskmgr_setexcltask(taskmgr, maintask); CHECK(isc_task_onshutdown(maintask, shutdown_managers, NULL)); CHECK(isc_timermgr_create(mctx, &timermgr)); CHECK(isc_socketmgr_create(mctx, &socketmgr)); CHECK(ns_server_create(mctx, matchview, &sctx)); CHECK(dns_dispatchmgr_create(mctx, &dispatchmgr)); CHECK(ns_interfacemgr_create(mctx, sctx, taskmgr, timermgr, socketmgr, netmgr, dispatchmgr, maintask, ncpus, NULL, ncpus, &interfacemgr)); CHECK(ns_listenlist_default(mctx, port, -1, true, &listenon)); ns_interfacemgr_setlistenon4(interfacemgr, listenon); ns_listenlist_detach(&listenon); event = isc_event_allocate(mctx, maintask, ISC_TASKEVENT_TEST, scan_interfaces, NULL, sizeof(isc_event_t)); isc_task_send(maintask, &event); /* * There's no straightforward way to determine * whether the interfaces have been scanned, * we'll just sleep for a bit and hope. */ ns_test_nap(500000); ns_interface_t *ifp = ns__interfacemgr_getif(interfacemgr); clientmgr = ifp->clientmgr; atomic_store(&run_managers, true); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: cleanup_managers(); return (result); } isc_result_t ns_test_begin(FILE *logfile, bool start_managers) { isc_result_t result; INSIST(!test_running); test_running = true; if (start_managers) { isc_resourcevalue_t files; /* * The 'listenlist_test', 'notify_test', and 'query_test' * tests need more than 256 descriptors with 8 cpus. * Bump up to at least 1024. */ result = isc_resource_getcurlimit(isc_resource_openfiles, &files); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { if (files < 1024) { files = 1024; (void)isc_resource_setlimit( isc_resource_openfiles, files); } } CHECK(isc_app_start()); } if (debug_mem_record) { isc_mem_debugging |= ISC_MEM_DEBUGRECORD; } INSIST(mctx == NULL); isc_mem_create(&mctx); if (!dst_active) { CHECK(dst_lib_init(mctx, NULL)); dst_active = true; } if (logfile != NULL) { isc_logdestination_t destination; isc_logconfig_t *logconfig = NULL; INSIST(lctx == NULL); isc_log_create(mctx, &lctx, &logconfig); isc_log_registercategories(lctx, categories); isc_log_setcontext(lctx); dns_log_init(lctx); dns_log_setcontext(lctx); destination.file.stream = logfile; destination.file.name = NULL; destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER; destination.file.maximum_size = 0; isc_log_createchannel(logconfig, "stderr", ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC, ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC, &destination, 0); CHECK(isc_log_usechannel(logconfig, "stderr", NULL, NULL)); } dns_result_register(); if (start_managers) { CHECK(create_managers()); } /* * atf-run changes us to a /tmp directory, so tests * that access test data files must first chdir to the proper * location. */ if (chdir(TESTS) == -1) { CHECK(ISC_R_FAILURE); } return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: ns_test_end(); return (result); } void ns_test_end(void) { cleanup_managers(); dst_lib_destroy(); dst_active = false; if (lctx != NULL) { isc_log_destroy(&lctx); } if (mctx != NULL) { isc_mem_destroy(&mctx); } test_running = false; } isc_result_t ns_test_makeview(const char *name, bool with_cache, dns_view_t **viewp) { dns_cache_t *cache = NULL; dns_view_t *view = NULL; isc_result_t result; CHECK(dns_view_create(mctx, dns_rdataclass_in, name, &view)); if (with_cache) { CHECK(dns_cache_create(mctx, mctx, taskmgr, timermgr, dns_rdataclass_in, "", "rbt", 0, NULL, &cache)); dns_view_setcache(view, cache, false); /* * Reference count for "cache" is now at 2, so decrement it in * order for the cache to be automatically freed when "view" * gets freed. */ dns_cache_detach(&cache); } *viewp = view; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: if (view != NULL) { dns_view_detach(&view); } return (result); } /* * Create a zone with origin 'name', return a pointer to the zone object in * 'zonep'. If 'view' is set, add the zone to that view; otherwise, create * a new view for the purpose. * * If the created view is going to be needed by the caller subsequently, * then 'keepview' should be set to true; this will prevent the view * from being detached. In this case, the caller is responsible for * detaching the view. */ isc_result_t ns_test_makezone(const char *name, dns_zone_t **zonep, dns_view_t *view, bool keepview) { isc_result_t result; dns_zone_t *zone = NULL; isc_buffer_t buffer; dns_fixedname_t fixorigin; dns_name_t *origin; if (view == NULL) { CHECK(dns_view_create(mctx, dns_rdataclass_in, "view", &view)); } else if (!keepview) { keepview = true; } zone = *zonep; if (zone == NULL) { CHECK(dns_zone_create(&zone, mctx)); } isc_buffer_constinit(&buffer, name, strlen(name)); isc_buffer_add(&buffer, strlen(name)); origin = dns_fixedname_initname(&fixorigin); CHECK(dns_name_fromtext(origin, &buffer, dns_rootname, 0, NULL)); CHECK(dns_zone_setorigin(zone, origin)); dns_zone_setview(zone, view); dns_zone_settype(zone, dns_zone_primary); dns_zone_setclass(zone, view->rdclass); dns_view_addzone(view, zone); if (!keepview) { dns_view_detach(&view); } *zonep = zone; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: if (zone != NULL) { dns_zone_detach(&zone); } if (view != NULL) { dns_view_detach(&view); } return (result); } isc_result_t ns_test_setupzonemgr(void) { isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(zonemgr == NULL); result = dns_zonemgr_create(mctx, taskmgr, timermgr, socketmgr, &zonemgr); return (result); } isc_result_t ns_test_managezone(dns_zone_t *zone) { isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(zonemgr != NULL); result = dns_zonemgr_setsize(zonemgr, 1); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } result = dns_zonemgr_managezone(zonemgr, zone); return (result); } void ns_test_releasezone(dns_zone_t *zone) { REQUIRE(zonemgr != NULL); dns_zonemgr_releasezone(zonemgr, zone); } void ns_test_closezonemgr(void) { REQUIRE(zonemgr != NULL); dns_zonemgr_shutdown(zonemgr); dns_zonemgr_detach(&zonemgr); } isc_result_t ns_test_serve_zone(const char *zonename, const char *filename, dns_view_t *view) { isc_result_t result; dns_db_t *db = NULL; /* * Prepare zone structure for further processing. */ result = ns_test_makezone(zonename, &served_zone, view, true); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } /* * Start zone manager. */ result = ns_test_setupzonemgr(); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto free_zone; } /* * Add the zone to the zone manager. */ result = ns_test_managezone(served_zone); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto close_zonemgr; } view->nocookieudp = 512; /* * Set path to the master file for the zone and then load it. */ dns_zone_setfile(served_zone, filename, dns_masterformat_text, &dns_master_style_default); result = dns_zone_load(served_zone, false); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto release_zone; } /* * The zone should now be loaded; test it. */ result = dns_zone_getdb(served_zone, &db); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto release_zone; } if (db != NULL) { dns_db_detach(&db); } return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); release_zone: ns_test_releasezone(served_zone); close_zonemgr: ns_test_closezonemgr(); free_zone: dns_zone_detach(&served_zone); return (result); } void ns_test_cleanup_zone(void) { ns_test_releasezone(served_zone); ns_test_closezonemgr(); dns_zone_detach(&served_zone); } isc_result_t ns_test_getclient(ns_interface_t *ifp0, bool tcp, ns_client_t **clientp) { isc_result_t result; ns_client_t *client = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(ns_client_t)); int i; UNUSED(ifp0); UNUSED(tcp); result = ns__client_setup(client, clientmgr, true); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (atomic_load(&client_addrs[i]) == (uintptr_t)NULL || atomic_load(&client_addrs[i]) == (uintptr_t)client) { break; } } REQUIRE(i < 32); atomic_store(&client_refs[i], 2); atomic_store(&client_addrs[i], (uintptr_t)client); client->handle = (isc_nmhandle_t *)client; /* Hack */ *clientp = client; return (result); } /*% * Synthesize a DNS message based on supplied QNAME, QTYPE and flags, then * parse it and store the results in client->message. */ static isc_result_t attach_query_msg_to_client(ns_client_t *client, const char *qnamestr, dns_rdatatype_t qtype, unsigned int qflags) { dns_rdataset_t *qrdataset = NULL; dns_message_t *message = NULL; unsigned char query[65536]; dns_name_t *qname = NULL; isc_buffer_t querybuf; dns_compress_t cctx; isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(client != NULL); REQUIRE(qnamestr != NULL); /* * Create a new DNS message holding a query. */ dns_message_create(mctx, DNS_MESSAGE_INTENTRENDER, &message); /* * Set query ID to a random value. */ message->id = isc_random16(); /* * Set query flags as requested by the caller. */ message->flags = qflags; /* * Allocate structures required to construct the query. */ result = dns_message_gettemprdataset(message, &qrdataset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_message; } result = dns_message_gettempname(message, &qname); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto put_rdataset; } /* * Convert "qnamestr" to a DNS name, create a question rdataset of * class IN and type "qtype", link the two and add the result to the * QUESTION section of the query. */ result = dns_name_fromstring(qname, qnamestr, 0, mctx); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto put_name; } dns_rdataset_makequestion(qrdataset, dns_rdataclass_in, qtype); ISC_LIST_APPEND(qname->list, qrdataset, link); dns_message_addname(message, qname, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION); /* * Render the query. */ dns_compress_init(&cctx, -1, mctx); isc_buffer_init(&querybuf, query, sizeof(query)); result = dns_message_renderbegin(message, &cctx, &querybuf); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_message; } result = dns_message_rendersection(message, DNS_SECTION_QUESTION, 0); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_message; } result = dns_message_renderend(message); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_message; } dns_compress_invalidate(&cctx); /* * Destroy the created message as it was rendered into "querybuf" and * the latter is all we are going to need from now on. */ dns_message_detach(&message); /* * Parse the rendered query, storing results in client->message. */ isc_buffer_first(&querybuf); return (dns_message_parse(client->message, &querybuf, 0)); put_name: dns_message_puttempname(message, &qname); put_rdataset: dns_message_puttemprdataset(message, &qrdataset); destroy_message: dns_message_detach(&message); return (result); } /*% * A hook action which stores the query context pointed to by "arg" at * "data". Causes execution to be interrupted at hook insertion * point. */ static ns_hookresult_t extract_qctx(void *arg, void *data, isc_result_t *resultp) { query_ctx_t **qctxp; query_ctx_t *qctx; REQUIRE(arg != NULL); REQUIRE(data != NULL); REQUIRE(resultp != NULL); /* * qctx is a stack variable in lib/ns/query.c. Its contents need to be * duplicated or otherwise they will become invalidated once the stack * gets unwound. */ qctx = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(*qctx)); if (qctx != NULL) { memmove(qctx, (query_ctx_t *)arg, sizeof(*qctx)); } qctxp = (query_ctx_t **)data; /* * If memory allocation failed, the supplied pointer will simply be set * to NULL. We rely on the user of this hook to react properly. */ *qctxp = qctx; *resultp = ISC_R_UNSET; return (NS_HOOK_RETURN); } /*% * Initialize a query context for "client" and store it in "qctxp". * * Requires: * * \li "client->message" to hold a parsed DNS query. */ static isc_result_t create_qctx_for_client(ns_client_t *client, query_ctx_t **qctxp) { ns_hooktable_t *saved_hook_table = NULL, *query_hooks = NULL; const ns_hook_t hook = { .action = extract_qctx, .action_data = qctxp, }; REQUIRE(client != NULL); REQUIRE(qctxp != NULL); REQUIRE(*qctxp == NULL); /* * Call ns_query_start() to initialize a query context for given * client, but first hook into query_setup() so that we can just * extract an initialized query context, without kicking off any * further processing. Make sure we do not overwrite any previously * set hooks. */ ns_hooktable_create(mctx, &query_hooks); ns_hook_add(query_hooks, mctx, NS_QUERY_SETUP, &hook); saved_hook_table = ns__hook_table; ns__hook_table = query_hooks; ns_query_start(client, client->handle); ns__hook_table = saved_hook_table; ns_hooktable_free(mctx, (void **)&query_hooks); isc_nmhandle_detach(&client->reqhandle); if (*qctxp == NULL) { return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } else { return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } isc_result_t ns_test_qctx_create(const ns_test_qctx_create_params_t *params, query_ctx_t **qctxp) { ns_client_t *client = NULL; isc_result_t result; isc_nmhandle_t *handle = NULL; REQUIRE(params != NULL); REQUIRE(params->qname != NULL); REQUIRE(qctxp != NULL); REQUIRE(*qctxp == NULL); /* * Allocate and initialize a client structure. */ result = ns_test_getclient(NULL, false, &client); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } TIME_NOW(&client->tnow); /* * Every client needs to belong to a view. */ result = ns_test_makeview("view", params->with_cache, &client->view); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto detach_client; } /* * Synthesize a DNS query using given QNAME, QTYPE and flags, storing * it in client->message. */ result = attach_query_msg_to_client(client, params->qname, params->qtype, params->qflags); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto detach_view; } /* * Allow recursion for the client. As NS_CLIENTATTR_RA normally gets * set in ns__client_request(), i.e. earlier than the unit tests hook * into the call chain, just set it manually. */ client->attributes |= NS_CLIENTATTR_RA; /* * Create a query context for a client sending the previously * synthesized query. */ result = create_qctx_for_client(client, qctxp); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { goto detach_query; } /* * The reference count for "client" is now at 2, so we need to * decrement it in order for it to drop to zero when "qctx" gets * destroyed. */ handle = client->handle; isc_nmhandle_detach(&handle); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); detach_query: dns_message_detach(&client->message); detach_view: dns_view_detach(&client->view); detach_client: isc_nmhandle_detach(&client->handle); return (result); } void ns_test_qctx_destroy(query_ctx_t **qctxp) { query_ctx_t *qctx; REQUIRE(qctxp != NULL); REQUIRE(*qctxp != NULL); qctx = *qctxp; *qctxp = NULL; if (qctx->zone != NULL) { dns_zone_detach(&qctx->zone); } if (qctx->db != NULL) { dns_db_detach(&qctx->db); } if (qctx->client != NULL) { isc_nmhandle_detach(&qctx->client->handle); } isc_mem_put(mctx, qctx, sizeof(*qctx)); } ns_hookresult_t ns_test_hook_catch_call(void *arg, void *data, isc_result_t *resultp) { UNUSED(arg); UNUSED(data); *resultp = ISC_R_UNSET; return (NS_HOOK_RETURN); } /* * Sleep for 'usec' microseconds. */ void ns_test_nap(uint32_t usec) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = usec / 1000000; ts.tv_nsec = (usec % 1000000) * 1000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } isc_result_t ns_test_loaddb(dns_db_t **db, dns_dbtype_t dbtype, const char *origin, const char *testfile) { isc_result_t result; dns_fixedname_t fixed; dns_name_t *name; name = dns_fixedname_initname(&fixed); result = dns_name_fromstring(name, origin, 0, NULL); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } result = dns_db_create(mctx, "rbt", name, dbtype, dns_rdataclass_in, 0, NULL, db); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } result = dns_db_load(*db, testfile, dns_masterformat_text, 0); return (result); } static int fromhex(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return (c - 'a' + 10); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return (c - 'A' + 10); } printf("bad input format: %02x\n", c); exit(3); } isc_result_t ns_test_getdata(const char *file, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsiz, size_t *sizep) { isc_result_t result; unsigned char *bp; char *rp, *wp; char s[BUFSIZ]; size_t len, i; FILE *f = NULL; int n; result = isc_stdio_open(file, "r", &f); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { return (result); } bp = buf; while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f) != NULL) { rp = s; wp = s; len = 0; while (*rp != '\0') { if (*rp == '#') { break; } if (*rp != ' ' && *rp != '\t' && *rp != '\r' && *rp != '\n') { *wp++ = *rp; len++; } rp++; } if (len == 0U) { continue; } if (len % 2 != 0U) { CHECK(ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND); } if (len > bufsiz * 2) { CHECK(ISC_R_NOSPACE); } rp = s; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { n = fromhex(*rp++); n *= 16; n += fromhex(*rp++); *bp++ = n; } } *sizep = bp - buf; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; cleanup: isc_stdio_close(f); return (result); }