############################################################################# # c0ders theme by PCrazee # # # # This theme comes in real handy at work, where not everyone should see # # that I'm actually chatting # # If you find some thing you wanna tell/ask me: pcrazee googlemail.com # ############################################################################# # default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color" default_color = "-1"; # print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning info_eol = "false"; # these characters are automatically replaced with specified color # (dark grey by default) replaces = { "[]" = "%g$*%n"; }; abstracts = { ## ## generic ## # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line #line_start = "%g//%n "; line_start = ""; # timestamp styling, nothing by default timestamp = "%w$*%n"; # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold hilight = "%_$*%_"; # any kind of error message, default is bright red error = "%R$*%n"; # channel name is printed channel = "$*"; # nick is printed nick = "%_$*%_"; # nick host is printed nickhost = "%g$*"; # server name is printed server = "%_$*%_"; # some kind of comment is printed comment = "%n(%b\"$*\"%n);"; # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..) reason = "{comment $*}"; # mode change is printed ([+o nick]) mode = "{comment $*}"; ## ## channel specific messages ## # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins) channick_hilight = "%g$*%N"; chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost $*}"; # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.) channick = "%g$*"; chanhost = "{nickhost $*}"; # highlighted channel name is printed channelhilight = "%g$*%n"; # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed ban = "$*"; ## ## messages ## # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick msgnick = "$0$1%n %|"; # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0$1-}"; ownnick = "$*%n"; # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; pubnick = "%N$*%n"; # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; menick = "%M$*%n"; # public highlighted message in channel # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}"; # channel name is printed with message msgchannel = "%K:%m$*%n"; # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host privmsg = "$0=%b\"$1-\"%n "; # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick ownprivmsg = "$0=%b\"$1-\"%n "; # own private message in query ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}"; ownprivnick = "$*"; # private message in query privmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}"; ## ## Actions (/ME stuff) ## # generic one that's used by most actions action = "%B/**%n%: %B* $*%n%: %B*/"; # own action, both private/public ownaction = "{action $*}"; # own action with target, both private/public ownaction_target = "{action $*}"; # private action sent by others pvtaction = "{action $*}"; pvtaction_query = "{action $*}"; # public action sent by others pubaction = "{action $*}"; ## ## other IRC events ## # whois whois = "%# $[8]0 = $1-;"; # notices ownnotice = "%NNote n = %Mnew%n $0 ($1-) "; notice = "%M$*%n "; pubnotice_channel = " %N($*)"; pvtnotice_host = " %N($*)"; servernotice = " %N($*)"; # CTCPs ownctcp = "%NCTCP c = %Mnew%n $0 ($1-) "; ctcp = "%N$*%n"; # wallops wallop = "%K$*%n: "; wallop_nick = "%n$*"; wallop_action = "%K * $*%n "; # netsplits netsplit = "Netsplit nsplit = %b\"$*\"%n"; netjoin = "Netjoin njoin = %b\"$*\"%n"; # /names list names_prefix = ""; names_nick = "%g<%n$0$1-%g>%n "; names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}"; names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}"; names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}"; names_users = "%Mthis%n.chan = %Mnew%N Channel($1%n);"; names_channel = "\"%b$*\"%n"; # DCC dcc = "%g$*%n"; dccfile = "%_$*%_"; # DCC chat, own msg/action dccownmsg = "%g /* $0 ($1-) */"; dccownnick = "$*%n"; dccownquerynick = "$*%n"; dccownaction = "{action $*}"; dccownaction_target = "{action $*}"; # DCC chat, others dccmsg = "%g/* $1- ($0) */"; dccquerynick = "%g$*%n"; dccaction = "{action $*}"; ## ## statusbar/topicbar ## # default background for all statusbars. You can also give # the default foreground color for statusbar items. sb_background = "%n"; # default backround for "default" statusbar group #sb_default_bg = "%4"; # background for prompt / input line sb_prompt_bg = "%n"; # background for info statusbar sb_info_bg = "%8"; # background for topicbar (same default) #sb_topic_bg = "%4"; # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts # space there,so we don't use anything by default. sbstart = ""; # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never # used for anything. sbend = " "; topicsbstart = "%Mthis.