#! /usr/bin/ruby1.9.3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Hiroyuki Ito. ZXB01226@nifty.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =end # $Id: main.rb,v 1.9 2011/09/10 05:58:31 hito Exp $ require 'gtk2' require 'date' require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require "pasori" class Suica InOutType = { 0x2000 => '出場', 0x4000 => '出定', 0xa000 => '入場', 0xc000 => '入定', 0x0040 => '清算', } IN_OUT_TYPE_IN = [0xA0, 0xC0] TerminalType = { 0x03 => '精算機', 0x05 => '車載端末', 0x07 => '券売機', 0x08 => '券売機', 0x09 => '入金機', 0x12 => '券売機', 0x14 => '券売機等', 0x15 => '券売機等', 0x16 => '改札機', 0x17 => '簡易改札機', 0x18 => '窓口端末', 0x19 => '窓口端末', 0x1A => '改札端末', 0x1B => '携帯電話', 0x1C => '乗継精算機', 0x1D => '連絡改札機', 0x1F => '簡易入金機', 0x23 => '新幹線改札機', 0x46 => 'VIEW ALTTE', 0x48 => 'VIEW ALTTE', 0xC7 => '物販端末', 0xC8 => '自販機', } ExpenseType = { 0x01 => '改札出場', 0x02 => 'チャージ', 0x03 => '磁気券購入', 0x04 => '精算', 0x05 => '入場精算', 0x06 => '改札窓口処理', 0x07 => '新規発行', 0x08 => '窓口控除', 0x0d => 'バス', 0x0f => 'バス', 0x11 => '再発行処理', 0x13 => '支払(新幹線利用)', 0x14 => '入場時オートチャージ', 0x15 => '出場時オートチャージ', 0x1f => 'バスチャージ', 0x23 => 'バス路面電車企画券購入', 0x46 => '物販', 0x48 => '特典チャージ', 0x49 => 'レジ入金', 0x4a => '物販取消', 0x4b => '入場物販', 0xc6 => '現金併用物販', 0xcb => '入場現金併用物販', 0x84 => '他社精算', 0x85 => '他社入場精算', } TYPE_SHOP = 0xC7 TYPE_VEND = 0xC8 TYPE_CAR = 0x05 EXPENSE_TRAIN = [0x01] EXPENSE_TRAIN_MISC = [0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x11, 0x13, 0x84, 0x85] EXPENSE_TRAIN_ALL = [EXPENSE_TRAIN, EXPENSE_TRAIN_MISC].flatten EXPENSE_BUS = [0x0d, 0x0f, 0x23] EXPENSE_SHOP = [0x46, 0xc6, 0xcb] EXPENSE_CHARGE = [0x02, 0x1f, 0x49] EXPENSE_ACHARGE = [0x14, 0x15] EXPENSE_GIFT = [0x48] EXPENSE_CHARGE_ALL = [EXPENSE_CHARGE, EXPENSE_ACHARGE].flatten MARSHAL_FILE = "StationCode.bin" require 'csv' attr_reader :in_out, :history, :idm class DB DB_TYPE_TRAIN = 0 DB_TYPE_SHOP = 1 DB_TYPE_CAR = 3 DB_TYPE = [DB_TYPE_TRAIN, DB_TYPE_SHOP, DB_TYPE_CAR] DB_FILE = "StationCode" USER_FILE = "UserData" SHOP_REGION_SUICA = 1 SHOP_REGION_ICOCA = 2 SHOP_REGION_IRUCA = 4 attr_accessor :shop_region def initialize(path) @user_data = {} @db_shop = {} @db_car = {} @db_train = {} @db_path = path DB_TYPE.each {|type| read_db("#{path}/#{DB_FILE}#{type}.csv", 3, type, false) } @shop_region = SHOP_REGION_SUICA end def get_station(t, r, l, s) a = code2str(t, r, l, s) if (a) [a[0], a[1]] else if (s == -1 && l == -1) ["", ""] elsif (s == 0 && l == 0) ["", ""] else [sprintf("不明(%02x)", l), sprintf("不明(%02x)", s)] end end end def code2str(t, r, l, s) return ["",""] if ((l == 0 && s == 0) || (l.nil? && s.nil?)) case (t) when TYPE_SHOP, TYPE_VEND db = @db_shop r = @shop_region when TYPE_CAR db = @db_car t = -1 r = -1 else db = @db_train t = -1 end r = -1 if (r.nil?) t = -1 if (t.nil?) d = db[[t, r, l, s].pack("n4")] return d end def read_user_db DB_TYPE.each {|type| read_db("#{@db_path}/#{USER_FILE}#{type}.csv", 0, type, true) } end def read_db(file, skip, type, user_data) return unless (FileTest.readable?(file)) case (type) when DB_TYPE_TRAIN _read_db(@db_train, file, skip, [-1, 0, 1, 2], 3, 5, 9, user_data) when DB_TYPE_SHOP _read_db(@db_shop, file, skip, [ 1, 0, 2, 3], 4, 5, 8, user_data) when DB_TYPE_CAR _read_db(@db_car, file, skip, [-1, -1, 0, 1], 2, 4, 6, user_data) end end def _read_db(data, file, skip, key_col, col3, col4, col_num, user_data) i = 0 user_db = {} if (user_data) key_val = [0, 0, 0, 0] CSV.foreach(file) {|d| i += 1 next if (i < skip || d.size != col_num) begin key_col.each_with_index {|k, c| key_val[c] = (k < 0) ? -1: d[k].hex } rescue next end l = key_val.pack("n4") data[l] = [d[col3].to_s, d[col4].to_s] if (user_data) user_db[l] = [d[col3].to_s, d[col4].to_s] end } @user_data[file] = user_db if (user_data) data end def save_user_db DB_TYPE.each {|type| file = "#{@db_path}/#{USER_FILE}#{type}.csv" db = @user_data[file] next unless (db) _save_db(file, db) {|terminal, region, lcode, scode, l, s| case (type) when DB_TYPE_TRAIN [region, lcode, scode, l, nil, s, nil, nil, nil] when DB_TYPE_SHOP [region, terminal, lcode, scode, l, s, nil, nil] when DB_TYPE_CAR [lcode, scode, l, nil, s, nil] end } } end def _save_db(file, db, &block) dir = File.dirname(file) FileUtils.makedirs(dir) unless (File.exist?