# #-- stat_values.test --# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test # We need kill_pid for the serve-expired-client-timeout test . ../common.sh PRE="../.." # Individual thread stats. STATS_IGNORE_THREAD="\ ^thread" # Histogram stats. STATS_IGNORE_HISTOGRAM="\ ^histogram" # Time dependent stats. STATS_IGNORE_TIME_SPECIFIC="\ ^total.recursion.time.avg= ^total.recursion.time.median= ^time.now= ^time.up= ^time.elapsed=" # Usage dependent stats. STATS_IGNORE_USAGE_SPECIFIC="\ ^total.requestlist.avg= ^total.requestlist.max= ^total.requestlist.overwritten= ^total.requestlist.exceeded= ^total.requestlist.current.all= ^total.requestlist.current.user= ^total.tcpusage= ^mem\." # Stats to ignore by default. STATS_IGNORE_DEFAULT="\ $STATS_IGNORE_THREAD $STATS_IGNORE_HISTOGRAM $STATS_IGNORE_TIME_SPECIFIC $STATS_IGNORE_USAGE_SPECIFIC" # Various files to be used while testing. STATS_FILE=stats.$$ EXPECTED_STATS_FILE=expected_stats.$$ IGNORE_REGEX_FILE=ignore_regex.$$ FILTERED_STATS_FILE=filtered_stats.$$ FOUND_STATS_FILE=found_stats.$$ REST_STATS_FILE=rest_stats.$$ DEBUG=0 # Write stats to $STATS_FILE. # Call this when you want to get stats from unbound. get_stats () { echo "> Getting stats" echo "$PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf stats" $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf stats > $STATS_FILE if test $? -ne 0; then echo "wrong exit value after success" exit 1 fi } # Set the expected stat values by writing to $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE. # sort is used for proper diff later. set_expected_stats () { echo "$1" | sort > $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE } # Set the regex to ignore stats by writing to $IGNORE_REGEX_FILE. set_ignore_regex_stats () { echo "$1" > $IGNORE_REGEX_FILE } # Filter the stats by removing any matched regex from $IGNORE_REGEX_FILE, # sorts and writes the left over stats to $FILTERED_STATS_FILE. filter_stats () { grep -v -f $IGNORE_REGEX_FILE $STATS_FILE | sort > $FILTERED_STATS_FILE } # Check that the stats in $FILTERED_STATS_FILE include the expected stats in # $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE. check_expected_stats () { echo "> Checking expected stats" grep -F -x -f $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE $FILTERED_STATS_FILE > $FOUND_STATS_FILE if test $DEBUG -ne 0; then echo "Found:" cat $FOUND_STATS_FILE fi if diff $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE $FOUND_STATS_FILE; then echo "OK" else echo "! bad expected stats:" cat $FILTERED_STATS_FILE exit 1 fi } # Check that the rest (unspecified) stats are all 0 (no surprises). check_rest_stats () { echo "> Checking rest stats" grep -F -x -v -f $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE $FILTERED_STATS_FILE > $REST_STATS_FILE if test $DEBUG -ne 0; then echo "Rest:" cat $REST_STATS_FILE fi if grep -v "=0$" $REST_STATS_FILE; then echo "! bad rest stats" exit 1 else echo "OK" fi } # Main function to check stats by: # - Getting stats from unbound # - Filtering out the stats we are not interested in # - Checking that the expected stats are part of the filtered stats # - The rest of the stats have 0 values. check_stats () { set_expected_stats "$1" if test $DEBUG -ne 0; then echo "Expected:" cat $EXPECTED_STATS_FILE fi get_stats filter_stats if test $DEBUG -ne 0; then echo "Filtered:" cat $FILTERED_STATS_FILE fi check_expected_stats check_rest_stats } # Convenient function to set an option through unbound-control. set_ub_option () { name=$1 value=$2 echo "$PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf set_option $name: $value" $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf set_option $name: $value if test $? -ne 0; then echo "wrong exit value after success" exit 1 fi } # Convenient function to exit the test. end () { echo "> cat logfiles" cat fwd.log cat unbound.log if test $1 -eq 1; then echo "Not OK" else echo "> OK" fi exit $1 } # Ignore all run specific stats. set_ignore_regex_stats "$STATS_IGNORE_DEFAULT" # Check if the server is up. echo "> dig 1ttl.example.com." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT 1ttl.example.com. