#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from collections import defaultdict import re from ply import yacc from ply import lex from isc import dnskey ############################################################################ # Translate KASP duration values into seconds ############################################################################ class KaspTime: # pylint: disable=invalid-name class KTLex: # pylint: disable=invalid-name tokens = ("P", "T", "Y", "M", "D", "H", "S", "NUM") t_P = r"(?i)P" t_T = r"(?i)T" t_Y = r"(?i)Y" t_M = r"(?i)M" t_D = r"(?i)D" t_H = r"(?i)H" t_S = r"(?i)S" @staticmethod def t_NUM(t): r"\d+" t.value = int(t.value) return t @staticmethod def t_error(t): print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]) t.lexer.skip(1) def __init__(self): self.lexer = lex.lex(object=self) def __init__(self): self.lexer = self.KTLex() self.tokens = self.lexer.tokens self.parser = yacc.yacc(debug=False, write_tables=False, module=self) def parse(self, text): self.lexer.lexer.lineno = 0 return self.parser.parse(text) @staticmethod def p_ktime_4(p): "ktime : P periods T times" p[0] = p[2] + p[4] @staticmethod def p_ktime_3(p): "ktime : P T times" p[0] = p[3] @staticmethod def p_ktime_2(p): "ktime : P periods" p[0] = p[2] @staticmethod def p_periods_1(p): "periods : period" p[0] = p[1] @staticmethod def p_periods_2(p): "periods : periods period" p[0] = p[1] + p[2] @staticmethod def p_times_1(p): "times : time" p[0] = p[1] @staticmethod def p_times_2(p): "times : times time" p[0] = p[1] + p[2] @staticmethod def p_period(p): """period : NUM Y | NUM M | NUM D""" if p[2].lower() == "y": p[0] = int(p[1]) * 31536000 elif p[2].lower() == "m": p[0] = int(p[1]) * 2592000 elif p[2].lower() == "d": p[0] += int(p[1]) * 86400 @staticmethod def p_time(p): """time : NUM H | NUM M | NUM S""" if p[2].lower() == "h": p[0] = int(p[1]) * 3600 elif p[2].lower() == "m": p[0] = int(p[1]) * 60 elif p[2].lower() == "s": p[0] = int(p[1]) @staticmethod def p_error(): print("Syntax error") ############################################################################ # Load the contents of a KASP XML file as a python dictionary ############################################################################ class Kasp: # pylint: disable=invalid-name @staticmethod def _todict(t): d = {t.tag: {} if t.attrib else None} children = list(t) if children: dd = defaultdict(list) for dc in map(Kasp._todict, children): for k, v in dc.iteritems(): dd[k].append(v) k = {k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v for k, v in dd.items()} d = {t.tag: k} if t.attrib: d[t.tag].update(("@" + k, v) for k, v in t.attrib.iteritems()) if t.text: text = t.text.strip() if children or t.attrib: if text: d[t.tag]["#text"] = text else: d[t.tag] = text return d def __init__(self, filename): self._dict = Kasp._todict(ET.parse(filename).getroot()) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def __iter__(self): return self._dict.__iter__() def __repr__(self): return repr(self._dict) ############################################################################ # Load the contents of a KASP XML file as a python dictionary ############################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: kasp2policy ") sys.exit(1) KINFO = Kasp(sys.argv[1]) try: KINFO = Kasp(sys.argv[1]) except FileNotFoundError: print("%s: unable to load KASP file '%s'" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1])) sys.exit(1) KT = KaspTime() FIRST = True for policy in KINFO["KASP"]["Policy"]: if not policy["@name"] or not policy["Keys"]: continue if not FIRST: print("") FIRST = False if policy["Description"]: desc = policy["Description"].strip() print("# %s" % re.sub(r"\n\s*", "\n# ", desc)) print("policy %s {" % policy["@name"]) ksk = policy["Keys"]["KSK"] zsk = policy["Keys"]["ZSK"] kalg = ksk["Algorithm"] zalg = zsk["Algorithm"] algnum = kalg["#text"] or zalg["#text"] if algnum: print("\talgorithm %s;" % dnskey.algstr(int(algnum))) if policy["Keys"]["TTL"]: print("\tkeyttl %d;" % KT.parse(policy["Keys"]["TTL"])) if kalg["@length"]: print("\tkey-size ksk %d;" % int(kalg["@length"])) if zalg["@length"]: print("\tkey-size zsk %d;" % int(zalg["@length"])) if ksk["Lifetime"]: print("\troll-period ksk %d;" % KT.parse(ksk["Lifetime"])) if zsk["Lifetime"]: print("\troll-period zsk %d;" % KT.parse(zsk["Lifetime"])) if ksk["Standby"]: print("\tstandby ksk %d;" % int(ksk["Standby"])) if zsk["Standby"]: print("\tstandby zsk %d;" % int(zsk["Standby"])) print("};")