(dir)) begin File.open(file, "w") {|f| db.each {|key, val| code = key.unpack("n4") data = yield(code[0], code[1], code[2], code[3], val[0], val[1]) f.puts(Suica::ary2csv(data)) } } rescue => ever err_message("データ保存時にエラーが発生しました。\n#{ever.to_s}") end end def update_db(terminal, region, lcode, scode, l, s) case (terminal) when TYPE_SHOP, TYPE_VEND db = @db_shop db_type = DB_TYPE_SHOP region = @shop_region when TYPE_CAR db = @db_car terminal = -1 region = -1 db_type = DB_TYPE_CAR else db = @db_train terminal = -1 db_type = DB_TYPE_TRAIN end file = "#{@db_path}/#{USER_FILE}#{db_type}.csv" k = [terminal, region, lcode, scode].pack("n4") db[k] = [l, s] @user_data[file] = {} unless (@user_data.key?(file)) @user_data[file][k] = [l, s] end def get_train_region(r, l) if (r == 0 && l < 0x80) 0 elsif (r == 0 && l >= 0x80) 1 elsif (r == 1) 2 else 0 end end end class Data TYPE_IN_OUT = 0x00 TYPE_HISTORY = 0x01 attr_reader :data_type, :terminal, :manage_type, :date, :time, :in_line, :in_station, :out_line, :out_station, :balance, :expense, :number, :region, :binary def initialize(type, bin, db) @db = db @type = type case (type) when TYPE_IN_OUT parse_in_out_data(bin) when TYPE_HISTORY parse_history_data(bin) end update end def get_type(data) if (data[0] != 0 && data[1] == 0) TYPE_IN_OUT else TYPE_HISTORY end end def update case (@type) when TYPE_IN_OUT set_in_out_data when TYPE_HISTORY set_history_data end end def parse_history_data(data) d = data.unpack('CCnnCCCCvN') @data_type = TYPE_HISTORY @terminal = [d[0], nil] @manage_type = [d[1], nil] @date = [d[3], nil] case (d[0]) when TYPE_SHOP, TYPE_VEND @in_line = [d[6], nil] @in_station = [d[7], nil] @out_line = [nil, nil] @out_station = [nil, nil] @time = [((d[4] << 8) + d[5]) >> 5, nil] @region = [d[9] & 0xff, nil] when TYPE_CAR @in_line = [(d[4] << 8) + d[5], nil] @in_station = [(d[6] << 8) + d[7], nil] @out_line = [nil, nil] @out_station = [nil, nil] @time = [nil, nil] @region = [nil, nil] else @in_line = [d[4], nil] @in_station = [d[5], nil] @out_line = [d[6], nil] @out_station = [d[7], nil] @time = [nil, nil] @region = [(d[9] >> 4) & 0xf, nil] end @balance = [d[8], nil] @expense = [nil, nil] @number = [d[9] >> 8, nil] @binary = [data, nil] end def set_history_data @terminal[1] = check_val(TerminalType, @terminal[0]) @manage_type[1] = check_val(ExpenseType, @manage_type[0]) y = (@date[0] >> 9) + 2000 m = (@date[0] >> 5) & 0b1111 d = @date[0] & 0b11111 @date[1] = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d) @in_line[1], @in_station[1] = @db.get_station(@terminal[0], @region[0] ? (@region[0] >> 2) & 0x3 : @region[0], @in_line[0], @in_station[0]) @out_line[1], @out_station[1] = @db.get_station(@terminal[0], @region[0] ? @region[0] & 0x3: @region[0], @out_line[0], @out_station[0]) if(@time[0]) @time[1] = sprintf("%02d:%02d", @time[0] >> 6, @time[0] & 0x3f) else @time[1] = "" end @balance[1] = @balance[0].to_s @expense[1] = "" @number[1] = @number[0].to_s @region[1] = @region[0].to_s @binary[1] = Suica::hex_dump(@binary[0]) end def parse_in_out_data(data) d = data.unpack('nCCCCnnvN') @data_type = [TYPE_IN_OUT, NIL] @terminal = [nil, nil] @manage_type = [d[0], nil] @date = [d[5], nil] @time = [d[6], nil] if (IN_OUT_TYPE_IN.include?(d[0])) @in_line = [d[1], nil] @in_station = [d[2], nil] @out_line = [nil, nil] @out_station = [nil, nil] else @in_line = [nil, nil] @in_station = [nil, nil] @out_line = [d[1], nil] @out_station = [d[2], nil] end @balance = [nil, nil] @expense = [d[7], nil] @number = [nil, nil] @region = [d[8] & 0xff, nil] # Fix me: is it right? @binary = [data, nil] end def set_in_out_data y = (@date[0] >> 9) + 2000 m = (@date[0] >> 5) & 0x0f d = @date[0] & 0x1f row = [] @terminal[1] = "" @manage_type[1] = InOutType[@manage_type[0]] @date[1] = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d) @time[1] = sprintf("%02x:%02x", @time[0] >> 