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi echo echo "[ Check initial stats based on first query. ]" check_stats "\ total.num.queries=1 total.num.cachemiss=1 total.num.recursivereplies=1 num.query.type.A=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.udpout=1 msg.cache.count=1 rrset.cache.count=1 infra.cache.count=1 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1" echo echo "[ Check stat reset. ]" check_stats "\ msg.cache.count=1 rrset.cache.count=1 infra.cache.count=1" echo echo "[ Enable serve-expired and check. ]" set_ub_option serve-expired yes sleep 2 # make sure the TTL has expired. echo "> dig 1ttl.example.com." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT 1ttl.example.com. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ total.num.queries=1 total.num.expired=1 total.num.cachehits=1 total.num.prefetch=1 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 num.query.udpout=1 msg.cache.count=1 rrset.cache.count=1 infra.cache.count=1" echo echo "[ Enable serve-expired-client-timeout and check. ]" set_ub_option serve-expired-client-timeout 1 echo "> dig servfail.expired." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT servfail.expired. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ total.num.queries=1 total.num.cachemiss=1 total.num.recursivereplies=1 num.query.type.A=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.udpout=1 msg.cache.count=2 rrset.cache.count=2 infra.cache.count=2 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1" kill_pid $FWD_EXPIRED_PID # kill the expired forwarder to force a servfail from upstream. sleep 2 # make sure the TTL has expired. echo "> dig servfail.expired." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT servfail.expired. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi sleep 1 # make sure the outgoing UDP (and the edns1xx0 retry) are accounted for. check_stats "\ total.num.queries=1 total.num.expired=1 total.num.recursivereplies=1 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 num.query.udpout=2 total.num.cachemiss=1 msg.cache.count=2 rrset.cache.count=2 infra.cache.count=2" # Disable serve-expired set_ub_option serve-expired no echo echo "[ Check REFUSED; try without RD flag. ]" echo "> dig somethingelse.example.com." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT +nordflag somethingelse.example.com. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "REFUSED" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ num.answer.rcode.REFUSED=1 total.num.cachehits=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 total.num.queries=1 msg.cache.count=2 rrset.cache.count=2 infra.cache.count=2" echo echo "[ Check the AD flag. ]" echo "> dig www.example.com." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT +noadflag www.example.com. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ num.query.flags.AD=0 total.num.cachemiss=1 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 num.query.udpout=1 total.num.queries=1 total.num.recursivereplies=1 msg.cache.count=3 rrset.cache.count=3 infra.cache.count=2" echo echo "[ Check local zone. ]" echo "> dig www.local.zone." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT www.local.zone. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1 total.num.cachehits=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 total.num.queries=1 msg.cache.count=3 rrset.cache.count=3 infra.cache.count=2" echo echo "[ Check NXDOMAIN (with local data). ]" echo "> dig mail.local.zone." dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT mail.local.zone. | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "NXDOMAIN" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ num.answer.rcode.NXDOMAIN=1 total.num.cachehits=1 num.query.class.IN=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.A=1 total.num.queries=1 msg.cache.count=3 rrset.cache.count=3 infra.cache.count=2" echo echo "[ Check CHAOS. ]" echo "> dig id.server. ch txt" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT id.server. ch txt | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "stat_values" outfile; then echo "OK" else end 1 fi check_stats "\ num.query.class.CH=1 total.num.cachehits=1 num.answer.rcode.NOERROR=1 num.query.edns.present=1 num.query.flags.AD=1 num.query.flags.RD=1 num.query.opcode.QUERY=1 num.query.type.TXT=1 total.num.queries=1 msg.cache.count=3 rrset.cache.count=3 infra.cache.count=2" end 0