# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color # (dark grey by default) replaces = { "[]=" = "%Y$0-%n"; }; abstracts = { ## ## generic ## # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line line_start = "%Y==%R>%n "; # timestamp styling, nothing by default timestamp = "%R.%Y:%B$0-%Y:%R.%n "; # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold hilight = "%y$0-%c"; # any kind of error message, default is bright red error = "%R$0-%n"; # channel name is printed channel = "%y$0-"; channel_kick = "%R$0-"; # nick is printed nick = "%y$0-%c"; nick_kick = "%R$0"; # nick host is printed nickhost = "$0-"; # server name is printed server = "%r$0-%n"; # some kind of comment is printed comment = "%y($0-%y)"; comment_kick = "%R($0-%R)"; # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..) reason = "{comment %Y$0-}"; reason_kick = "{comment_kick %r$0-}"; # mode change is printed ([+o nick]) mode = "{comment %Y$0-}"; mode_col = "%r$0-"; ## ## channel specific messages ## # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins) channick_hilight = "%y$0-%n"; chanhost_hilight = "{[nickhost] %r$0-%n}"; # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.) channick = "%y$0-%n"; chanhost = "{[nickhost] $0-}"; # highlighted channel name is printed channelhilight = "%R$0-%n"; # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed ban = "%r$0-%n"; ## ## messages ## # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick msgnick = "%b$0%n$1- %|"; # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick ownmsgnick = "{msgnick %Y<%b$0%n $1-%Y>}%c"; ownnick = "%B$0-%n"; # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick pubmsgnick = "{msgnick %Y<%b$0 %C$1-%Y>%n}"; pubnick = "$0-%n"; # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick %Y>>%W$0 %B$1-%Y<<}%n"; menick = "%B$0-%n"; # public highlighted message in channel # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick pubmsghinick = "{msgnick %Y>>%W$1 %B$2-%Y<<}%n"; # channel name is printed with message msgchannel = "%y:%c$0-%n"; # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host privmsg = "[%y$0%B(%y$1-%B)%n] "; # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick ownprivmsg = "[%c$0%B(%c$1-%B)%n] "; # own private message in query ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $0-}"; ownprivnick = "%B$0-%n"; # private message in query privmsgnick = "{msgnick <%C$0-%n>}"; ## ## Actions (/ME stuff) ## # used internally by this theme action_core = "%Y >%R>%B> %C$0-%n"; # generic one that's used by most actions action = "{action_core $0-} "; # own action, both private/public ownaction = "{action $0-}"; # own action with target, both private/public ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%B:%c$1%n "; # private action sent by others pvtaction = " (%Y>%R>%B>%n) %C$0-%n "; pvtaction_query = "{action $0-}"; # public action sent by others pubaction = "{action $0-}"; ## ## other IRC events ## # notices ownnotice = "[%c$0%r(%B$1-%r)]%n "; notice = "%r-%C$0-%r-%n "; pubnotice_channel = "%Y:%C$0-"; pvtnotice_host = "%R(%c$0-%R)"; servernotice = "%y!$0-%n "; # CTCPs ownctcp = "[%c$0%b(%C$1-%B)] "; ctcp = "%y$0-%n"; # wallops wallop = "%W$0-%n: "; wallop_nick = "%n$0-"; wallop_action = "%W * $0-%n "; # netsplits netsplit = "%R$0-%n"; netjoin = "%C$0-%n"; # /names list names_nick = "[%B$0%c$1-%n] "; names_users = "[%y$0-%n]"; names_channel = "%B$0-%n"; # DCC dcc = "<%b$0-%n>"; dccfile = "%B$0-%n"; # DCC chat, own msg/action dccownmsg = "[%b$0%c($1-%c)%n] "; dccownnick = "<%B$0-%n>"; dccownaction = "{action $0-}"; dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%B:%c$1%n "; # DCC chat, others dccmsg = "[%c$1-%b(%c$0%b)%n] "; dccquerynick = "<%C$0-%n>"; dccaction = " %Y>%R>%B>%n %C$0-%n %|"; ## ## statusbar ## # background of statusbar sb_background = "%4%C"; # default statusbar item style sb = "%R.%Y:%n$0-%Y:%R.%n "; sbmode = "(%y+%n$0-)"; sbaway = " (%BAWAY%n)"; sbservertag = ":$0 (change with ^X)"; sbmore = "%C-- more --$n"; sblag = "{sb Lag: $0-}"; sbmail = "{sb Mail: $0-}"; # activity. Det is used for hilights when display doesn't support colors sbact = "{sb {sbact_act $0}{sbact_det $1}}"; sbact_act = " Act: $0-"; sbact_det = " Det: $0-"; }; formats = { "fe-common/core" = { pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $0}}$1"; kick = "{channick_kick $0} was kicked from {channel_kick $1} by {nick_kick $2} {reason_kick $3}"; join = "{channick $0} {chanhost $1} has joined {channel $2}"; your_nick_changed = "{mode_col Nickchange: You're now known as} {nick $1}"; nick_changed = "{mode_col Nickchange: {channick $0} is now known as {channick $1}"; timestamp = "{timestamp %%T}"; }; "fe-common/irc" = { chanmode_change = "{mode_col mode/}{channel $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}"; server_chanmode_change = "{netsplit ServerMode}/{channel $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}"; channel_mode = "{mode_col mode/}{channel $0} {mode $1}"; # footer just remove some '+' till its allright end_of_whois = "%b++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%n"; # header just remove some '+' till its allright whois = " %b+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%n%:%b+ %cnick :%n {nick $0}%:%b+ %chost :%n {nickhost $1@$2}%:%b+ %circname :%n $3"; whois_idle = "%b+ %cidle :%n $1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs"; whois_idle_signon = "%b+ %cidle :%n $1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs {comment signon: $5}"; whois_server = "%b+ %cserver :%n $1 {comment $2}"; whois_oper = "%b+%c :%n IRC 455 k1553r"; whois_oper_type = "%b+%c :%n {hilight $1}"; whois_registered = "%b+%c :%n has registered this nick"; whois_help = "%b+%c :%n is available for help"; whois_modes = "%b+ %cmodes :%n $1"; whois_realhost = "%b+ %chostname :%n $1"; whois_channels = "%b+ %cchannels :%n $1"; whois_away = "%b+ %caway :%n $1"; whois_special = "%b+%c :%n $1"; }; };