%Ntopic = %b\"$*"; topicsbend = "$*%b\""; prompt = "$N@$* >>> "; sb = "%b<$*%b>%n"; sbmode = " mode=\"%g+%n$*\""; sbaway = " %g/* zZzZ */%n"; sbservertag = ":$0"; sbnickmode = "$0"; # activity in statusbar # ',' separator sb_act_sep = "%g$*%n"; # normal text sb_act_text = "%g$*%n"; # public message sb_act_msg = "%b$*%n"; # hilight sb_act_hilight = "%M$*%n"; hilight_color = "%M"; # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n"; }; ## ## Here we come to the funny part... ;) ## formats = { "fe-common/core" = { line_start_irssi = ""; join = "%Mthis%n.join = %Mnew%N Join(%b\"$0\"%n, $1, $2%n);"; part = "%Mthis%n.part = %Mnew%N Part($0, $1, %b\"$3\"%n);"; quit = "%Mthis%n.quit = %Mnew%N Quit($0, $1, %b\"$2\"%n);"; kick = "%Mthis%n.kick = %Mnew%N Kick($0, $1, $2, %b\"$3\"%n);"; new_topic = "%Mthis%N.topic = %Mnew%N Topic($0, $1, %b\"$2\"%n);"; invite = "%g// $0 invites you to join $1 ... let's see whats goin' on in there ;)"; topic_unset = "%g// $0 removed the topic of $1"; nick_changed = "%g// {channick $0} is now known as {nick $1}"; your_nick_changed = "%g// You are now wanted by the nick $1"; daychange = "%g// Time runs on and on and on and on and..... Day changed to %%d %%b %%Y"; query_start = "%g// Starting query in {server $1} with {nick $0}"; query_stop = "%g// Closing query with {nick $0}"; no_query = "%g// No query with {nick $0}"; query_server_changed = "%g// Query with {nick $0} changed to server {server $1}"; no_away_msgs = "%g// Nothing to log while you where gone..."; }; "fe-common/fe-text" = { paste_warning = "%g// Pasting $0 lines to $1. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel."; paste_prompt = "%g// Hit Ctrl-K to paste, Ctrl-C to abort?"; }; "fe-common/irc" = { joinerror_toomany = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You have joined to too many channels)"; joinerror_full = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is full)"; joinerror_invite = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You must be invited)"; joinerror_banned = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You are banned)"; joinerror_bad_key = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel key)"; joinerror_bad_mask = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel mask)"; joinerror_unavail = "%g// Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is temporarily unavailable)"; joinerror_duplicate = "%g// Channel {channel $0} already exists - cannot create it"; inviting = "%g// OMG, what have you done? You invited $0 to $1"; topic = "%g// Topic for $0 is: $1"; topic_info = "%g// Topic set by $0 $1 - $2"; no_topic = "%g// Looks like there is no topic in $0"; channel_synced = "%g// Join to $0 was synced in $1 secs"; channel_created = "%g// $0 was created on $1"; url = "%g// Homepage of $0 is $1"; chanmode_change = "%g// \"$1\" by $2"; channel_mode = "%g// Mode \"$1\" in $0"; server_chanmode_change = "%g// ServerMode \"$1\" by $2"; no_such_nick = "%g// Wooooops, no such nick/chan -> $0"; nick_away = "%g//$0 is away: $1"; usermode_change = "%g// Mode change $0 for user $1"; user_mode = "%g// Your user mode is $0"; away = "%g// OK, let's go..."; unaway = "%g// wb"; nick_in_use = "%g// Nick $0 is already taken"; nick_unavailable = "%g// Nick {nick $0} is temporarily unavailable"; your_nick_owned = "%g// Your nick is owned by {nick $3} {comment $1@$2} ... that bastard!!!"; whois = "%Mfor%N (whois, $0, $1@$2)%:{whois ircname $3}"; whowas = "%Mfor%N (whowas, $0, $1@$2)%:{whois ircname $3}"; end_of_whois = "}"; end_of_whowas = "}"; whois_not_found = "%g// There is noch such nick $0"; own_action = "{ownaction $0 $1}"; own_action_target = "{ownaction_target $0 $2 $1}"; action_private = "{pvtaction $0 $2}"; action_private_query = "{pvtaction_query $0 $2}"; action_public = "{pubaction $0 $1}"; action_public_channel = "{pubaction $0{msgchannel $1}$2}"; no_bans = "%g// No bans in $0"; bantype = "%g// Ban type changed to $0"; banlist = "%g// $0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2}"; banlist_long = "%g// Ban #$0 in {channel $1} {ban $2} by $3, $4 secs ago"; ebanlist = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1}"; ebanlist_long = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1} {comment $2, $3 secs ago}"; no_invitelist = "Invite list is empty in channel {channel $0}"; invitelist = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1}"; no_such_channel = "%g// {channel $0}: No such channel"; }; };