8, @time[0] & 0xff) @in_line[1], @in_station[1] = @db.get_station(@terminal[0], (@region[0] >> 2) & 0x3, @in_line[0], @in_station[0]) @out_line[1], @out_station[1] = @db.get_station(@terminal[0], @region[0] & 0x3, @out_line[0], @out_station[0]) @balance[1] = "" @expense[1] = @expense[0].to_s @number[1] = "" @region[1] = "" @binary[1] = Suica::hex_dump(@binary[0]) end def check_val(hash, val) v = hash[val] if (v) v else sprintf("不明(%02x)", val) end end def to_s @binary[1] end end def initialize(path) if (check_db_marshal(path)) File.open("#{path}/#{MARSHAL_FILE}", "r") {|f| @db = Marshal.load(f) } else @db = DB.new(path) end @db.read_user_db @idm = nil read_type("#{path}/InOut.csv", InOutType) read_type("#{path}/Terminal.csv", TerminalType) read_type("#{path}/Type.csv", ExpenseType) @db_path = path @user_type_modified = false end def shop_region=(region) @db.shop_region = region end def get_data Pasori.open {|pasori| felica = pasori.felica_polling(Felica::POLLING_SUICA) if (felica.nil?) felica = pasori.felica_polling(Felica::POLLING_IRUCA) end return if (felica.nil?) @idm = felica.idm @in_out = [] felica.foreach(Felica::SERVICE_SUICA_IN_OUT) {|l| @in_out.push(Data.new(Data::TYPE_IN_OUT, l, @db)) } @history = [] felica.foreach(Felica::SERVICE_SUICA_HISTORY) {|l| @history.push(Data.new(Data::TYPE_HISTORY, l, @db)) } felica.close } end def save_user_db @db.save_user_db end def update_db(data, lcode, scode, l, s) @db.update_db(data.terminal[0], data.region[0], lcode, scode, l, s) end def update_terminal(type, code, text) if (type == Data::TYPE_IN_OUT) InOutType[code] = text else TerminalType[code] = text end @user_type_modified = true end def update_type(code, text) ExpenseType[code] = text @user_type_modified = true end def save_db save_db_marshal("#{@db_path}/#{MARSHAL_FILE}") if (! check_db_marshal(@db_path)) end def save_user_data return unless (@user_type_modified) save_type("#{@db_path}/Terminal.csv", TerminalType) save_type("#{@db_path}/InOut.csv", InOutType) save_type("#{@db_path}/Type.csv", ExpenseType) end def read_type(file, hash) return unless (FileTest.readable?(file)) IO.foreach(file) { |l| a = l.chomp.split(',') hash[a[0].hex] = a[1] } end def save_type(file, hash) dir = File.dirname(file) FileUtils.makedirs(dir) unless (File.exist?(dir)) begin File.open(file, "w") {|f| hash.each {|k, v| f.printf("%02x,%s\n", k, v) } } rescue => ever err_message("データ保存時にエラーが発生しました。\n#{ever.to_s.toutf8}") end end def check_db_marshal(path) mfile = "#{path}/#{MARSHAL_FILE}" return false unless (File.exist?(mfile)) mstat = File.stat(mfile) DB::DB_TYPE.each {|type| dfile = "#{path}/#{DB::DB_FILE}#{type}.csv" dstat = File.stat(dfile) return false if (dstat.mtime - mstat.mtime > 0) } true end def save_db_marshal(file) File.open(file, "w") {|f| Marshal.dump(@db, f) } end def Suica::hex_dump(data) data.unpack("C*").map{|c| sprintf("%02X", c)}.join end def Suica::ary2csv(ary) l = ary.map {|d| if (d.kind_of?(Numeric)) sprintf("%x", d) elsif (d.kind_of?(String)) d = d.gsub('"', '""') if (d.index('"')) d = d.gsub(/.+/) {|m| %!"#{m}"!} if (d.index(',') || d.index('"')) d else d end } l.join(',') end end class MyLabel < Gtk::Label def initialize(s, f = false) super(s, f) self.xpad = 10 end end class Gtk::Window # Gtk::Window#parse_geometry is buggy now? def parse_geometry(geometry) geo = geometry.split(/([+\-])|x/) x = (geo[2] == "+") ? 1 : -1 x *= geo[3].to_i y = (geo[4] == "+") ? 1 : -1 y *= geo[5].to_i set_default_size(geo[0].to_i, geo[1].to_i) move(x, y) end end class TreeView < Gtk::TreeView def initialize(ts) super(ts) self.headers_visible = true self.rules_hint = true signal_connect("key-press-event") {|w, e| case (e.keyval) when Gdk::Keyval::GDK_space toggle_expand(w.selection.selected) end } end def toggle_expand(iter) return unless (iter) path = iter.path if (row_expanded?