#!/usr/bin/perl # # update-inetd: a utility to add entries to the /etc/inetd.conf file # # Copyright (C) 1995 Peter Tobias # # update-inetd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # update-inetd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with update-inetd; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # require 5.000; require DebianNet; $version = "0.95"; $0 =~ s#.*/##; while ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { $_ = shift(@ARGV); if (/--help$/) { &usage; } elsif (/--version$/) { &version; } elsif (/--add$/) { $mode="add"; } elsif (/--remove$/) { $mode="remove"; } elsif (/--enable$/) { $mode="enable"; } elsif (/--disable$/) { $mode="disable"; } elsif (/--verbose$/) { $DebianNet::verbose = "true"; } elsif (/--debug$/) { $debug = "true"; } elsif (/--file$/) { $file = shift(@ARGV); die "$0: Option \`--file' requires an argument\n" unless ($file and not ($file =~ m/^--/)); $DebianNet::inetdcf = $file; } elsif (/--group$/) { $group = shift(@ARGV); die "$0: Option \`--group' requires an argument\n" unless ($group and not ($group =~ m/^--/)); } elsif (/--comment-chars$/) { $sep = shift(@ARGV); die "$0: Option \`--comment-chars' requires an argument\n" unless ($sep); die "$0: The comment characters do not start with a \`#'!\n" unless ($sep =~ /^#/); $DebianNet::sep = $sep; } elsif (/--pattern$/) { $pattern = shift(@ARGV); die "$0: Option \`--pattern' requires an argument\n" unless ($pattern and not ($pattern =~ m/^--/)); } else { print "$0: Unknown option: $_\n"; print "Try \`$0 --help' for more information.\n"; exit(1); } } $group = "OTHER" unless ($group); &usage unless($mode); die "You must be root to run this script.\n" if ($> != 0); if ($#ARGV > 0) { print "Too many arguments!\n"; } elsif ($#ARGV == -1) { print "Too few arguments!\n"; } else { $modearg = $ARGV[0]; die "The service name may not include a whitespace character!\n" if (($mode eq "enable" or $mode eq "disable") and ($modearg =~ /\s+|\\t/)); die "The entry definition does not contain any whitespace characters!\n" if ($mode eq "add" and not ($modearg =~ /\s+|\\t/)); } print "Processing $DebianNet::inetdcf\n" if (defined($DebianNet::verbose)); print "Using mode \"$mode\", group \"$group\", pattern \"$pattern\" and seperator \"$DebianNet::sep\"\n" if (defined($debug)); print "ARGUMENT: $modearg\n" if (defined($debug)); if ($mode eq "add") { DebianNet::add_service($modearg, $group); } elsif ($mode eq "remove") { DebianNet::remove_service($modearg); } elsif ($mode eq "enable") { @arglst = split(/,/, $modearg); while(@arglst) { $_ = shift(@arglst); DebianNet::enable_service($_, $pattern); } } elsif ($mode eq "disable") { @arglst = split(/,/, $modearg); while(@arglst) { $_ = shift(@arglst); DebianNet::disable_service($_, $pattern); } } else { die "Mode = \`$modearg'? This should not happen!\n"; } sub version { print "$0 $version\n"; print "DebianNet module $DebianNet::version\n"; exit(0); } sub usage { print <