/* $NetBSD: geoip_test.c,v 1.8 2022/09/23 12:15:32 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #if HAVE_CMOCKA #include /* IWYU pragma: keep */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UNIT_TESTING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dnstest.h" #if defined(HAVE_GEOIP2) #include #include "../geoip2.c" /* Use GeoIP2 databases from the 'geoip2' system test */ #define TEST_GEOIP_DATA "../../../bin/tests/system/geoip2/data" static dns_geoip_databases_t geoip; static MMDB_s geoip_country, geoip_city, geoip_as, geoip_isp, geoip_domain; static void load_geoip(const char *dir); static void close_geoip(void); static int _setup(void **state) { isc_result_t result; UNUSED(state); result = dns_test_begin(NULL, false); assert_int_equal(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); /* Use databases from the geoip system test */ load_geoip(TEST_GEOIP_DATA); return (0); } static int _teardown(void **state) { UNUSED(state); close_geoip(); dns_test_end(); return (0); } static MMDB_s * open_geoip2(const char *dir, const char *dbfile, MMDB_s *mmdb) { char pathbuf[PATH_MAX]; int ret; snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "%s/%s", dir, dbfile); ret = MMDB_open(pathbuf, MMDB_MODE_MMAP, mmdb); if (ret == MMDB_SUCCESS) { return (mmdb); } return (NULL); } static void load_geoip(const char *dir) { geoip.country = open_geoip2(dir, "GeoIP2-Country.mmdb", &geoip_country); geoip.city = open_geoip2(dir, "GeoIP2-City.mmdb", &geoip_city); geoip.as = open_geoip2(dir, "GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb", &geoip_as); geoip.isp = open_geoip2(dir, "GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb", &geoip_isp); geoip.domain = open_geoip2(dir, "GeoIP2-Domain.mmdb", &geoip_domain); } static void close_geoip(void) { MMDB_close(&geoip_country); MMDB_close(&geoip_city); MMDB_close(&geoip_as); MMDB_close(&geoip_isp); MMDB_close(&geoip_domain); } static bool /* Check if an MMDB entry of a given subtype exists for the given IP */ entry_exists(dns_geoip_subtype_t subtype, const char *addr) { struct in6_addr in6; struct in_addr in4; isc_netaddr_t na; MMDB_s *db; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &in6) == 1) { isc_netaddr_fromin6(&na, &in6); } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &in4) == 1) { isc_netaddr_fromin(&na, &in4); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } db = geoip2_database(&geoip, fix_subtype(&geoip, subtype)); return (db != NULL && get_entry_for(db, &na) != NULL); } /* * Baseline test - check if get_entry_for() works as expected, i.e. that its * return values are consistent with the contents of the test MMDBs found in * bin/tests/system/geoip2/data/ ( and fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1 should be * present in all databases, should only be present in the country * database, ::1 should be absent from all databases). */ static void baseline(void **state) { dns_geoip_subtype_t subtype; UNUSED(state); subtype = dns_geoip_city_name; assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "::1")); subtype = dns_geoip_country_name; assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "::1")); subtype = dns_geoip_domain_name; assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "::1")); subtype = dns_geoip_isp_name; assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "::1")); subtype = dns_geoip_as_asnum; assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "")); assert_true(entry_exists(subtype, "fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1")); assert_false(entry_exists(subtype, "::1")); } static bool do_lookup_string(const char *addr, dns_geoip_subtype_t subtype, const char *string) { dns_geoip_elem_t elt; struct in_addr in4; isc_netaddr_t na; int n; n = inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &in4); assert_int_equal(n, 1); isc_netaddr_fromin(&na, &in4); elt.subtype = subtype; strlcpy(elt.as_string, string, sizeof(elt.as_string)); return (dns_geoip_match(&na, &geoip, &elt)); } static bool do_lookup_string_v6(const char *addr, dns_geoip_subtype_t subtype, const char *string) { dns_geoip_elem_t elt; struct in6_addr in6; isc_netaddr_t na; int n; n = inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &in6); assert_int_equal(n, 1); isc_netaddr_fromin6(&na, &in6); elt.subtype = subtype; strlcpy(elt.as_string, string, sizeof(elt.as_string)); return (dns_geoip_match(&na, &geoip, &elt)); } /* GeoIP country matching */ static void country(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.country == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_country_code, "AU"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_country_name, "Australia"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_country_code, "O1"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_country_name, "Other"); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP country (ipv6) matching */ static void country_v6(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.country == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_country_code, "AU"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_country_name, "Australia"); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP city (ipv4) matching */ static void city(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.city == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_continentcode, "NA"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_countrycode, "US"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_countryname, "United States"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_region, "CA"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_regionname, "California"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_name, "Redwood City"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_city_postalcode, "94063"); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP city (ipv6) matching */ static void city_v6(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.city == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_continentcode, "NA"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_countrycode, "US"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_countryname, "United States"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_region, "CA"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_regionname, "California"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_name, "Redwood City"); assert_true(match); match = do_lookup_string_v6("fd92:7065:b8e:ffff::1", dns_geoip_city_postalcode, "94063"); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP asnum matching */ static void asnum(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.as == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_as_asnum, "AS100003"); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP isp matching */ static void isp(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.isp == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_isp_name, "One Systems, Inc."); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP org matching */ static void org(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.as == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_org_name, "Two Technology Ltd."); assert_true(match); } /* GeoIP domain matching */ static void domain(void **state) { bool match; UNUSED(state); if (geoip.domain == NULL) { skip(); } match = do_lookup_string("", dns_geoip_domain_name, "five.es"); assert_true(match); } #endif /* HAVE_GEOIP2 */ int main(void) { #if defined(HAVE_GEOIP2) const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test(baseline), cmocka_unit_test(country), cmocka_unit_test(country_v6), cmocka_unit_test(city), cmocka_unit_test(city_v6), cmocka_unit_test(asnum), cmocka_unit_test(isp), cmocka_unit_test(org), cmocka_unit_test(domain), }; return (cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, _setup, _teardown)); #else /* if defined(HAVE_GEOIP2) */ print_message("1..0 # Skip GeoIP not enabled\n"); #endif /* if defined(HAVE_GEOIP2) */ } #else /* HAVE_CMOCKA */ #include int main(void) { printf("1..0 # Skipped: cmocka not available\n"); return (SKIPPED_TEST_EXIT_CODE); } #endif /* HAVE_CMOCKA */