(path)) collapse_row(path) else expand_row(path, false) end end end class PopupMenu < Gtk::Menu def initialize super @register = Gtk::ImageMenuItem.new(Gtk::Stock::EDIT) @copy = Gtk::ImageMenuItem.new(Gtk::Stock::COPY) append(@register) append(@copy) self.show_all end def copy_event(&block) @copy.signal_connect("activate") {|w| yield(w) } end def register_event(&block) @register.signal_connect("activate") {|w| yield(w) } end def popup(iter, clipboard, button, time) @register.sensitive = ! iter.nil? @copy.sensitive = ! iter.nil? super(nil, nil, button, time) end end def err_message(str, type = Gtk::MessageDialog::ERROR) mes = Gtk::MessageDialog.new(GSuica, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL, type, Gtk::MessageDialog::BUTTONS_OK, str) mes.title = "Error" mes.run mes.destroy end def conf_message(str, default = true, type = Gtk::MessageDialog::QUESTION) mes = Gtk::MessageDialog.new(GSuica, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL, type, Gtk::MessageDialog::BUTTONS_YES_NO, str) if (default) mes.set_default_response(Gtk::MessageDialog::RESPONSE_YES) else mes.set_default_response(Gtk::MessageDialog::RESPONSE_NO) end mes.title = "Confirm" r = mes.run mes.destroy r == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_YES end class DialogWindow < Gtk::Window attr_reader :geometry def initialize(parent) super(Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL) @parent = parent signal_connect('delete-event') {|w, e| w.hide w.signal_emit_stop('delete-event') } @geometry = @parent.get_gconf("/window/#{self.class.to_s.gsub('Window','').downcase}_geometry") end def show if (self.visible?) self.present return end self.parse_geometry(@geometry) if (@geometry) self.show_all end def hide return unless (self.visible?) save_geometry self.hide_all end private def save_geometry @geometry = self.size.join('x') @geometry += self.position.collect{|v| sprintf('%+d', v)}.join('') @parent.set_gconf("/window/#{self.class.to_s.gsub('Window','').downcase}_geometry", @geometry) end end class EditWindow < DialogWindow PADDING = 2 def initialize(parent, suica) super(parent) @vbox =Gtk::VBox.new @title = "Gsuica Edit" @suica = suica set_modal(true) set_transient_for(parent) signal_connect('key-press-event') {|w, e| case (e.keyval) when Gdk::Keyval::GDK_W, Gdk::Keyval::GDK_w hide if ((e.state & Gdk::Window::CONTROL_MASK).to_i != 0) end } init add(@vbox) end def init frame = Gtk::Frame.new vbox = Gtk::VBox.new @label = [] @entry = [] @id = [] [ [_('端末'), Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL], [_('処理'), Suica::COLUMN_TYPE], [_('入線区'), Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE], [_('入場駅'), Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION], [_('出線区'), Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE], [_('出場駅'), Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION] ].each {|(title, col)| hbox = Gtk::HBox.new label = Gtk::Label.new(title+":") arrow = Gtk::Label.new("➔") id = Gtk::Entry.new id.width_chars = 8 id.editable = false id.can_focus = false entry = Gtk::Entry.new entry.width_chars = 20 entry.editable = true @id[col] = id @entry[col] = entry @label[col] = [label, arrow] hbox.pack_start(label, false, false, PADDING) hbox.pack_start(id, false, false, PADDING) hbox.pack_start(arrow, false, false, PADDING) hbox.pack_start(entry, true, true, PADDING) vbox.pack_start(hbox, true, true, PADDING) } frame.add(vbox) @vbox.pack_start(frame, true, true, PADDING) add_btns end def add_btns hbox = Gtk::HBox.new @ok_btn = Gtk::Button.new(Gtk::Stock::ADD) @cancel_btn = Gtk::Button.new(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL) @ok_btn.signal_connect("clicked") {|w| update_db @parent.update hide } @cancel_btn.signal_connect("clicked") {|w| hide } hbox.pack_end(@ok_btn, false, false, PADDING) hbox.pack_end(@cancel_btn, false, false, PADDING) @vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, false, PADDING) end def update_db update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL, @data.terminal) update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_TYPE, @data.manage_type) update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE, @data.in_line) update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION, @data.in_station) update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE, @data.out_line) update_each_data(Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION, @data.out_station) end