/* $NetBSD: byname_test.c,v 1.7 2022/09/23 12:15:23 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ /*! \file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static isc_mem_t *mctx = NULL; static isc_nm_t *netmgr = NULL; static isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr = NULL; static dns_view_t *view = NULL; static dns_adbfind_t *find = NULL; static isc_task_t *task = NULL; static dns_fixedname_t fixed; static dns_fixedname_t target; static isc_log_t *lctx = NULL; static isc_logconfig_t *lcfg = NULL; static unsigned int level = 0; static void adb_callback(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); static void log_init(void) { isc_logdestination_t destination; unsigned int flags; /* * Setup a logging context. */ isc_log_create(mctx, &lctx, &lcfg); isc_log_setcontext(lctx); dns_log_init(lctx); dns_log_setcontext(lctx); /* * Create and install the default channel. */ destination.file.stream = stderr; destination.file.name = NULL; destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER; destination.file.maximum_size = 0; flags = ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME; isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "_default", ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC, ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC, &destination, flags); RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_log_usechannel(lcfg, "_default", NULL, NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); isc_log_setdebuglevel(lctx, level); } static void print_addresses(dns_adbfind_t *adbfind) { dns_adbaddrinfo_t *address; for (address = ISC_LIST_HEAD(adbfind->list); address != NULL; address = ISC_LIST_NEXT(address, publink)) { isc_netaddr_t netaddr; char text[ISC_NETADDR_FORMATSIZE]; isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr, &address->sockaddr); isc_netaddr_format(&netaddr, text, sizeof(text)); printf("%s\n", text); } } static void print_name(dns_name_t *name) { char text[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE]; dns_name_format(name, text, sizeof(text)); printf("%s\n", text); } static void do_find(bool want_event) { isc_result_t result; bool done = false; unsigned int options; options = DNS_ADBFIND_INET | DNS_ADBFIND_INET6; if (want_event) { options |= DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT | DNS_ADBFIND_EMPTYEVENT; } dns_fixedname_init(&target); result = dns_adb_createfind(view->adb, task, adb_callback, NULL, dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), dns_rootname, 0, options, 0, dns_fixedname_name(&target), 0, 0, NULL, &find); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { if (!ISC_LIST_EMPTY(find->list)) { /* * We have at least some of the addresses for the * name. */ INSIST((find->options & DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT) == 0); print_addresses(find); done = true; } else { /* * We don't know any of the addresses for this * name. */ if ((find->options & DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT) == 0) { /* * And ADB isn't going to send us any events * either. This query loses. */ done = true; } /* * If the DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT flag was set, we'll * get an event when something happens. */ } } else if (result == DNS_R_ALIAS) { print_name(dns_fixedname_name(&target)); done = true; } else { printf("dns_adb_createfind() returned %s\n", isc_result_totext(result)); done = true; } if (done) { if (find != NULL) { dns_adb_destroyfind(&find); } isc_app_shutdown(); } } static void adb_callback(isc_task_t *etask, isc_event_t *event) { unsigned int type = event->ev_type; REQUIRE(etask == task); isc_event_free(&event); dns_adb_destroyfind(&find); if (type == DNS_EVENT_ADBMOREADDRESSES) { do_find(false); } else if (type == DNS_EVENT_ADBNOMOREADDRESSES) { printf("no more addresses\n"); isc_app_shutdown(); } else { printf("unexpected ADB event type %u\n", type); isc_app_shutdown(); } } static void run(isc_task_t *xtask, isc_event_t *event) { UNUSED(xtask); do_find(true); isc_event_free(&event); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool verbose = false; unsigned int workers = 2; isc_timermgr_t *timermgr = NULL; int ch; isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr = NULL; dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr = NULL; dns_cache_t *cache = NULL; isc_buffer_t b; RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_app_start() == ISC_R_SUCCESS); dns_result_register(); isc_mem_create(&mctx); while ((ch = isc_commandline_parse(argc, argv, "d:vw:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': level = (unsigned int)atoi(isc_commandline_argument); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'w': workers = (unsigned int)atoi(isc_commandline_argument); break; } } log_init(); if (verbose) { printf("%u workers\n", workers); printf("IPv4: %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_net_probeipv4())); printf("IPv6: %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_net_probeipv6())); } RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_managers_create(mctx, workers, 0, &netmgr, &taskmgr) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &task) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); isc_task_setname(task, "byname", NULL); RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_dispatchmgr_create(mctx, &dispatchmgr) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_timermgr_create(mctx, &timermgr) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_socketmgr_create(mctx, &socketmgr) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_cache_create(mctx, mctx, taskmgr, timermgr, dns_rdataclass_in, "", "rbt", 0, NULL, &cache) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_view_create(mctx, dns_rdataclass_in, "default", &view) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); { unsigned int attrs; dns_dispatch_t *disp4 = NULL; dns_dispatch_t *disp6 = NULL; if (isc_net_probeipv4() == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_sockaddr_t any4; isc_sockaddr_any(&any4); attrs = DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV4 | DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP; RUNTIME_CHECK( dns_dispatch_getudp(dispatchmgr, socketmgr, taskmgr, &any4, 512, 6, 1024, 17, 19, attrs, attrs, &disp4) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); INSIST(disp4 != NULL); } if (isc_net_probeipv6() == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_sockaddr_t any6; isc_sockaddr_any6(&any6); attrs = DNS_DISPATCHATTR_IPV6 | DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP; RUNTIME_CHECK( dns_dispatch_getudp(dispatchmgr, socketmgr, taskmgr, &any6, 512, 6, 1024, 17, 19, attrs, attrs, &disp6) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); INSIST(disp6 != NULL); } RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_view_createresolver(view, taskmgr, 10, 1, socketmgr, timermgr, 0, dispatchmgr, disp4, disp6) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); if (disp4 != NULL) { dns_dispatch_detach(&disp4); } if (disp6 != NULL) { dns_dispatch_detach(&disp6); } } { struct in_addr ina; isc_sockaddr_t sa; isc_sockaddrlist_t sal; ISC_LIST_INIT(sal); ina.s_addr = inet_addr(""); isc_sockaddr_fromin(&sa, &ina, 53); ISC_LIST_APPEND(sal, &sa, link); REQUIRE(DNS_VIEW_VALID(view)); RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_fwdtable_add(view->fwdtable, dns_rootname, &sal, dns_fwdpolicy_only) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); } dns_view_setcache(view, cache, false); dns_view_freeze(view); dns_cache_detach(&cache); printf("name = %s\n", argv[isc_commandline_index]); isc_buffer_init(&b, argv[isc_commandline_index], strlen(argv[isc_commandline_index])); isc_buffer_add(&b, strlen(argv[isc_commandline_index])); dns_fixedname_init(&fixed); dns_fixedname_init(&target); RUNTIME_CHECK(dns_name_fromtext(dns_fixedname_name(&fixed), &b, dns_rootname, 0, NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_app_onrun(mctx, task, run, NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); (void)isc_app_run(); dns_view_detach(&view); isc_task_shutdown(task); isc_task_detach(&task); dns_dispatchmgr_destroy(&dispatchmgr); isc_managers_destroy(&netmgr, &taskmgr); isc_socketmgr_destroy(&socketmgr); isc_timermgr_destroy(&timermgr); isc_log_destroy(&lctx); if (verbose) { isc_mem_stats(mctx, stdout); } isc_mem_destroy(&mctx); isc_app_finish(); return (0); }