def update_each_data(i, data) if (@id[i] && data[0] && @entry[i].text != data[1] && data[1].length >= 0) case (i) when Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE, Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION @suica.update_db(@data, @data.in_line[0], @data.in_station[0], @entry[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE].text, @entry[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION].text) when Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE, Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION @suica.update_db(@data, @data.out_line[0], @data.out_station[0], @entry[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE].text, @entry[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION].text) when Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL @suica.update_terminal(type, data[0], @entry[i].text) when Suica::COLUMN_TYPE @suica.update_type(data[0], @entry[i].text) end end end def show(data) @data = data case data.terminal[0] when Suica::TYPE_SHOP, Suica::TYPE_VEND @label[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE][0].text = _("会社:") @label[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION][0].text = _("店舗:") else @label[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE][0].text = _("入線区:") @label[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION][0].text = _("入場駅:") end set_val(Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL, data.terminal) set_val(Suica::COLUMN_TYPE, data.manage_type) set_val(Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE, data.in_line) set_val(Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION, data.in_station) set_val(Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE, data.out_line) set_val(Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION, data.out_station) super() end def set_val(i, val) if (@id[i]) if (val[0].nil? || val[1].nil?) @id[i].sensitive = false @entry[i].sensitive = false @label[i][0].sensitive = false @label[i][1].sensitive = false @id[i].text = "" @entry[i].text = "" else @id[i].sensitive = true @entry[i].sensitive = true @label[i][0].sensitive = true @label[i][1].sensitive = true @id[i].text = sprintf("%02X", val[0]) @entry[i].text = val[1] end end end end class InformationView < TreeView PAD = 2 def initialize(parent, suica, clipboard) super(Gtk::TreeStore.new(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Suica::Data)) @parent = parent @clipboard = clipboard @suica = suica init end def init renderer_s = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer_n = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer_n.xalign = 1.0 [ [_('端末'), Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL, renderer_s, true], [_('処理'), Suica::COLUMN_TYPE, renderer_s, true], [_('日付'), Suica::COLUMN_DATE, renderer_s, true], [_('時刻'), Suica::COLUMN_TIME, renderer_s, true], [_('入線区'), Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE, renderer_s, true], [_('入場駅'), Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION, renderer_s, true], [_('出線区'), Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE, renderer_s, true], [_('出場駅'), Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION, renderer_s, true], [_('残高'), Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE, renderer_n, true], [_('支出'), Suica::COLUMN_EXPENCE, renderer_n, true], [_('連番'), Suica::COLUMN_NUMBER, renderer_n, true], [_('地域'), Suica::COLUMN_REGION, renderer_n, false], ].each {|(title, id, renderer, visible)| column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(title, renderer, :text => id) column.clickable = false column.resizable = true column.visible = visible append_column(column) } column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new('', renderer_s) column.visible = false append_column(column) clear @popup_menu = PopupMenu.new @popup_menu.register_event {|w| itr = selection.selected if (itr) @parent.show_edit_window(itr[Suica::COLUMN_BINARY]) end } @popup_menu.copy_event {|w| itr = selection.selected @clipboard.text = (0..Suica::COLUMN_BINARY).map {|i| itr[i].to_s }.join(',') } signal_connect('button-press-event') {|w, e| if e.kind_of? Gdk::EventButton itr = selection.selected if (itr && itr.parent && e.button == 3) @popup_menu.popup(itr, @clipboard, e.button, e.time) end end } set_size_request(480, 200) selection.mode = Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE end def selected selection.selected end def save @file_dialog = Gtk::FileChooserDialog.new("Save File", @parent, Gtk::FileChooser::ACTION_SAVE, nil, [Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CANCEL], [Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT]) unless (@file_dialog) @file_dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(true); if (@file_dialog.run == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT) _save(@file_dialog.filename) end @file_dialog.hide end def _save(file) File.open(file, "w") {|f| n = @history.n_children (0...n - 1).each {|i| row = @history.nth_child(i) a = (0..Suica::COLUMN_BINARY).map {|j| row[j].to_s } f.puts(ary2csv(a)) } } end def update_data _update_data(@in_out) _update_data(@history) update end def _update_data(iter) n = iter.n_children (0...n).each {|j| row = iter.nth_child(j) a = row[Suica::COLUMN_BINARY] a.update set_data(row, a) } end def update expand_all n = @history.n_children return if (n < 1) row = @history.nth_child(n - 1) return if (row.nil?) balance = row[Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE].to_i (0...n - 1).each {|i| row = @history.nth_child(n - 2 - i) b = row[Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE].to_i row[Suica::COLUMN_EXPENCE] = (balance - b).to_s balance = b } end def append_in_out(data) row = model.append(@in_out) set_data(row, data) end def append_history(data) return if (data.number[0] < 1) row = model.append(@history) set_data(row, data) end def set_data(row, data) row[Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL] = data.terminal[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_TYPE] = data.manage_type[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_DATE] = data.date[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_TIME] = data.time[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE] = data.in_line[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION] = data.in_station[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE] = data.out_line[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION] = data.out_station[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE] = data.balance[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_EXPENCE] = data.expense[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_NUMBER] = data.number[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_REGION] = data.region[1] row[Suica::COLUMN_BINARY] = data end def clear model.clear @in_out = model.append(nil) @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL] = _("入出場記録") @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_TYPE] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_DATE] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_TIME] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE] = "" @in_out[Suica::COLUMN_EXPENCE] = "" @history = model.append(nil) @history[Suica::COLUMN_TERMINAL] = _("履歴") @history[Suica::COLUMN_TYPE] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_DATE] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_TIME] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_IN_LINE] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_IN_STATION] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_LINE] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_OUT_STATION] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_BALANCE] = "" @history[Suica::COLUMN_EXPENCE] = "" end end class SetupWindow < DialogWindow SHOP_REGION_VAL = [ ["Suica/PASMO", 1], ["ICOCA", 2], ["IruCa", 4], ] def initialize(parent) super(parent) self.modal = true self.transient_for = parent vbox = Gtk::VBox.new hbox = create_panel vbox.pack_start(hbox) vbox.pack_end(create_root_btns, false, false, 4) self.title = "#{APP_NAME} setup" add(vbox) signal_connect('delete-event') {|w, e| w.cancel w.signal_emit_stop('delete-event') } end def ok @parent.set_gconf('/general/conf_quit', @conf_quit.active?) @parent.set_gconf('/general/shop_region', SHOP_REGION_VAL[@shop_region.active][1]) hide end def cancel hide end def show super @conf_quit.active = (@parent.get_gconf('/general/conf_quit').to_s == "true") shop_region = @parent.get_gconf('/general/shop_region').to_i shop_region = 1 if (shop_region.nil?) index = 0 SHOP_REGION_VAL.each_index {|i| index = i if (SHOP_REGION_VAL[i][1] == shop_region) } @shop_region.active = index end def hide super end private def add_option(vbox, lable_str, *widget) hbox = Gtk::HBox.new hbox.pack_start(MyLabel.new(lable_str), false, false, 0) if (lable_str) widget.each {|w| if (w.instance_of?(Gtk::Entry)) hbox.pack_start(w, true, true, 4) else hbox.pack_start(w, false, false, 4) end } vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, false, 10) end def create_panel hbox = Gtk::HBox.new(true, 1) vbox = Gtk::VBox.new @conf_quit = Gtk::CheckButton.new(_("終了時に確認する")) add_option(vbox, nil, @conf_quit) @shop_region = Gtk::ComboBox.new SHOP_REGION_VAL.each {|k| @shop_region.append_text(k[0]) } add_option(vbox, "店舗エリア:", @shop_region) hbox.pack_start(Gtk::Frame.new.add(vbox)) hbox end def create_shop_region_combo_box end def create_root_btns create_btns([ [:@setup_ok_btn, Gtk::Stock::OK, :ok, :pack_end], [:@setup_cancel_btn, Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, :cancel, :pack_end] ], 10) end def create_btns(data, pad = 0) hbox = Gtk::HBox.new data.each {|b| btn = Gtk::Button.new(b[1]) btn.signal_connect("clicked") {|w| send(b[2]) } hbox.send(b[3], btn, false, false, pad) instance_variable_set(b[0], btn) } hbox end end class GSuica_ui < Gtk::Window def initialize(suica) super(Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL) @suica = suica @app_conf = GsuicaConfig.new(CONF_FILE) signal_connect('delete_event'){|w, e| close w.signal_emit_stop('delete-event') } signal_connect('destroy_event'){|w, e| close w.signal_emit_stop('destroy_event') } @window_group = Gtk::WindowGroup.new @window_group.add(self) @clipboard = self.get_clipboard(Gdk::Atom.new(0)) @tree_view = InformationView.new(self, suica, @clipboard) set_shop_region scrolled_window = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new scrolled_window.hscrollbar_policy = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC scrolled_window.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC scrolled_window.add(@tree_view) vbox = Gtk::VBox.new set_icon(Icon) create_ui(vbox) vbox.pack_start(scrolled_window, true, true, 0) add(vbox) end def create_ui(vbox) @ui = Gtk::UIManager.new @action_group = Gtk::ActionGroup.new(APP_NAME); define_action_item(@action_group) @ui.insert_action_group(@action_group, 0) @accel_group = @ui.accel_group add_accel_group(@accel_group); ui = < EOF @ui.add_ui(ui) w = @ui.get_widget("/MenuBar") vbox.pack_start(w, false, false, 0) w = @ui.get_widget("/Toolbar") vbox.pack_start(w, false, false, 0) end def define_action_item(action_group) [ [ "FileReadAction", _('読込(_R)'), _('データの読込'), proc{open}, Gtk::Stock::CONNECT, ], [ "FileSaveAction", _('保存(_S)'), _('データの保存'), proc{save}, Gtk::Stock::SAVE, ], [ "FileQuitAction", _("終了(_Q)"), _("プログラムの終了"), proc{close}, Gtk::Stock::QUIT, ], [ "EditCopyAction", _("コピー(_C)"), _("データのコピー"), proc{ itr = @tree_view.selected if (itr) @clipboard.text = (0..Suica::COLUMN_BINARY).map {|i| itr[i].to_s }.join(',') end }, Gtk::Stock::COPY, ], [ "EditEditAction", _("編集(_E)"), _("データの編集"), proc{ itr = @tree_view.selected show_edit_window(itr[Suica::COLUMN_BINARY]) if (itr) }, Gtk::Stock::EDIT, ], [ "SettingPreferenceAction", _("設定(_P)"), _("環境設定"), proc{show_setup_win}, Gtk::Stock::PREFERENCES, ], [ "HelpAboutAction", _("情報(_A)"), _("このプログラムについて"), proc{create_about}, Gtk::Stock::ABOUT, ], [ "FileMenuAction", _("ファイル(_F)"), _("ファイルメニュー"), nil, nil, ], [ "EditMenuAction", _("編集(_E)"), _("編集メニュー"), nil, nil, ], [ "SettingMenuAction", _("設定(_S)"), _("設定メニュー"), nil, nil, ], [ "HelpMenuAction", _("ヘルプ(_H)"), _("ヘルプメニュー"), nil, nil, ], ].each { |item| action = Gtk::Action.new(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[4]) if (item[3]) action.signal_connect("activate") { item[3].call } end action_group.add_action(action) } action_group.translation_domain = nil end def set_action_sensitive(name, state) action = @action_group.get_action(name) action.sensitive = state if (action) end def init() @app_conf.read main_size = get_gconf('/window/main_geomtry') self.parse_geometry(main_size) if (main_size) set_action_sensitive("FileSaveAction", false) show_all end def update @tree_view.update_data end def open @tree_view.clear begin @suica.get_data @suica.in_out.each {|l| @tree_view.append_in_out(l) } @suica.history.each {|l| @tree_view.append_history(l) } @tree_view.update set_action_sensitive("FileSaveAction", true) rescue => ever err_message("データの読込に失敗しました。\n#{ever.to_s}") set_action_sensitive("FileSaveAction", false) end end def save @tree_view.save end def close if (get_gconf('/general/conf_quit').to_s != "true" || conf_message(_('プログラムを終了しますか?'), false)) @suica.save_user_db @suica.save_user_data @suica.save_db save_win_size @app_conf.save Gtk::main_quit end end def save_win_size main_geom = self.size.join('x') main_geom += self.position.collect{|v| sprintf('%+d', v)}.join('') set_gconf('/window/main_geomtry', main_geom) end def set_gconf(path, val) @app_conf["#{CONF_PATH}#{path}"] = val unless (val.nil?) end def get_gconf(path) @app_conf["#{CONF_PATH}#{path}"] end def show_setup_win if (@setup_win.nil?) @setup_win = SetupWindow.new(self) @setup_win.signal_connect('hide') {|w| set_shop_region @tree_view.update } end @setup_win.show end def set_shop_region shop_region = get_gconf('/general/shop_region').to_i @suica.shop_region = shop_region if (shop_region) end def show_edit_window(data) return unless (data) @edit_window = EditWindow.new(self, @suica) unless (@edit_window) @edit_window.show(data) end def create_about Gtk::AboutDialog.show(self, { "program-name" => APP_NAME, "version" => APP_VERSION, "copyright" => COPY_RIGHT, "comments" => "Suica データ表示プログラム", "authors" => APP_AUTHORS, "logo" => Icon, }) end end class GsuicaConfig def initialize(conf_file) @conf = {} @file = conf_file read end def read return unless (File.exist?(@file)) File.open(@file, "r:utf-8") { |f| f.each { |l| l.chomp! n = l.index("\t") key = l[0..(n - 1)] val = l[(n + 1)..- 1] @conf[key] = val } } end def save File.open(@file, "w:utf-8") {|f| @conf.each {|k, v| f.puts("#{k}\t#{v}") } } end def get_conf(key) @conf[key] end def set_conf(key, val) @conf[key] = val end def [](key) get_conf(key) end def []=(key, val) set_conf(key, val) end end $SUICA_XPM = [ '128 128 336 2', ' c None', '. c #040303', '+ c #1E1718', '@ c #1D1617', '# c #1E1618', '$ c #D8A2AC', '% c #CE9BA4', '& c #251C1D', '* c #FFC9D5', '= c #FFC0CB', '- c #FEBFCA', '; c #FFC3CE', '> c #FFC6D1', ', c #FFC2CD', '" c #FFC6D2', ') c #FFC8D4', '! c #C3939B', '~ c #846369', '{ c #89666D', '] c #86656B', '^ c #DAA4AD', '/ c #FFC5D1', '( c #FFC1CC', '_ c #FFC8D3', ': c #D09DA5', '< c #BD8E96', '[ c #FFC7D2', '} c #C09099', '| c #413033', '1 c #000000', '2 c #694F53', '3 c #BC8E96', '4 c #DAA4AE', '5 c #7C5E63', '6 c #010000', '7 c #684E53', '8 c #D29EA7', '9 c #FFC4D0', '0 c #D6A1AA', 'a c #AE838B', 'b c #FDBFCA', 'c c #4A383B', 'd c #040203', 'e c #564144', 'f c #F9BBC6', 'g c #A97F86', 'h c #0E0B0B', 'i c #070506', 'j c #72565B', 'k c #FFCCD8', 'l c #D8A2AB', 'm c #B1858D', 'n c #281E20', 'o c #030202', 'p c #36292B', 'q c #926E75', 'r c #FFCEDA', 's c #FFC7D3', 't c #A97F87', 'u c #100C0C', 'v c #030203', 'w c #8D6A70', 'x c #1A1314', 'y c #826167', 'z c #B3878F', 'A c #21181A', 'B c #010101', 'C 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